How bad guys are made

Chapter 689 News about Li Binger

Chapter 689 News about Li Binger
"What? Is it strange that my underground lover was found by Xiaosan?" Li Binger completely ignored the shock on Wen Dong's face, and looked at him with a sneer, thinking that the bastard in front of him had a relationship with that woman. Furious.

They can get to this day, Li Bing'er doesn't really care about Wendong and other women, but what kind of woman is Lina?Wendong is not a fool!
"What did she ask you for?" Wen Dong ignored Li Binger's sarcasm, and looked around Li Binger's body in panic to see if there were any missing arms or legs. He was even more surprised. Lina kept saying to herself a few days ago to leave.

In fact, Wendong didn't believe her words at first, but what shocked Wendong was what he saw by accident tonight. Sometime around Lina, there was a group of expert breeders. Although he had never fought against these experts, But having dealt with breeders and killers more or less, he can tell at a glance how strong these breeders are, at least they are masters at the level of Qingxue back then.

Wen Dong was also wondering what Lina was going to do, but he didn't expect that she would find Li Bing'er before. How could this not make him worry? God knows what kind of idea this unpredictable woman has.

"Hmph..." Seeing Wendong's nervous expression, Li Binger's cold expression eased a little, but she snorted and turned her head away.

"I think it's necessary to let Wendong know about this matter. Lina's words are obviously aimed at Wendong." The woman on the side frowned and said, stretched out her hand to pull Li Binger's little hand, and persuaded her not to swipe at this time. small temper.

Except for Li Shan who had greeted them at the beginning, he didn't say a word. At this time, he squinted his eyes and observed Wendong's expression. He always felt that Wendong seemed to be hiding something from them, but he didn't ask in a hurry.

"What are you hiding?" Wen Dong looked at Li Bing'er strangely, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, if she would provoke his relationship with Li Bing'er?If you beat Wen Dong to death like this, you won’t believe it. This woman is not so busy yet. Then Wen Dong was taken aback, and immediately remembered that he overheard half of Lina’s words tonight. Although he didn’t listen to the details, he still heard this. The woman seemed to be dealing with He Wenlong's minions. I remember that when she said she was going to leave, she also said that she was not reconciled. She wanted to take back everything that belonged to her from He Wenlong. Now she is looking for Li Binger again?

"Did she want you to deal with He Wenlong? What did she tell you?" Wen Dong asked anxiously as he grabbed Li Binger's little hand.

"Huh? You know everything?" Li Binger was taken aback, and looked up at Wendong in surprise.

"I know everything? How did she tell you?" Wen Dong said in surprise.

"Then what did she tell you?" Li Bing'er shook Wen Dong's hand and snorted angrily.

"She told me that she was leaving, and then told me that she was unwilling to be replaced by He Wenlong." Wen Dong thought for a while and then sneered: "But I don't believe her words at all, and the fact is that It is indeed true.”

"What's true? Wendong, you seem to be hiding something from us." Li Shan said suddenly, his eyes fixed on Wendong.

"That's true, but I didn't intend to hide it from you. I just wanted to tell you. But before I want to hear what Lina said to Bing'er?" Wen Dong nodded and admitted, and then turned his gaze to Li Binger.

"Did she just tell you that she was leaving, and nothing else?" Li Binger looked at Wen Dong strangely, with a very disbelieving expression.

"Bing'er, do I have to lie to you at this time?" Wen Dong cried and laughed.

Li Binger stared at Wendong with beautiful eyes, and frowned slightly, as if she was considering the authenticity of Wendong's words. After a long time, she frowned and said: "She told me a lot of information about He Wenlong, and I don't know what her plan is. .”

"Information about He Wenlong? Is she trying to use your hands to deal with He Wenlong?"

"Although we know it's true, we can't refuse." Li Bing'er nodded, and continued: "She said that there is a colony base underground in Lanyun?"

"Zenzhuang people's base? Be more specific." Wen Dong was stunned, and couldn't help urging.

Li Binger glanced at him, sure that Wendong really didn't know, and was not angry at Wendong's urging. After thinking for a while, he continued: "It's the base for manufacturing planters, but it's just a semi-finished product, and the real planters Only the mysterious boss knows the technology. At the same time, they also secretly manufactured the core crystal of the planter. This core crystal is the most important. As long as there is this crystal, the mysterious man can create countless planters. , and this kind of chemically synthesized crystal requires a large amount of unknown materials, and the rest of the crystal is the kind of chemically synthesized new drug that we have seen before. The drug is exchanged for money to buy various materials, forming A cycle, Lena said that she has been monitoring and doing these for many years."

"Hiss..." Wen Dong took a deep breath, Li Binger also shut up at this time, waiting for him to digest the news, after a long silence, Wen Dong turned his head and looked at Li Shan and Jiang Yanmei solemnly: "Li Do you believe what Na said?"

"Although I don't know what her purpose is, I think the reliability of this news is more than [-]%." Li Shan thought for a while and said.

"Isn't she afraid that we will send someone to take down this base? It broke the plan of her upper-level boss in the past few years. Even if He Wenlong falls, she will have nothing good to eat." Wen Dong frowned doubtfully.

"It's not that simple." Jiang Yanmei sipped her saliva and said softly, rubbing her forehead.

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Li Bing'er.

"Lina said that this underground base occupies a much larger area than the entire Lanyun Commercial Building. Apart from some scientists who made builders, many of them are guarded by advanced builders, and there is also a seven-kill purple At the same time, the underground base is also equipped with a self-destruct device, once activated, it can instantly destroy the Lanyun Commercial Building on the ground."

"Hiss!" Wen Dong stood up abruptly, his expression changing rapidly.Li Bing'er seemed to have expected his expression. When she heard Lina say this, she was taken aback. Her intuition told her that Lina was scaremongering, but after thinking about it later, it was very possible.

They have known about the fact that there is a base underground in Lanyun, and even guessed that it might have something to do with the builders, but no one knows whether this base has been around since the beginning of the construction of Lanyun Building. It exists, and the mysterious person has such great energy, if the thing about the colonizer base is true, then the thing with a self-destruct device is also very possible.

"What are your plans?" After a moment of silence, his back was completely drenched with sweat. He was afraid for a while when he thought of his wife Zhang Hanhan sitting on top of the explosives all day long. Although he knew it was not a last resort, He Wenlong and the others would definitely not His superiors will never allow that device to be activated, because once this happens, Tianxia Kingdom will definitely fight to the death with that mysterious person, no matter how powerful that mysterious person is, he will never be able to deal with a powerful country.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Wen Dong still looked up at Li Shan and Jiang Yanmei with a gloomy expression.

"No matter what, we will never allow even the slightest harm to national interests to happen, so tomorrow we will form a special operation team to secretly infiltrate the Lanyun underground base, and disarm this self-destruct device if possible." Shan frowned and said, apparently also suffering from a severe headache.

"Boss, tomorrow is the day when the Queen of Europe will visit Water City. He Wenlong is a lunatic, but he is also a smart lunatic. We dare not annoy him at this time." Jiang Yanmei reminded with a frown.

Hearing this, Li Shan suddenly became gloomy.

"Lina said that He Wenlong will take action tomorrow. He will leave tomorrow with those semi-finished breeders and the most important crystal box. The only way we can deal with him is to wait and see what happens. As long as we guard the two exits, It's the best way to arrest him after he leaves with his things." Jiang Yanmei said, turning her head to look at Li Binger.

"Lanyun Group has at least 2000 people going to work every day, especially since we don't know the extent of the damage caused by this self-destruct device, so we must not take this risk, even if we watch He Wenlong leave safely." Li Binger nodded Said, as the people's police, everything is to protect the lives and safety of the people, otherwise what's the point of arresting He Wenlong?Everyone died.

Especially tomorrow is still a big day, there must be no accidents in the water market, at least on the surface, if the queen of Europe had an accident in the water city of Tianxia, ​​where would Tianxia face its face?

"Wait, what two exits?" Wen Dong looked at Li Bing'er in surprise.

"Lina said that this secret base has two exits, one of which leads to the Donggang Wharf of Shuishi City, which is used to transport the daily necessities of the scientists there, and the transplanters who failed to be transported are directly dumped into the sea. If the entrance and exit of Lanyun is not necessary Generally not necessary." Li Binger said.

"Well..." Li Shan nodded with a heavy expression, then looked up at them, and said solemnly: "This matter is of great importance, I need to discuss it with Qin Feng."

Hearing Qin Feng's name, Jiang Yanmei's expression changed, but she fell silent again.

"Wait." Li Binger suddenly stopped him.

"I don't know if what Lina said is true or not. She told me that Qin Feng has long been He Wenlong's man, and they are in the same gang." Li Binger said.

"This..." Li Shan was taken aback when he heard that, and stared at Li Binger, but he didn't know what to do for a moment. He instinctively told him that although Qin Feng was a bit of a bastard, he was arrogant and would never bother with He Wenlong. These people are in company.

"It's also possible..." Jiang Yanmei, who was at the side, thought carefully and said after a while.

"Oh? How do you say it?" Li Shan looked at her suspiciously and asked.

"Have you forgotten about Mr. Zhao? Before Mr. Zhao was poisoned, He Wenlong had sought to cooperate with him, but Mr. Zhao did not agree, but Qin Feng..." Jiang Yanmei stopped talking halfway through, the meaning is self-evident .

"You can't believe the words of this woman, Lina, but you can't completely disbelieve her, even though she knows that her purpose is definitely not as pure as she said." Wen Dong said suddenly.

"By the way, didn't you say that you have something to tell us?" Jiang Yanmei looked at Wendong and suddenly remembered.

(End of this chapter)

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