Chapter 841

Such a scene seemed a bit embarrassing, Wen Dong stood there coldly, as if he hadn't recovered yet, and didn't speak.

He didn't speak, so others naturally didn't dare to move too much.

"Leader, you have made a mistake. Now, I am willing to bring all the gang members back to the leader. If you want to kill or cut, I will have no complaints. I brought out the brothers in the gang. I will bear all the crimes alone, but please The lord of the clan showed mercy and spared the lives of my brothers. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. When Tian Qing arrested my old mother as a threat, I had no choice but to instigate my brothers. Many of them have seniors and subordinates. There is a little..."

A part of the self-reported statement made everyone burst into tears, and some former Qingcheng gang members on both sides were also moved, and they seemed to step forward to die for him.

Wen Dong's expression was cold, and he saw it in his eyes, saying that he is a hob meat, which is not bad at all. At this time, he did not forget to buy people's hearts. I guess he also knows that if he surrenders himself, Wen Dong will not really kill him. In this way, it is not good for the unity within Qingcheng.

Wen Dong looked at him coldly.


Zhang Youcheng wanted to say more, but he rushed up and slapped him hard, slapping him directly on the ground, and he didn't get up for a long time.

"You want to atone for them?" Wen Dong pointed the bloody knife at his head.

"Yes, leader." Zhang Youcheng was still a little bloody after all, Wen Dong's kick was not light, he fell to the ground and didn't make a sound.

"Then I'll help you." Wen Dong's expression froze for a moment, murderous intent appeared in his eyes, he raised the knife and dropped it, and the blood suddenly appeared.

"Master!" The people on both sides of the line shouted.

"Don't move around!" A big man hurriedly reminded loudly, his eyes fixed on Zhang Youcheng who was on the ground.

And the woman scattered beside the tables and stools also screamed.

"Bang bang bang..." Wen Dong ignored the others, rushed forward and kicked Fan Youcheng's stomach, head, and neck harder than the last.

And Zhang Youcheng didn't make a sound, and was kicked by Wendong like a ball rolling on the ground, gritting his teeth, enduring the pain and just rolling on the ground.

Only then did everyone see that Wen Dong didn't actually kill him, but left a long bloody gash on his face with a knife. It seemed that the spray of blood was very scary, but it was not life-threatening at all.

"Damn it." Wen Dong coldly dropped the bloody knife in his hand, cursed, and lit a cigarette.

"Master, you are also tired, sit down and have a meal." Zhang Youcheng grinned with painful porcelain teeth, stood up staggeringly, and said respectfully.

Ling Yun: "..."

Still have this?
Ling Yun had been dumbfounded a long time ago, he thought he was thick-skinned enough, but compared with this big fat pig at this moment, it is simply...incomparable!

Wendong walked to the table and sat down, scaring the beautiful woman beside him to jump up, but she was arranged in the main seat, so Zhang Youcheng arranged to accompany Wendong from the beginning, she quickly calmed down and rushed to Wendong. Dong Yan smiled, and picked up a red wine on the table with her slender hands to refill Wen Dong.

Wen Dong glanced at the woman, stretched out his hand and took a sip to drink, it was not poisonous.

"What are you doing in a daze, eat!" Wen Dong looked up at Ling Yun and the others, and said angrily.

"Uh, okay." Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, but he took the lead and found a random table to sit down, and everyone followed quickly, but they didn't put down the weapons in their hands, for fear that this would be a grand banquet.

"If you dare to do it again, your head will be cut off next time!" Wen Dong looked at Zhang Youcheng who was limping over, and said murderously.

"Yes, yes, Master, I will definitely serve Qingcheng until the end of my life." Zhang Youcheng quickly voted his resolution, his face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

Fan Youcheng was also bloody, he pushed away the woman who came up to him to bandage him, grabbed a napkin from the table and spread it on his face, patted the dust on his body, and limped on Wen Dong's body beside.

Wen Dong's knife just now really frightened him, he thought he was really killed, but after the knife, he realized that Wen Dong didn't kill him, he bet right.

But no matter what, he thought of Fan der's fate, he knew that Wen Dong was not joking with him, and he respected and feared Wen Dong in his heart.

She made the right bet, she bet her life back, and bought some people's hearts by the way.And Wendong also gained a lot.

He beat himself up, which can be regarded as punishment for betrayal, and there must be other punishments in the future, but at least he saved his life, and it can be seen from the side that Wen Dong is not a bloodthirsty person, and he will make people The other younger brothers who defected and returned took a reassurance and became more convinced of Wendong.

It is not a matter of a day or two for Qingcheng to merge into one again, and it is not a matter of a day or two to fully integrate, especially people's hearts!This is an invisible and intangible barrier, but it is extremely deadly.Because they all had the title of a traitor on their heads, but now that Wendong is lenient, they have regrets in their hearts, and they will definitely be loyal to Qingcheng and do their best, hoping to fully integrate into Qingcheng again and be recognized.

The most important point is that this will allow Qingcheng to integrate and unite as soon as possible.

"Let them withdraw, what does it look like?" Wen Dong glanced at the dozen or so women who were seated and said.

"Yes." Zhang Youcheng nodded hastily, and dismissed all the accompanying girls.

"In our Qingcheng, there is only one way to be a traitor, you should know." Sensing that Zhang Youcheng was staring at him anxiously and dared not speak, Wen Dong said first.

"I know." Zhang Youcheng shuddered and nodded bitterly.

Wen Dong nodded, then fell silent.Zhang Youcheng sat aside and did not dare to breathe. He knew that the punishment was not that simple.

"Call Zhang Yifeng's deputy gang leader to come over, and there are gangsters." Wen Dong nodded, and said to Ling Yun beside him: "Let Qing Xiao handle the matter on the South Road first."

Zhang Youcheng opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to speak. The gangster has a violent personality, and he is the most loyal to Mr. Zhang, and he hates a traitor like himself even more. It seems that the violent beating tonight is just an appetizer. As for Zhang Yifeng , then needless to say, he is Mr. Zhang's godson.

But no matter what, now it seems that my little life has been saved. As for how to torture them to vent their anger, I can only grit my teeth and endure it. The only thing I am thankful for is that when Tian Qing rebelled against Mr. Zhang, he kept an extra Xinyan didn't do anything to the third master, but just left Qingcheng with his confidants and joined Tian Qing.Come to think of it, this is also the reason why the gang leader let him go.


Although the bastard has a fiery temperament, he can sit on the head of the class, so it is natural that there are subtleties in the thick and thin. When you come here and take a look, you will know the reason.

Zhang Yifeng didn't say anything, just sat on the sidelines and drank alcohol. The death of his godfather made him hate these people to the core. He hoped day and night that one day he could chop them all up and feed them to the dogs, but at this moment he saw Zhang Youcheng in front of him. , Seeing the former Qingcheng brothers with their heads hanging down on both sides of the line, the murderous intent in his heart slowly receded like a tide.

"You bastard, you bastard, I hate you to the core, do you know that!" The gangster's eyes were as big as copper bells, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, cursing, he raised his fist at Zhang Youcheng He was punched hard in the chest.

He has a straightforward temperament, and he is most angry with people like Zhang Youcheng. Those are his brothers in the past, especially Zhang Youcheng and Fan De. Back then, they were all brothers who carried blades to cut things together, and Qingcheng was a gang of them. The main hit down.

"Brother, Youcheng made a mistake. I am here to accompany you. I was wrong." Zhang Youcheng took the punch, stretched out his hand to push the chair away, and knelt down directly.

"Go to hell, who the hell is your brother, get out!" Seeing this scene, the gangster's eyes burst into flames, and he kicked Zhang Youcheng to the ground.

Zhang Youcheng snorted in pain, he didn't care to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, his chubby body struggled to get up, and knelt down again: "If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want."

"Master." Seeing this scene, the people on both sides were about to cry, "Plop", I don't know who started it, and more than 60 people on both sides all knelt down. They were originally from Qingcheng help the public.

"Grass!" The gangster cursed, picked up the wine glass on the table, and drank it down, out of breath.

Sensing Zhang Youcheng's eyes, the gangster simply turned his head and ignored him, looked at Wen Dong, and said in a low voice: "Guangzhu, you can do whatever you want."

At this time, Zhang Yifeng also looked at Wendong, his eyes were clear, not like the hatred he had when he saw Zhang Youcheng just now.

Wen Dong nodded, stood up slowly and said: "People always make mistakes. Mistakes can be big or small, so some mistakes can be turned back by the prodigal son, but some mistakes can't be done. The mistakes are made by oneself. Then if you want to repent, you have to pay for the mistakes you have committed. According to my temper, even if you surrender, I will leave something on you, so that you will remember it for the rest of your life."

Wen Dong's voice was silent, but at this time the field was silent, everyone could hear clearly, and everyone looked up at Wen Dong.

"However, Zhang Youcheng took it for you, so your first penalty is over. As for the second penalty, today is the nine-day anniversary of the death of the third master, so I won't say much. You go to kneel in front of his graveyard for a day, but there is no objection." ?”

"No." Zhang Youcheng said quickly.

"No." The next group of people also hurriedly voted.

"The third penalty. After that, Zhang Youcheng will no longer be the hall master, but will be demoted two levels. He will become the subordinate of the gangster. Everyone else will join the ranks of rookies and start over. If you have the ability, you can crawl for me again. If you are recognized by Qingcheng, you will show us your abilities."

"Also." Wen Dong paused, looking at the gangsters, Zhang Yifeng and the others: "I hope you will treat them equally and give them a chance to redeem their sins, would you like to?"

"Okay." Zhang Yifeng calmed down for a moment, nodded and said.

"Okay, but you only have one chance. If you do it again, I'll screw the head off. It doesn't matter what the gang leader says." The gangster snorted angrily.

"Of course, if this is the case, I don't need you to do it myself, I will do it myself." Wen Dong nodded and looked up at the crowd: "You will atone for Qingcheng, are you willing?"

"I will wait."

"The gang leader is mighty!"

"The guild leader is mighty!" No one knew who started it, and the roar in the hall shook the sky.

The gangster was gulping down wine, tears filled his eyes with excitement, he knew that this time Qingcheng split up and reunited, not only did it not weaken Qingcheng, but on the contrary, it had a fresh vitality like a new life, and Qingcheng Under the leadership of Wendong, the new gang leader, Qingcheng may bring Qingcheng to a new height.

Not maybe, but definitely.

He murmured in his heart, admiring in his heart.Third Master, you still have vision...

(End of this chapter)

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