How bad guys are made

Chapter 673 Praying Mantis Oriole

Chapter 673 Praying Mantis Oriole
After leaving Lanyue Cafe, Lina drove back to her residence.

At this time, she was wrapped in a narrow bathrobe, revealing a beautiful figure that became more and more sexy. At this time, she was leaning comfortably on the sofa with a glass of red wine, talking on her mobile phone, Beside him stood a woman with the same figure.

Dressed in a tight black outfit, with neat hair and a expressionless face, she stood next to Lina without looking sideways, motionless. She looked like a puppet at first glance, and it was Qingqing, Lina's bodyguard.

Lina reached out and put down the goblet gracefully, but her expression was not as relaxed as it seemed, and her expression was cold and unhappy.

"He Wenlong, I've already done what you told me. I hope you can keep your word and let me leave safely." Lina said angrily.

Obviously, what she said to Li Binger in the coffee shop just now was what He Wenlong threatened her to do. The purpose was obvious, which was to tie her to his boat. Lina lied to Li Binger, and Li Binger was Wen Dong Therefore, she and Wendong will never have a chance to cooperate again, and He Wenlong is also a blatant way of alienation.

At this moment, Lina had no choice but to do so. Now that He Wenlong was powerful, she didn't want to die strangely on the way.

"Of course, although I, He Wenlong, is not a good person, I have always been kind to my own people. And, thank you, Miss Lina, for the gift. Go well, and I won't give it to you." He Wenlong's voice sounded from the phone, The tone is light and arrogant.

"I hope so."


After hanging up the phone, Lina threw the phone on the sofa angrily, picked up the goblet and drank all the red wine in it, because she knew that He Wenlong's "little gift" just now was a pun at all. He Wenlong also wanted her bodyguard Qingqing.

Qingqing on the side turned slightly to look at her, she knew it, but remained silent as always.

After a while, Lina finally straightened up, looked up at Qingqing, and sighed: "You go first, then I will go to the airport by myself."

"Miss, can't you tell the people above? It's not safe for you to go back by yourself, and I don't want to stay with that man." Qingqing said with a frown, her voice was very clear and sweet, and she seemed to be around twenty at most.

"I don't want you to go either, but you know it." Lina sighed, then suddenly raised her head and said coldly: "Don't worry, I will take back everything I have sooner or later, and you won't lose everything when you go to He Wenlong." There is no danger, remember, everything is for your own safety."

"Go." Seeing Qingqing's silence, Lina closed her eyes and lay down on the sofa again, waving her hands and saying.

"Miss, take care." Qingqing bowed to Lina, turned around and left without delay.

It wasn't until the sound of closing the door that Lina opened her eyes leisurely, and quietly looked at the closed door, a strange color flashed in her eyes, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she sneered...


The Buluohuangcheng Nightclub is located in the bustling section of Shuishi. Whether it is the local rich or foreign tourists in Shuishi, they like to come here to play, because the law and order here is good, and there are few things, because this area belongs to the Tianlan Gang. Buluohuangcheng is the headquarters of the Tianlan Gang.

And there are two aspects of law and order, one is that no one will dare to make trouble here, and the other is that the police will not come to investigate.

Buluohuangcheng has an entire eight-story building. At first glance, it doesn't look like a nightclub at all, but more like a luxurious office building or an international hotel.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Buluohuangcheng is basically a comprehensive nightclub.

The entire seventh and eighth floors of the nightclub are all luxurious living rooms, which are naturally used for some wealthy businessmen to have fun and rest.

At this time, a scene was going on in a certain luxuriously decorated presidential suite on the seventh and eighth floors, and the strange sound inside resounded for more than half an hour before gradually subsiding.

In the luxurious living room, the crystal chandelier is bright and glazed, and two black leather jackets and leather pants are scattered on the big purple sofa beside the coffee table. On a soft big bed in the bedroom, there is a naked woman Xiang sweat dripping lying on the bed.

He Wenlong was leaning on the head of the bed and smoking a cigarette with a face full of comfort. It was strange that his hand, which Wen Dong had abolished, had grown back at this time, but thinking of the powerful war machine that Doctor Who reproduced and pretended to be It can all be made, and it is not surprising that He Wenlong has grown a hand again.

He Wenlong held a cigarette in one hand, and stroked the short hair of the woman in his arms with the other, feeling comfortable and comfortable.

And this woman, isn't Qingqing, Lina's personal bodyguard?

At this time, she had a contented face, a smile on her mouth, and an undiminished spring on her brows. She was as cold and inarticulate as she was when she was beside Lina, and she was simply a slut on the bed.


He Wenlong reached out and picked up the phone to have a look, then smiled, shook the phone in front of Qingqing's eyes, and said with a smile: "Your old master is gone, you must have left."

"What old master, that woman is not my master, I only have a man, even you Wenlong." Qingqing showed a hint of reluctance in her eyes, and said coquettishly and flatteringly with her lips pursed.

"Haha, yes." He Wenlong laughed happily, put down the phone, and picked up Qingqing again and put it on his body.

"She is not my master. In her eyes, I am just a machine that only obeys orders. She doesn't treat me as a human being. Only when I am with you can I feel that I live like a human being. I know what It's love, and only with you can we eat meat." Qingqing snorted softly.

"Haha, yes, there is meat to eat."

"Bastard, Wenlong, why are you so bad!" Qingqing pouted angrily, raised her powder fist and hit.

Unexpectedly, He Wenlong stretched out his hand and grabbed Qingqing's wrist. Before she could doubt, He Wenlong said seriously: "Get up, dress me up, I want to meet an important person."

Qingqing was taken aback by He Wenlong's serious expression, and she frowned suspiciously: "Is there anyone else in Shuishi who can make you pay so much attention? Could it be those annoying scouts?"

"Of course they don't have the qualifications." He Wenlong pouted, put down Qingqing's hand and said seriously: "It's the boss."

"Oh, I see." Hearing this, Qingqing stuck out her tongue, turned her head to look at the display screen on the opposite wall, and said seriously: "Then you go take a bath, and I'll make the quilt for you."

"Yeah." He Wenlong reached out and patted Qingqing's buttocks, and got up.



Bathing, washing, dressing up, for half an hour, He Wenlong was wearing a suit and tie, with a serious and solemn expression, which shows how much he attaches importance to it, and he has to pay attention to it, because everything he has now is because of this person, not only that, but in his heart He also admired this mysterious doctor.

"You go out first, we'll go down for lunch later." He Wenlong smiled at Qingqing.

"Okay." Qingqing smiled sweetly, and kissed He Wenlong on the cheek with a look of happiness.

After Qingqing went out, He Wenlong glanced at the wall clock on the wall and waited for a while, until the appointed time, he reached out and picked up the remote control device to turn on the display, and after waiting for less than ten seconds, the screen appeared He met a middle-aged man. At first glance, he was about 40 years old. He looked energetic and strong, but He Wenlong knew a little bit. The mysterious boss in front of him was not of this age.

"Doctor." He Wenlong stood upright a few meters away from the screen, saw the person on the screen looking up at him, and quickly bowed and said respectfully.

"Well, sit down." The middle-aged man on the screen nodded as a greeting.

"Yes." He Wenlong nodded respectfully and sat on the seat beside the bed. His waist was straight and his expression was serious.

"How's the matter?" asked the doctor with a slight smile.

"It's all under control." He Wenlong said confidently, and then frowned slightly: "However, the only mistake was Zhao Hongjian, the commander of the military region. According to reliable sources, he came back from the dead this time. I guess..."

"That boy named Wendong rescued him?" The doctor interrupted him and said with a slight smile.

"I don't know the specifics. At that time, my people couldn't get in at all, but Wendong did go to the Shuishi Military Region Hospital at that time. What special ability does he have?" He Wenlong said with deep shock and doubt on his face. .

"Hehe, the whole world has a population of tens of billions and a large base. Naturally, there may be some people with special abilities. This person named Wendong belongs to the superpowers, but it seems that he should be a high-level supernatural person. Not only is he so skilled that even me It’s really amazing that the first generation of colonizers can kill me, and it can even cure my new HIY virus.” The doctor sighed.

Seeing the doctor's expression on the screen made He Wenlong a little panicked and worried, and finally couldn't help saying: "Doctor, I know you cherish your talents, but this Wendong is likely to destroy our plan."

"Then kill it." The doctor waved his hand, as always with a casual expression, the premise is that he can kill Wendong, Wendong's special ability really makes Dr. Z very interested, especially when he is still in that special space I have seen this young man before, but what he never expected is that they belong to the same world, but if you are interested, if He Wenlong can kill him, then the doctor feels that there is no need to meet him No, even if he is a supernatural being, every costumer he creates can be regarded as a supernatural being!
Obviously, when Dr. Z learned that a young man he met in a special space belonged to the same world as himself, he naturally wanted to tie him up and study it. At this time, He Wenlong just met him for the first time, and Bringing up Wendong, the dangerous person who killed the senior green-blood breeder, He Wenlong asked the doctor whether Wendong had any special tools to deal with the breeder.

And at this time, by coincidence, Dr. Z saw Wendong and recognized him immediately.

And this is also the reason why He Wenlong suddenly took over.

(End of this chapter)

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