How bad guys are made

Chapter 805 Who is the oriole?

Chapter 805 Who is the oriole?

Taihuang avoids the water drop...

In a space about the size of a room, Wen Dong and Li Ningyan sat on the floor. This strange space was circular, surrounded by dots of light, and the ground they were sitting on was also very soft and comfortable.

After the rest, Li Ningyan's pale and pretty face improved a lot. After all, she hadn't participated in any battles from the beginning, and the reason why she was injured was entirely because of Mu Zhen's thunder roar and oppression at that time, and her cold eyes casually looked at her. In the strange space around her, when she saw the blood man sitting across from her, Gu Jing Wubo's cold eyes finally fluctuated a little.

At that time, Wen Dong was seriously injured and was dying. Jumping into the sea was tantamount to suicide, but when Wen Dong pulled her into the sea, she didn't resist at all. Together is also good.

Although Darkness Dawn is only an organization, as a member of the Seven Killing Group of Darkness Dawn's minions, Li Ningyan does not know the strength of this organization, but even if she only knows the tip of the iceberg, their intricate network of influence is enough to shock her.

Queen Isa was assassinated, and Li Ningyan knew very clearly that it must be the work of Darkness Dawn, but it is not that simple to assassinate in front of a giant like Tianxia Kingdom, so there is only one possibility, the power of Darkness Dawn has penetrated into Tianxia Kingdom Some very important positions, they have internal support.As for Qin Feng, it was just an abandoned piece among the chess pieces.

And the power of the dark dawn is huge, and the strength he has shown and the technological strength that is even ahead of most countries have also broadened Li Ningyan's vision a lot.

Although this strange space still shocked her, she was not a talkative woman in the first place, and besides, this thing still belonged to her man.

"How is it?" The time passed in silence, and soon, Wen Dong slowly opened his eyes, and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes faded a lot. Although the blood all over his body looked scary, Li Ningyan could feel it. The injury healed a lot.

"It's okay." Wen Dong nodded. After resting for more than ten minutes, he continued to use healing potions and his own recovery. At this time, [-]% of his injuries had recovered, and he was still recovering rapidly.

"I know you must have a lot to ask me, I can tell you now." Wen Dong looked at Li Ningyan and said.

Looking at the painful but resolute bloody face in front of her eyes, she knew that Wen Dong had been suppressing the pain in his own heart, and she could feel it.

Li Ningyan's icy pretty face slowly melted, she shook her head and said softly, "I only care about you."

Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard this, a feeling of warmth flowed into his heart, he stretched out his hand to grab the other's soft jade hand, and as always did not refuse, Li Ningyan took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Wen Dong, and wrapped a big hand around her slender waist On the ground, Li Ningyan's expression was silent, her eyes were still cold, but her body leaned gently towards Wendong's side.

"You said, where is the crystal box?" After a while of silence, a light voice sounded.

Li Ningyan turned her head slightly, looking suspiciously at Wendong's hand that had just been around her waist stretched out in front of her eyes, and there was a delicate display in his palm.

That was what she had prepared when she and Wen Dong split up to rescue Lan Yan, but the signal equipment that was supposed to be on Wen Dong's body was far, far away at this time.

"I put it on Lina..." Sensing the doubt in Li Ningyan's eyes, Wen Dong said in a heavy tone.

In the vast and boundless sea, there is a crystal bright body running at an extremely fast speed...

Lina had already left the water market, but she suddenly appeared in the water market with a large number of breeding masters. Tit for tat immortal attitude.

And why she dealt with He Wenlong, the mission target was directly at the crystal box, which was He Wenlong's ultimate mission.

If Lina really wanted to fight He Wenlong to the death, then He Wenlong would definitely not be able to leave Lanyun Port safely by taking an oil tanker in such a simple way, and as long as He Wenlong leaves the coastline of Shuishi, it is almost equivalent to being out of danger, and it is very possible to complete the task It was He Wenlong.

But Lina never showed up, so there is only one possibility, Lina is not worried that He Wenlong will complete the task at all, because the crystal box is in her hands.

Wen Dong didn't know what method Lina used to take the crystal box away from He Wenlong without anyone noticing, but the person behind the scenes was probably her.

She was the final winner, and He Wenlong, along with the two elders and many seven-kill group breeding masters, became the victims of this task.

That's right, He Wenlong is so powerful. Among the [-] master planters and two elders, no one will definitely have the crystal box in his hands. Even He Wenlong thinks so. The crystal box is in his hands. In his own hands, so the troops led by Blood Sword and the so-called mysterious Tianxia Palace behind him all focused their attention on He Wenlong...


Thinking of this, Wendong couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly, he and others were all played by Lina, this woman is really scary...

This woman is so ruthless, and at least [-]% of the credit for what I have caused today is caused by her, Wen Dong is more and more sure.

He Wenlong will only attract a lot of attention if all his plans are successful. The longer he lives, the safer Lena herself will be. When she went to rescue Lan Yan yesterday afternoon, she tied herself there for an entire afternoon to cause All of He Wenlong's plans were almost perfectly successful.

Including Lanyun's bombing incident, and Zhang Hanhan's kidnapping by He Wenlong!

A wave of hatred instantly filled my heart!

As for Wendong putting this micro-device on Lina back then, he just wanted to prevent her from causing further trouble, but the facts are as he expected, judging from the tracking display, Lina actually went to sea before He Wenlong...

It must be by sea. Lina has already been noticed by the military in the water city. If she takes the empty road, it is definitely not safe to leave with the crystal box.

System: "Ding: Use the Taihuang Waterproof Bead for two hours to trigger the second characteristic of the Taihuang Waterproof Bead - positioning."

Positioning: Taihuang Waterproof Bead has a memory function, and can automatically locate the places it walks.


System: "Ding: [Holy Prayer] lasts for only 20 minutes."

The time refers to six ten in the morning.

In the eastern sky, the morning sun is rising slowly, dispelling the misty mist on the sea surface, the autumn is crisp and clear, and the sky is cloudless and blue.

Looking around, the sea waves are rippling, the blue is thousands of miles, and the horizon is endless.

On this vast sea, a delicate tanker looks extremely small.

On top of the oil tanker, a blood shadow young man stood upright, his not handsome face was covered with bloodstains, especially the clothes on his body were in tatters, and the blood had already congealed into scabs, hanging on his waist like a broken patch. The body, from a distance, looks like a specimen of a mummy.

Beside his youth, a beautiful woman in black stood quietly with indifferent eyes.

It was Wen Dong and Li Ningyan.

Both of them stared coldly at the group of people in front of them, Wen Dong's breathing was short, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Compared with Wen Dong, who is not even as good as a beggar, the pretty women headed by a group of people in front of him are in stark contrast to him.

Lina was wearing an exquisite black suit, a tube skirt and long legs, and black hair and snow skin. Standing at the door of the cabin in the bright morning light, she looked taller and fairer, with charming eyes, a straight nose, and a high bun. As the breeze blew, a strand of blue silk wrapped around her ruddy lips, making her look even more charming. Under the tube skirt, a pair of long white legs were exposed, with a smile on her face, gentle and outstanding.

The charming and capable woman temperament also made Wendong stunned for a moment, but when he saw the box in the other's drooping hand, the murderous intent in his eyes became much stronger.

Dressed so rigorously, is this going to hand in a mission?Wen sneered in his heart.

Lina still had a charming smile on her face, but she was deeply shocked in her heart. She was very aware of the hatred between He Wenlong and Wendong, and she was sure that no matter what, the two of them would face each other. As for who would win and who would lose , she doesn't care too much, although if Wendong fails, some of her arrangements will be in vain, but he can be a person who the doctor cares about, if even He Wenlong can't deal with it, then it's no pity to die up.

She didn't care about the decisive battle between Wendong and He Wenlong, but when she heard that the guardians of the dawn, Devil May Cry and Ghost, died on the tanker, she was indeed shocked. She knew that she underestimated this man.

Until now, he didn't know how to catch up with him...

Ignoring the staring eyes of the shadow and centipede beside her, and the murderous intent in Wendong's eyes, she sighed softly and seemed to mutter to herself: "You shouldn't have come."

A trace of disappointment and pity appeared on Lina's face. She remembered telling Wen Dong that whether Wen Dong killed He Wenlong or even directly destroyed the Seven Killing Group, it was fine, but the only thing was not to confront the doctor directly.

Wen Dong killed Devil May Cry and Ghost, she didn't believe it, and even if he really had this ability, she didn't think he was qualified to compete with the doctor, at least, not yet.

She is not afraid, because this place is completely separated from the sea boundary of Tianxia Kingdom, and it is very close to the organization base, Wendong really shouldn't come here.

Youran's eyes touched the cold and murderous pupils of the other party, and Wen Dong's roar that suppressed the murderous intent in his heart seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Damn you!"

This roar made Lina pause. She didn't know what kind of feelings she had for Wendong, but she could clearly feel the pain in Wendong's angry roar, which might be the result of their physical intercourse An irresistible emotion derived from it.

No matter what, the moments that once occupied the bodies of both parties will leave indelible imprints in their respective hearts, no matter if it is a man or a woman.

And I made some arrangements for him without telling the doctor, one is that he wants to see how far this man who once occupied him and made himself unable to see through, but the most important thing is that this complicated feeling is at work, The corner of Lina's mouth hooked slightly, mocking herself.

She remembered telling Wendong that if one day she made an irreparable mistake, she hoped that Wendong would let her go.Wendong did not answer at that time, but she knew that Wendong had not forgotten
The two have different ways, and there must be a day of confrontation, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon, or in other words, she miscalculated the position of those people in Wendong's heart.

The snarl of 'you damned' clearly means - how can I let you go!
(End of this chapter)

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