How bad guys are made

Chapter 671 Husband and wife bedside chapter

Chapter 671

"I know." Zhang Hanhan's voice was very soft, but he was sure. This made Wendong a little speechless. He knew that he would save her, so why would he still think about the dire consequences if he didn't?I really don't understand.

After Zhang Hanhan finished speaking, he was silent again, let Wendong hold his little hand, but gave up after a struggle, as if he was appointed, and continued after a while: "You must not know what I was thinking at that time, hehe, I was thinking at the time, This bastard Wen Dong has some advantages, and he is not completely useless. At least, he dares to stand up when his wife is taken advantage of by others. When his woman is in danger, he can stand up even more regardless of his life. Your marriage is my own choice, no matter how hard it is or how tiring it is, I admit it, you are my husband for the rest of my life."

"Hehe..." Wen Dong also laughed, and of course it was a wry smile, but at this moment, he suddenly felt very strange, perhaps because Zhang Hanhan's voice was calm, and he didn't feel much guilt, so he suddenly turned around to face Zhang Hanhan , in the dim room, one can clearly see Zhang Hanhan lying beside him quietly looking at the ceiling, with a smile on his face, and his eyes are very bright, like bright stars in the dark night.

Sensing Wen Dong's turn, Zhang Hanhan's expression flustered for a moment and then he calmed down. Then, unexpectedly, Wen Dong also turned around and lay face to face with Wen Dong on the same pillow. The distance between their faces was less than ten centimeters. , You can clearly feel the hot air exhaled by the other party while breathing, but at this moment, the two of them are equally calm in tacit understanding, without any other thoughts.

She stretched out her little hand to caress Wen Dong's cheek, and smiled slightly at Wen Dong, smiling lightly, but Wen Dong still felt thrillingly beautiful, and stretched out her hand to hold her hand on her face, she didn't struggle. , and heard her continue: "Do you know what I would do if you left at that moment?"

Wen Dong shook his head and didn't dare to guess. Zhang Hanhan seemed easy to bully, but Wen Dong knew that she had a very tough character.

"Hehe..." Zhang Hanhan smiled again, with a hint of indescribable happiness in her eyes. She didn't say that if Wendong really left, then she would choose to commit suicide without hesitation and would never let those hooligans Touch yourself, but it is no longer necessary now. Wendong's actions have proved that her assumption is not true at all, let alone become a reality.

"The thing that made me react the most was the scene where you jumped off the viaduct. I was terrified at that time, really." Zhang Hanhan smiled at the corners of his brows, rubbed his cheek with his thumb, and continued: "You don't Knowing how scared I was at that moment, even I didn't know it myself. If you really died, I think I would jump down to accompany you without hesitation. I have imagined countless romantic love scenarios before, But now I realize that those so-called romances on TV are fake and unrealistic at all. The moment you heard that I was making trouble for no reason but still jumped off the viaduct to find stockings for me, I was scared and touched, and I cried. I never thought that I would cry so sad for a man, but I suddenly felt very happy. And when I saw you appearing in front of me dripping, especially with my socks hanging around your neck, look It sounds funny, but I feel more distressed, it’s not an illusion, it’s really distressed, I don’t know if this is love, if it is, then it must be true love, not a momentary touch or a momentary excitement or the mystery of you I really feel sorry for the illusion of falling in love with you brought to me because of this feeling. It can only show that you have really entered my heart, my world, and become a part of my life. Regarding your previous response, then I I answer now too, I love you too..."

Zhang Hanhan spoke softly, as if talking to herself, or as if she was talking to Wendong, shed tears again without realizing it, but this time even she didn't know whether it was happiness, touch, or Sad and disappointed...

Wen Dong has been listening quietly, without saying a word, he doesn't know what to say.

To be honest, marrying Zhang Hanhan has always been like a dream to Wendong, he has no way of guessing why she wants to marry him, she loves himself?Wendong really didn't see it, and because of this, Wendong was cautious, even afraid. He was afraid that such a marriage would really be like a bubble, which would burst if touched, so it would be best not to touch it. It seems like a good decision for him to be with Zhang Hanhan like this, at least they are still together.

I am an idle bastard, but Zhang Hanhan is the real noble goddess, he will really feel inferior in front of her, so inferior that he thinks she will never fall in love with him, because he has nothing to love at all, so since he can't Remember it with love, then hate it, so when I am sure that I really like this woman and come into contact with Zhang Hanhan, I will be angry with her, and she will gnash her teeth so angry, at least let her remember me, right?

But at this time, Zhang Hanhan's change shocked him. He didn't expect that Zhang Hanhan's heart would undergo such a major change in this short day, which was beyond his imagination, and he didn't expect that she would actually say something to him. These three words, like the sounds of nature, also possessed infinite magic power, causing Wendong's eyes to glisten for a moment...

Her hand gently stroking his cheek was so gentle, and her voice was soft but firm, which made him suddenly feel guilty for the woman beside him who poured out his heart...

He was thinking, if he really wanted to confide his heart that day, Zhang Hanhan must be the first to know. No matter what decision she would make after knowing, Wen Dong was still very sure that she would never So leave yourself.

Zhang Hanhan was silent for a while, looking forward to the teardrop eyes, looking at the dark and fuzzy cheeks of Wendong, and smiled softly: "Whether it is appointment or willingness, I have figured it out now, you are my husband, This is my own choice. No matter what I do, I will not take the initiative to change it. You are the man who will accompany me for the rest of my life. I also know that I was deliberately treating you with sincerity, because you always failed to do what I expected Yes, but in the future, I won't, you are you, you are my husband."

Wen Dong's eyes widened, looking at Zhang Hanhan's serious expression in disbelief.

"I knew you were having an affair, even before I decided to marry you, although I don't know why I married you in a daze..." Zhang Hanhan said softly, as if he didn't see the excitement on Wendong's face: "And I still don’t know He Qing and Lin Xiaoxi, these two women, but it’s not all your fault, it’s also my fault. If I had accepted you from the beginning, maybe so many things wouldn’t have happened. I know now that you give up on them for me I definitely can't do it, and I won't force you, I will treat you in my own way in the future, I will let you take it easy, and we will live a solid life together."

Wendong looked at Zhang Hanhan's serious look, and suddenly sighed softly: "Zhang Hanhan, actually, you don't need to wrong yourself so much, I know what kind of guy I am, you look down on me in your heart, it's right to look down on people like me , you don't need to wrong yourself to accommodate me, I'm not worthy of you at all."

"I didn't accommodate you. As for whether I'm really wronged, I know it in my heart." Zhang Hanhan looked at Wendong with a smile, and said: "You have always told me that you are inferior in front of me, but in fact, you don't need to be inferior at all. , From the scars on your body, I can also guess that many stories must have happened to you. I once heard a sentence from an employee of the company. People like me who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths can’t understand some stories at all. I lived a superior life, and after graduation, I was directly seated in the position that a person like Lanyun, who has worked so hard for a lifetime, would hardly be able to sit in the position, so I have been working hard, not letting up every day, and trying to integrate into and even experience this You are in a state of hard work. And you can achieve what you are now, and it is definitely not something you can do all day long. No one knows how much effort you have made in front of others. I have always been I don't care, but I won't now, and I'm waiting for the day when you tell me all your own stories, whether it's good or bad, happy or painful, I believe you will tell me one day mine."

Wen Dong stared and said, there was a deep bitterness in his eyes, Zhang Hanhan didn't see this hidden bitterness, and she was really wrong, when she really worked hard, she should learn from the old cripple At that time, as for later, I just got a powerful system by luck.

Wendong opened her mouth, but she still didn't say anything, she turned around suddenly, closed her eyes, lay down and said leisurely: "Tomorrow we will go to Lin Xiaoxi, there are some things I have to face, I hope they can be resolved ,Goodnight husband."

After saying this, Zhang Hanhan turned his back to Wendong, and after a while, he heard the sound of even breathing, and fell asleep peacefully.

Wen Dong opened his mouth at this moment and did not close it, dumbstruck, what did Zhang Hanhan just say?Looking for Lin Xiaoxi tomorrow?What is she going to do?The two won't pinch each other, will they?Even if Wen Dong knew them well, it would definitely not be the case, but what about the shrew Cheng Yanan?

Thinking of Cheng Yanan, especially the madness of the two in the car a few days ago, Wen Dong couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Forget it, don't think about it, Zhang Hanhan can do whatever he likes, Wen Dong thinks that at least she won't bully Lin Xiaoxi with her power, she definitely won't, then it will be easier.

With a mess in my heart, I looked up at Zhang Hanhan who was sleeping deeply with his back turned to him, but couldn't help crying and laughing. This woman actually fell asleep in his bed, so relieved?

And what moved his heart the most was Zhang Hanhan's last sentence.

'Goodnight husband'

Such a common sentence, an ordinary couple would say such a sentence almost every day, but when Wen Dong heard Zhang Hanhan say this sentence, his heart suddenly became heavy...

(End of this chapter)

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