How bad guys are made

Chapter 676 Lena's Big Move

Chapter 676 Lena's Big Move
The big black man, codenamed Centipede, is the boss of St. Paulia on the face, and the second person in the shadow killer group. He doesn't have much respect for Lina. In his opinion, this woman is the mysterious boss of Gong. It's just a ban on behalf of the mysterious boss. It sounds like an imperial envoy, but it's just doing some chores. Today, she came to check the accounts of the St. Paulia Colosseum for the past six months. This kind of thing happens every year. Several times, the centipede has been familiar with it.

The same was true for the other two, leaning casually on the side cabinet, one of them took out a bottle of dark beer and drank it comfortably, looking at the sexy woman on the sofa with playful eyes.

"No need, I'm not here to check the accounts." Lina also didn't look directly at these people, she put down her hand rubbing her calf, her silky winking eyes were still half-closed, she was lazy in the blur, There is a hint of temptation in the elegance.

"Oh, what is Miss Lina here for?" A look of surprise flashed in the centipede's eyes, but he said in a very light tone.

Lina opened her eyes, but she didn't look at the centipede. She took a sip of red wine and put it on the table. She raised her legs gracefully and leaned on the sofa with her arms around her shoulders. Instead of answering the centipede's question, she said: " What about the shadow, let him come to see me."

"Hey, the shadow isn't here. Miss Lina didn't come here to check the accounts, what did she do to comfort us hard workers? Haha..." The centipede laughed, and took a sip of the red wine on Lina's table with its big paws After drinking it dry, her eyes unscrupulously swept over Lina's breasts, which were fuller and more plump with her arms, full of the animal's desire for beautiful women.

Lina's blurred eyes opened suddenly, and her lazy look suddenly became as cold as ice. She reached out and picked up the red wine bottle on the table and threw it on the centipede's head without thinking.


The red wine bottle shattered on the centipede's head. Although there was no bleeding, the dark red wine was all over the head and body, making it extremely embarrassing.

"What the hell, bitch, are you looking for death?" When did the centipede get this kind of treatment, she stood up abruptly and looked at Lina with a ferocious face.

And Lina's action just now also startled the two shadow killers around her. Obviously, she didn't expect that this stinky woman would dare to attack the centipede, but after being shocked, she immediately recovered and looked at Lina with even more playful eyes.

From their point of view, this stinky woman no longer knows what fear is because of her long-term domineering and instigation. She thinks too highly of her position. How, there are many beauties, they don't lack women, not to mention the boss, so even if the centipede kills this ignorant woman, it's nothing to worry about, although it's a bit troublesome to explain, but everyone is dead, mysterious Boss choose shadow killer group or a dead man?This multiple choice question does not seem to be difficult.

But before the sneer appeared on the faces of the two killers, they immediately turned into fear, and they knelt down without thinking, because they saw something extra in Lina's hand, which was an exquisitely crafted token , with a big letter 'Z' engraved on it, seeing the order is like seeing someone, they know the code name of the mysterious boss 'Z'.

"I scolded the neighbor next door, bitch, apologize to me right away, or...uh..." The centipede wiped the wine from his face while cursing, but before he finished, his voice was hoarse, and his eyes were full of panic Looking at the things in the woman's hand in front of him, cold sweat broke out in an instant, as if he was frightened stupid.

Seeing orders is like seeing people, this token has such a great deterrent effect.

You know, how difficult it is to really control a team of killers. Every killer has a rebellious personality and doesn't want to be controlled by others. They kill without blinking an eye and ignore life, especially they are all masters.When the mysterious organization controlled the shadow group, there were naturally no shortage of rebels who would not listen to discipline, but those people were all dead. No matter how powerful he was, no matter how he escaped from the encirclement of the mysterious organization, they would all receive this message the next day. There is certain news that a rebel died strangely in a certain place, and the violator is also counted as a rebel. There is no such precedent before, and the violator is no longer a human being, but has long since become a ghost.

So that mysterious organization is like a sickle of death on their necks all the time, so that they can't give birth to a rebellious thought, and with the development of the past few years, the combat power of the shadow group has been significantly improved. The above explained that they should hide their strength. I am afraid that they have already jumped to become the world's number one killer team, and these benefits are all thanks to that mysterious organization. The more powerful and mysterious the organization that controls them, the more frightened they are, and even respect.

"Kneel down!" Lina said coldly.

"You..." The centipede looked at Lina in surprise, but had no words to refute, especially after seeing his companion already prostrate on the ground, his legs finally softened and he knelt down.

"Get up and talk." Lina stared at the centipede coldly for more than ten seconds, and finally put away the token in her hand and sat down after seeing that he dared not move any more.

As if being pardoned, the centipede stood up in a panic, its face was covered with sweat, but it dared not reach out to wipe it off, let alone sit down, and said in a trembling voice: "Miss Lina, do you have any orders this time? What secret mission is there?"

"Well, let the shadow do the talking, I have something to tell him." Lina nodded.


Half an hour later, in a luxurious large private room in the VIP restaurant on the [-]th floor of St. Paulia, Lina was sitting in the front seat, eating lunch and dessert elegantly, beside her were a few people such as Centipede, who just lowered their heads While eating, he didn't dare to make a sound, let alone look up at her.

After a while, the door of the room opened, and a tall young man walked in. He was tall and straight, and he was extremely handsome. He glanced at Lina who was sitting upright, and said with a big smile, "Haha, Miss Lina's visit is not far away. , Fortunately, the centipede entertained you thoughtfully, hehe."

"I..." The centipede looked bitter, looked up at the boss and then at Lina's hand.

"Huh?" The centipede's strange expression made Shadow a little puzzled, and he followed his gaze strangely, his eyes froze immediately, he quickly hid his smile, and his whole person became serious.

"Long time no see Shadow, sit down." Lina turned her head and smiled slightly, nodding her head as a greeting.

"Yes." Shadow nodded quickly, walked quickly to Lina and sat down, and said first: "I wonder what mission Miss Lina brought here this time?"

"I'm going to take some people to Tianxia Guoshui City. I'll tell you about the specific tasks when I get back." Lina put down her fork and said.

"I'm happy to serve the beautiful Miss Lina. Tianxia Kingdom is a beautiful and rich place. If there are no rules, I plan to settle in Tianxia Kingdom all year round." Shadow was stunned for a moment, but said happily.

"Well, I want 10 shadow killers, and they must be masters who have been upgraded. We will leave in four or [-] minutes. You can go prepare." Lina nodded and said.

"Two... twenty? Oh shit, beautiful Miss Lina, are you sure you're right?" Shadow was about to readily agree when he was suddenly startled, staring dumbfounded at the little hand holding the dessert. Lena.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Lina chuckled at Shadow, and wiped the corner of her mouth with a toilet paper.

"But...but there are not so many people here at all. Some people are performing other tasks, and some are receiving psychological counseling treatment on schedule, and..."

"I don't listen to your nonsense, this is the task assigned by the superior." Lina interrupted the chatter of the shadow.

"But even if you look at my head, you can't find so many people. We still need some people to protect St. Paulia, don't we? And the time is so short..." Shadow complained.

"Well, at least thirteen people, including you and the centipede, I like obedient people." Lina finally gave in, turning her head to look at the centipede while talking.

The centipede knew that the stinky woman was mocking him, but he didn't dare to speak up.

"Thirteen people..."

"13 people, depart from the international airport in 10 minutes. Except for the 10-minute drive, you still have 10 minutes to prepare. We will stay for at least a week this time." Lina said slowly: "Can't do it?" to be regarded as treason."

"Oh shit, damn it, I'm going right now..." Shadow swears, turns around and leaves after saying a few words.


At 06:30 in the afternoon, Zhang Hanhan drove home after working overtime for half an hour, because she had agreed with Wendong that she would go to Lin Xiaoxi's place today, but she was choked by the strong smell of smoke before she opened the door. Had to back out again, the huge living room was filled with smoke, a bleak figure was leaning on the sofa, without turning on the light, only one spark was still emitting smoke in the dark living room, one bright and one dark...

"Wendong, what are you doing, how did you make the room like this?" Zhang Hanhan said angrily, waving his little hands, and walked into the room, covering his nose.

Seeing that Wen Dong didn't answer, Zhang Hanhan frowned hard, and looked at him with reproachful eyes. This is not smoking. If she didn't see the bastard on the sofa at a glance, she would have thought the house was on fire.

Wendong raised his head bitterly, glanced at the dignified Zhang Hanhan in front of him, and stood up with a bitter mouth: "I have something to discuss with you, let's go upstairs and talk about it."

Without waiting for Zhang Hanhan to react, he grabbed Zhang Hanhan, who was still frowning and full of doubts, with a small hand and walked upstairs. Zhang Hanhan, who was suddenly attacked, was about to struggle, but saw Wendong's tired and helpless expression, which did not seem to be fake. , I don’t know why he didn’t refute, and let Wen Dong drag him up the stairs to the second floor of the villa...

The two walked up to the second floor. Zhang Hanhan was dragged into a large study room that was not commonly used. Seeing Wendong turn on the light and go out again, he came over with a kettle and teacups in his hand after a while, and put the electric kettle in the room. On the table, Wendong sat quietly opposite Zhang Hanhan and set it up. Zhang Hanhan watched quietly, without saying a word from the beginning to the end. Her intuition told her that today's Wendong was not normal, not just a little, but very abnormal. Normally, he seemed completely different from the hooligan he usually knew, and at the same time, he was extremely puzzled. They just had a heart-to-heart talk yesterday, so what happened today?
"I'm tired after working all day, let's have a sip of hot tea first." The two were silent for a while, Wen Dong put a clean teacup in front of Zhang Hanhan and poured tea and said.

"Oh." Zhang Hanhan picked up the teacup wonderingly, because Wendong was abnormal and didn't want to drink it, but Zhang Hanhan was a little bit drunk, especially after seeing Wendong on the opposite side drinking tea as water.

"Tell me, what do you want to tell me? Why did you come here to tell me? You won't do anything to apologize to me again?" Zhang Hanhan was puzzled, and after taking a sip of tea, he put down the teacup. Looking up at Wendong, his tone was casual.

(End of this chapter)

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