How bad guys are made

Chapter 697 The Goddess Wife Wants a Child?

Chapter 697 The Goddess Wife Wants a Child?

"Go back and take good care of Hanhan, the young couple live a good life, don't get awkward at every turn, and even if you get awkward, you have to let her go, she is pregnant now and can't do heavy work, and don't let her do work, just keep an eye on her Don't let her go to the company again, and remember what I told you before, pay attention to all aspects of life." Walking to the door, the mother-in-law followed behind, still not forgetting nagging instructions .

"Yes, Mom, Hanhan and I must be careful. Don't worry, I won't quarrel with Hanhan. I promise not to fight back." Wen Dong quickly agreed. Packing small packets of nutritional supplements, it is estimated that you have to raise your hand and swear to your mother-in-law.

"You brat, go back quickly."

Smiling and cursing, Zhou Yahe, who was standing at the door, returned to the living room until the figures of the two disappeared from the corner of the corridor. With a warm smile on his lips, he watched his daughter and Wendong leave together. There was still a trace of doubt and worry about her relationship with her, and she was finally really relieved.

When a man has a child, he will gradually calm down. His husband is the best example.

She naturally heard her mother's instructions at the door. Zhang Hanhan was ashamed and angry, and felt that his mind was in a mess. What did this guy Wendong do, but he couldn't help laughing from the corners of his eyes and brows. Walking out of the unit building, he took a hard look at Wendong who was following behind him like a wolf with a big tail, his face full of nutritional supplements almost hung around his neck, and he felt a little bit of inexplicable happiness in his heart, but he couldn't laugh or cry, this The bastard lied to his parents that he was pregnant and didn't let him go to work. What the hell was he trying to do?

"Wendong, drive slowly." After loading the nutritional supplements into the trunk, Wendong rushed to drive him. Zhang Hanhan was in a mess and didn't refuse for the sake of safety, but just after leaving the community, this guy drove the car. Then he drove fast, Zhang Hanhan frowned slightly, thinking that this bastard who just snatched his car just now would not want to play drag racing with him again, he has not forgotten the consequences of accidentally letting him drive the car last time, and almost missed himself All the bile was spit out, so he hurriedly reminded.

"Well, good." Unexpectedly, Wen Dong agreed, then slowly tapped the brakes, and quickly slowed down the speed of the car, which made Zhang Hanhan very puzzled, when did this guy listen to his words so much up.

"My mother told me before, I can't make you angry." Wen Dong said solemnly, without seeming to be joking at all.

Zhang Hanhan was going to be angry, but she turned her beautiful eyes, stared at him suspiciously and said, "Do you listen to everything I say?"

"Of course, absolutely unambiguous." Wen Dong nodded solemnly.

"Really?" Zhang Hanhan looked at him strangely, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and something came to his mind.

"It's more real than real gold and silver. From now on, I will listen to you in everything, and I will never make you angry. You say one is one, you let me go east, I will never go west, you tell me to touch the dog, I will never Steal chicken, if you want me to sleep with you, I will get into your bed without any hesitation, hehe."

"You... hooligan!" Zhang Hanhan stared at him angrily, turned his head angrily and ignored him, talking to him would really kill him.

Zhang Hanhan was obviously annoyed by his teasing. Seeing that she didn't speak, he naturally didn't dare to have nothing to say. In case she turned around and asked himself why she lied to her parents that she was pregnant, what should I do? He hasn't figured it out yet. Reasons to fool this shrewd woman.

The car became quiet for a while, Wen Dong couldn't help but looked up curiously at the rearview mirror, and realized that Zhang Hanhan beside him was staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze, not knowing what was going on in his head, letting himself drive the car into Cui Liu Yuanju didn't ask him to send her to the company when he promised her everything just now, which made Wendong very puzzled.

She knows best if she is pregnant or not, but why does she let it go?Not only did he not resist, he didn't even ask himself why, but Wen Dong didn't think it was a problem. After getting along for a long time, he also knew that although Zhang Hanhan's personality was considered soft, she also had incomprehensible paranoia. She simply didn't understand some things. To figure out the character of never giving up, it's just that now she doesn't know what is occupying her mind so that she has no time to care about him.

She's always going to ask, and she'll be soon, so making up the perfect have to think about it?

After returning home with big bags and small bags, Zhang Hanhan just poured a glass of water and sat quietly on the sofa like a normal person—was in a daze?
This made Wendong very strange. He wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask. Zhang Hanhan's expression couldn't express the feeling. It made him terrified, so he didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Wendong, after what you said, I really want to have a child." Wendong was packing all kinds of nutritional products into the cabinet, when he heard Zhang Hanhan on the sofa say this, he turned around and looked at her in surprise , mouth wide open, unbelievable.

"Don't you want it?" Seeing Wen Dong's shocked face, Zhang Hanhan frowned slightly and looked at him strangely.

"Thought, it's too much like his grandma, let's start now." Zhang Hanhan's serious expression was definitely not a joke, and Wen Dong, who came to his senses, almost jumped up unhappy, thinking that this woman is also duplicity, of course there are some The reason is that she was stimulated. Of course, He Qing's pregnancy stimulated her. If she wanted to have a child with Zhang Hanhan, Wendong would naturally be willing and could not be more willing.

Wen Dong almost cried with joy, rushed to the stupid Zhang Hanhan in two or three steps, stretched out his arms to hug her head and kissed her hard, almost passed out from joy.

"Wendong!" Zhang Hanhan suddenly raised his head and stared at him angrily, almost shouting.He stretched out his hand and wiped his cheek fiercely. It was a very common and not so common thing, but he finally mustered up the courage to face it, but this bastard still had this expression.

What kind of expression is this, like the expression of a big bad wolf staring at the lamb next to its mouth, Zhang Hanhan doesn't even need to think about it, as long as he nods, this bastard will definitely hug him without hesitation for a second as he said Look at yourself and go into the bedroom.

This bastard is not happy because he wants a child at all!

Rather, he can ask himself...

"Bastard, what's your expression?" Zhang Hanhan suddenly stood up and looked at him with a livid face, obviously really angry.

"Ah? What expression? What expression did I have just now? Shouldn't I be happy? Excited?" Wen Dong looked at her with innocent confusion.

"You..." Zhang Hanhan was so choked that he couldn't speak. It was indeed right for him to say that, and he should be happy, but she is not blind, and this is not the case at all.

He gritted his teeth and stared at him, wishing to kick this bastard away, and finally found out sadly that he was no match for this bastard at all, so he could only let it go, and being angry with him was just asking for trouble. Seeing his confused expression, it seemed like Don't know what it means to be angry?
Glancing at him in disgust, Zhang Hanhan shook his hands angrily and walked into the bedroom, his whole body exuded a cold and unapproachable aura...

"Hanhan, why are you going?" Seeing that she was leaving, Wen Dong was afraid that she would go to the company, so he hurriedly asked, wondering, isn't he going to have a baby?

"Sleep!" Suppressing the anger that was about to explode, Zhang Hanhan walked into the bedroom without looking back, and then slammed the door hard.

She was also secretly wondering if she was crazy, why would she have the idea of ​​having a child with this bastard...


They said they were going to sleep, but they didn't mean to invite me to sleep together at all. Wen Dong seemed to have not recovered from the excitement, and his face was bewildered-bi, didn't he say that it is easy to have a baby, you can have a baby without me ?
Wendong stood alone in the living room, and then he smiled wryly and realized that he had made Zhang Hanhan angry again at some point, but he couldn't help but be speechless, shouldn't he be excited, shouldn't he be crying?
I'm paralyzed, I'm really cheap, what did I just say?

Wendong wanted to cry but had no tears, but in retrospect it was indeed wrong, because this matter is so different from person to person, Zhang Hanhan's skin is so thin, it is definitely her limit to be able to say such words, but she suddenly I couldn't find the north with joy, I shouldn't be excited, no, I should say that I shouldn't be like this on the surface, I should be more serious, so that her face will feel better, and then I can coax her into the bedroom step by step, As for the things after that, don't you have to decide what you want to do?

Thinking that Bai Huahua's wife had given him such a great opportunity and it was gone, Wen Dong almost bumped his head to death here in depression. Isn't he a bitch? I just had a better relationship with Zhang Hanhan and now I'm in a stalemate again.

Especially at this critical moment, what if she insists on getting the company?This woman can't stay at home...

"Buzz..." Just when Wendong didn't know what to do, the phone in his trouser pocket vibrated again. It made a noise when he was driving on the road just now. Wendong guessed that Li Binger was looking for him. After all, Today is a big day.

Taking out the phone to look, he was stunned for a moment, it was the call from the landlord Li Ningyan.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while, but Wendong frowned slightly when he missed her. Li Ningyan, a woman, was completely different from other women. She would never express any emotion on her face or say it, even if she missed her, she wanted to say that she was truly She was the one who left out.

And she wouldn't call herself if she had nothing to do, if she took the initiative to call, there must be something wrong.

Wendong glanced at the closed bedroom, thought for a while and walked to the study with his mobile phone.

"Hello, Ningyan?" Wen Dong answered the phone.

"Well. Do you have time?" Li Ningyan still spoke so simply and directly.

"Miss me?" Wen Dong said suddenly.

"Well. I have something to ask you." Li Ningyan admitted shyly without knowing it, but said again.

"What's the matter?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, secretly thinking that it was true.

"Lan Yan was arrested." Li Ningyan said.

"Huh?" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered the conversation between Lina and those master builders who overheard last night. He didn't expect that she really attacked He Wenlong, but he wondered in his heart. Caught, why didn't that zombie-faced woman in Confidante get caught?
Although Hongyan and Lanyan are twins, their personalities are very different. He mentioned the two of them when he met Li Ningyan, and now he can tell the difference between them clearly.

Lan Yan was the girl who followed him back then, with a carefree personality, like a ghost, and Hong Yan was the vengeful woman who was kicked by him in Lanyun, and she was the elder sister of the twins.

Wen Dong frowned tightly, wondering what that woman Lina wanted to do?
But he also knew about the relationship between Li Ningyan and the beautiful sister Lanyan. She used to be the instructor of the pair of sisters, but now she looks more like a girlfriend?No, Li Ningyan doesn't have any girlfriends who can talk about everything. It would be more appropriate to say that they are friends, but for her, there are very few friends, and she called now, the meaning is self-evident, and she wants to help her. Go save Lan Yan.

"Do you know who did it?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"It's not clear yet, I'm following up and investigating."

"Well, I'll go find you later." Wen Dong thought for a while.


After hanging up the phone, Wendong found some unread text messages, all of which were sent by Li Binger, which made Wendong a little dumbfounded.

The first text message was sent when I just came out of the old man’s house. It was very simple: “Two or ten minutes later, come to the old place last night.” —— Li Bing’er bossing her around.

The second text message: "Don't think wrongly, come to the meeting." - Li Bing'er was anxious to clarify, trying to cover up the passion of last night, for fear that Wen Dong might misunderstand.

The third text message was sent just now: "Why haven't you arrived yet, you want to die, come quickly, there is something important to do." Li Binger was furious.

Wendong put away his phone dumbfounded, and he was not in a hurry to have a fart meeting. He is not from the Ministry of National Security. If there is something important, just wait for the results of the meeting to come out and listen to it.

Walking out of the study room with a mobile phone, Zhang Hanhan suddenly opened his mouth in surprise. Zhang Hanhan, who had just slumped into the bedroom in anger, ran out again at some point and was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Looking at him coldly, Wen Dong was so frightened that he threw his phone away...

(End of this chapter)

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