How bad guys are made

Chapter 802 Zhang Hanhan's heart died

Chapter 802 Zhang Hanhan's heart died

"Stinky boy, what did you say?" Mu Zhen stared at Wen Dong coldly, obviously displeased with Wen Dong's contradictory question.

"Dark Dawn's forces are huge and deeply rooted. Tianxia Palace has the strength to destroy them, but it's not easy to really destroy them. However, at least it can keep you safe." Mu Yu obviously didn't expect Wen Dong to ask so directly, but The stupefaction in his heart also flashed away, and he waved his hand to the younger brother beside him, but his eyes kept staring at Wendong, and he gave an ambiguous answer.

Especially the last sentence, he said it with extreme confidence, and this sentence has another meaning, which is a warning, now that Wen Dong and his mysterious master have killed two Dawn Guardians, Dark Dawn will not let it go.

You must know that extraordinary kings are not so easy to cultivate, even for Tianxia Palace, they are the most powerful backbone. For Tianxia Palace, losing two extraordinary warriors is heartache, let alone Dark Dawn This kind of organization.

"You don't want to?!" Seeing Wen Dong shaking his head after hearing this, Mu Zhen who was standing beside him stared angrily. As early as just now, he was dissatisfied with his brother talking so much with this kid.

We must know that the rich and powerful can not enter Tianxia Palace. How many outstanding disciples from powerful families can't even enter the periphery of Tianxia Palace. Here, the two senior brothers took the initiative to invite them. If others would have knelt down I am so grateful on the ground, this kid is not willing, is this looking down on Tianxia Palace?

"You brat, you're so daring!" A roar mixed with Ling Ran's anger exploded from Mu Zhen's mouth, and Jiang Han beside him was so dizzy and tinnitus that he nearly fainted, but in his heart, Can't help but howl.

Done! ! !

"Boss, something has happened!" Just as Mu Zhen was about to make a move, the panicked voices of his subordinates came from a distance.

Xue Jian raised his head recklessly, and immediately recognized that the speaker was the third child who verified the crystal box, his face became anxious, and then his eyes rolled, and he yelled anxiously: "Is there a mistake in the mission?"

"Yes, come and take a look." The third child responded hastily, his voice trembling like fear.

"Go and have a look." Hearing this conversation, Mu Yu's face suddenly changed, and he quickly blocked the junior who was about to teach Wendong a lesson, and with a flash of figure, he ran towards the cabin.
At this time, a group of special forces surrounded a luxuriously furnished cabin, and what was placed on the coffee table was the mission target they had found—a crystal box.

At this time, the password of the crystal box had been cracked by the third child, but the contents inside made everyone almost stare at it, stone.A box full of stones, placed in a mess, silent, like a ruthless mockery!

"Look again, the target of the mission must be within the cruise ship!" Xue Jian's expression was dignified. Everyone knew that he and others had been tricked by the other party. The ultimate goal is this crystal box, if something goes wrong...

"You don't need to look for it, the crystal box is not in the tanker." Mu Yu said aloud, his tone was sure, but very low.

"Impossible." Hearing his brother's affirmative tone, Xue Jian immediately exhaled, but his eyes were full of shock.

Because no one knows that they have already made the most careful plan for this mission, and all of He Wenlong's external contacts are under their control. This is indeed the case. He Wenlong did not use other means to secretly hide the crystal box. Ship it because it's so important.

He must have kept such an important thing by his side, and Lan Zun, the guardian of the crystal box, had died long ago, and all the years of caution had only asked him to order someone to open the crystal box to inspect the goods, so when the target was found, He was almost 100% sure that this was the crystal box, but reality slapped him mercilessly.
Looking at Li Bing'er, she is the one who is most sorry for this matter. Mo Li died for him, so he didn't want to say more. As for Zhang Hanhan, he was the most injured, but it was all due to He Wenlong's revenge, but Li Binger, it was all because she was involved in this revenge for no reason.

"I'm fine." Maybe it's because too many shocking things happened before her eyes today, and she was numb at this time. Li Bing'er bit her lip and shook her head firmly. She couldn't help looking at Zhang Hanhan who was beside her. She knew that Zhang Hanhan was the one who was hurt the most.

Although Li Bing'er is cold and domineering, not easy to get along with, but she is sensible.

Zhang Hanhan has been maintaining one movement from the very beginning, sitting curled up on the cold deck, with a pale face and dull eyes, as if everything in the world has nothing to do with her, and she is at a loss.The body curled up, revealing her beautiful figure. The slender white legs under the skirt formed a sharp contrast with the messy deck on the ground. Qingcheng's pale face made people feel pity.

Wen Dong stared at her blankly, but thousands of words were blocked in his throat and he couldn't speak, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He Wenlong's bloody revenge really made Wendong feel that life would be worse than death. He clearly knew how painful it was, but Wendong knew even more that Zhang Hanhan was the one who really felt worse than death.

As if aware of Wen Dong's gaze, Zhang Hanhan quietly raised his head and looked at Wen Dong.

Looking at Zhang Hanhan's face, Wen Dong's breath stopped.

What kind of expression is this, Wen Dong has never seen before.At this time, Zhang Hanhan's eyes were dull and empty, like a vegetative person without a soul at all, his face was full of tears, like a puppet that was torn into tatters and abandoned in the corner.

Yes, her heart, her whole body has been completely turned into a dilapidated puppet under this series of blows, as is the case with people, so is the heart.

Silence is greater than death!

Wen Dong was terrified, at a loss, short of breath, and trembling with blood-stained hands, like a child who was at a loss.


Zhang Hanhan stared at her blankly, Wen Dong's performance and extremely depressed call seemed to make her eyes a little bright, but then she seemed to think of something, her pale cheeks suddenly turned ashen as white as paper, and she lowered her head in a panic... …

Wen Dong stood there in a daze, as if struck by lightning.
The exclamation in the cabin made Wen Dong's sluggish face recover a little, and he suppressed the pain in his heart, and looked sideways in the direction of the cabin in a daze.

He knew that something had happened to Xue Jian's mission, and he knew about the crystal box. Xue Jian had asked him to help find the crystal box before, but at this time, he was not in the mood to care about it.

What he cared about was Zhang Hanhan, and he didn't know what to do with a heartbroken person.

Even though He Wenlong's death dealt a great blow to this love-loving woman, Wendong knew very well that Zhang Wending's death was the key point, and the key point was that he pushed Zhang Wending into the boundless sea with his own hands...

She can't accept it.


In the tanker, a sudden gunshot interrupted his thoughts.
"Qin Feng, what are you doing!" Jiang Yanmei yelled at Qin Feng with a gloomy expression, very angry.

There were three rescue helicopters before, one for Mu Yu and Mu Zhen, and the other two were Qin Feng's people.

The assassination of Queen Isa shook the Tianxia Kingdom, so they immediately sent Mu Yu and Mu Zhen, two extraordinary warriors stationed outside the Tianxia Palace, and four extraordinary warriors to the water city. This has not happened for many years. And the assassination of Queen Isa of Niki Kingdom in Tianxia Kingdom was something that had never happened in hundreds of years.

This is directly related to the international situation. The people above are very angry, and they must catch the culprit and give Nikki an explanation.

Qin Feng knew that Xuejian Jianghan was of a high level, but he didn't expect that he was actually serving Tianxia Palace. This shocked him. He didn't know about Xuejian's mission this time, and he had no right to know , but he knew that Jiang Han's target was He Wenlong, and he went after He Wenlong that night, and couldn't let Qin Feng sleep peacefully all night.

Once the collusion between the organization above He Wenlong and their Qin family is exposed, then their Qin family is very likely to be wiped out by Tianxia Palace in Tianxia Kingdom.

Qin Feng was terrified, and hoped that He Wenlong could escape.

However, the news brought by the three helicopter radars carried by Xuejian almost made him exclaim. He Wenlong was intercepted by Xuejian, and the two sides supported each other and fought hard.

And then Mu Yu and Mu Zhen seemed to have sensed something and came to help, which made Qin Feng unable to sit still anymore. If He Wenlong was captured by Mu Yu and Mu Zhen and shook off something, Qin Feng would definitely die.

Fortunately, he had some friendship with the temporarily superior commander of the military department of Shuishi, and the people above his own family knew the seriousness of the gaffe, and after negotiating with Qin Feng to ask for a fight, this scene happened.

But Qin Feng was relieved that all members of the Seven Kills Team were killed, and He Wenlong was too dead. This finally let the stone in his heart fall to the ground. He died well and died in seconds. Back then, He Wenlong bullied others and almost abolished him. He has always held a grudge.

As for the other clues, he didn't take it seriously, Su Ling was his biggest flaw, but Su Ling was dead, as long as he refused to admit it, and with the help of his family, nothing would happen until he saw it Li Ningyan.

Li Ningyan was rumored to be a traitor to the Seven Killing Group, but she probably knew that she had colluded with the Seven Killing Group, so, after thinking about it, he made up his mind to kill.

But he underestimated this killer, he had already guarded against himself, he failed in the assassination, but she took the opportunity to kill a confidant, and this cold woman is extremely shrewd, knowing that the tanker is a prison, there is no way to escape in a short time, Unexpectedly, he dodged to the side of Jiang Yanmei and the others.

Li Ningyan is the most wanted killer in Shui City. No one can say that he killed Li Ningyan. Not only was he innocent, but he was also meritorious. However, he dared not do anything to Jiang Yanmei and others, especially knowing the identity of his brother Xuejian Jianghan Finally, if his sister made a mistake, this lunatic would definitely dare to kill him directly.

Jiang Yanmei's scolding startled Qin Feng. He knew that this charming and sexy woman was extremely protective, but Li Ningyan was a wanted criminal in the water market, so what if he had an unusual relationship with Wendong?What kind of short is she protecting?
Wen Dong came to Li Ningyan's side in a blink of an eye, Zhang Hanhan's indifference and rejection made him very uncomfortable, he knew the reason, but seeing her unlovable eyes like the living dead, Wen Dong's head was like a ball of paste , almost going crazy, at this moment he is like a powder keg, which will explode at a click.

Zhang Sanbai's death made Li Ningyan very painful, but she was the least injured in He Wenlong's revenge, but just now she was almost killed by Qin Feng's men!
A trace of fear flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, and Wen Dong's bloodshot eyes did not conceal the ferocious killing intent in his eyes at all. At this moment, he seemed to be facing a beast that chooses and loves people, eager to kill him. He opened his bloody mouth and devoured him.

Wen Dong's eyes flickered coldly. If he hadn't been afraid of the hot weapons in the hands of the special soldiers around Qin Feng, he might have rushed forward and tore Qin Feng to pieces!

"What's going on?" The gunshot alarmed Mu Yu and Mu Zhen in the cabin, and it was Mu Zhen who asked the question. He was in a very bad mood. He felt an unknown anger in his heart when he was rejected by Wen Dong before. Mistakes in the mission made him worse, and a gunshot here directly ignited the anger in his heart completely.

He is not Mu Yu, he is not as good at self-cultivation, his eyes are sharp, and he looks coldly at Qin Feng and others who are holding guns.

"Qin Feng, you are looking for death!" Xue Jian's old face was even more gloomy, wringing out the water, the mission failed, he didn't know what kind of punishment he would face, but these were insignificant compared with his sister's safety, Qin Feng dared to order someone to point a gun at his sister, and Jiang Yanmei was the one who scolded him just now. He is not a reasonable person. If he dared to point a gun at his sister, no matter who it was, he would rush up and bite Here comes a piece of meat.


Hearing Xue Jian's yell, the most direct order was naturally another team of special forces following behind him, pointing their guns at Qin Feng and the others in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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