How bad guys are made

Chapter 858 Fate

Chapter 858 Fate

Although Wendong is now his son-in-law, and he has expressed his ambition, Su Jianhan is not a three-year-old child who will easily tell Wendong about the family's hidden dangers.

And it seems a little early for me to think about this now.

Looking up, Su Jianhan smiled and said, "Talk to Yuemeng well."

Hearing Su Jianhan's sudden and thoughtless words, Wen Dong didn't understand, but nodded in agreement.

"Uncle, Yue Meng said that you like to practice martial arts?" Wen Dong asked casually.

"Why, want to practice?" Su Jianhan rubbed his callused hands, looking at Wendong with exquisite eyes, he hadn't fought with an extraordinary warrior yet, he wanted to see how powerful an extraordinary warrior was, this pair It also has certain benefits.

Seeing the fighting spirit in Su Jianhan's eyes, Wen Dong was speechless for a while, and quickly waved his hands: "I can't beat you."

Hearing this, Su Jianhan's eyes sank: "It's not good to be too modest."

"It's not that I'm modest, it's just that I have a special way to deal with breeders." Wen Dong knew what Su Jianhan meant, and quickly explained.

He didn't fight with Su Jianhan, it was useless to fight Su Jianhan, and it was a waste of his energy.

"Special method?" Su Jianhan looked at him, his eyes became more and more curious, but he didn't ask, after all, this was his secret.

"I know that Uncle usually trains his body, so I specially prepared a small gift for you." Seeing Su Jianhan's eyes burning, Wen Dong couldn't help it, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Oh?" Su Jianye raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and looked at him with interest, wondering what good things this son-in-law had prepared for him.

Wen Dong didn't speak, and turned his hand over, and a crystal clear bead appeared in his palm. It was the mirage bead from "The Body of the Earth" that he got out of boredom last night. It was the most suitable to please the old man.

"This is it?" Su Jianhan reached out to take it curiously, turned the beads around a few times in his palm, but didn't see anything special, so he couldn't help but look up at Wendong curiously.

"You concentrate and try to get into this bead with your mind." Wen Dong reminded.


"Girl, what are you doing?" Mother Su's questioning voice sounded from the kitchen.

"Ah? I'm picking vegetables, what's wrong?" Su Yuemeng came back to her senses and looked up at her mother suspiciously.

"Picking vegetables?" Su Mu's face became more weird: "Then why did you put the picked vegetable leaves in the pot, but threw the picked vegetable stems into the trash can?"

"Ah?" Su Yuemeng was startled, and looked down, it was indeed so.Noticing the strange look in her mother's eyes, her little face turned red, and she faltered and couldn't speak.

Seeing her daughter's embarrassment, Mother Su smiled even more, and said with ambiguous eyes: "Are you worried about your little boyfriend?"

"Ah, no, no, I'm worried about what he will do." Su Yuemeng shook her head and said.

"Don't worry, I just reminded your dad that he will definitely not embarrass Wendong. At most, he will scare him and make him treat our daughter better." Mother Su said with a smile.

"Oh." Su Yuemeng nodded hastily, but the expression on her pretty face was a little weird, to scare Wendong?That guy is still afraid of scaring?
Now she is worried that her father's words are too heavy and they will fight.

"Don't worry, I think Wendong is a good guy, and I think you really like him. Mom can make the decision for you. I gave birth to the daughter. Of course I have the final say on choosing a son-in-law. Your father will be in vain even if he doesn't want to." " Mother Su hummed domineeringly.

I like Wendong?Which eye did you see?

Su Yuemeng's expression became even weirder, but she quickly nodded in agreement.

"Girl, has Wendong ever touched you?" Seeing that her daughter was absent-minded, Mother Su asked quickly.

"Ah? Touch? Touch what?" Su Yuemeng raised her head in a daze.

"Still pretending to be with your mother, right? I know a little bit about you young people. What kind of passion do you want? It's the kind of kissing and hugging. Has he ever treated you like this?" Mother Su said seductively.

"Kiss and hug? How is this possible, mom, what are you talking about!" Su Yuemeng looked at her mother in surprise, as if she were looking at a monster. Did you say those blunt things yourself?

But she couldn't help but think of the scene this morning, which she will never forget.Before she knew it, her pretty face was flushed red.

"No?" Mother Su asked with a smile when she saw her daughter's appearance, her face became more ambiguous.

"Of course not." Su Yuemeng was ashamed and threw away the vegetable leaves angrily: "Mom, when did you gossip like this? I'm really disrespectful and won't talk to you anymore." As she said that, she blushed escaped.

Su's mother smiled and watched her daughter run away, but she couldn't help nodding her head. Her daughter is also old enough to talk about marriage, but young people are unstable. understood as normal.And she can also see that her daughter is still a virgin, and Wen Dong has not moved her body, she is very satisfied with this.In my heart, I feel more and more reliable about Wendong, the son-in-law.


And when Su Yuemeng saw her father and Wendong coming out of the study laughing and talking, the smile on her father's face was as sweet as eating water-honey-peach. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. With deep doubts, he wondered how Wendong could make his father so happy.

After a meal, he was very happy. Su Jianhan found a new way in body training, and he was extremely happy.His body training skills have reached the bottleneck, and it is difficult to improve, otherwise he would not have heard a martial arts instructor in Songhai City give a lecture, so he ran over in a hurry.

Happily, he and Wendong made three bottles of white wine, and his cheeks shaved with an axe knife were flushed. Seeing Su's mother frowning, smoking and drinking hurt his body, Su Jianhan focused on body training, and he didn't drink much on weekdays Non-stick.

But it can also be seen from here that the husband is satisfied with Wendong, even the husband is satisfied with Wendong, and Su's mother is even more at ease.

"Treat my Xiaomeng well, otherwise, I won't forgive you." Su Jianhan patted Wendong on the shoulder. He drank a lot of liquor, but he didn't shake when he walked, but his face was full of drunkenness, and his hands didn't feel serious. .

Wen Dong only felt that his shoulders were smashed by him, Ci Ya grinned and nodded repeatedly, agreeing that he would definitely treat Yue Meng well.

Su Yuemeng stood aside, angry and blamed at her father, but also drank some red wine with her, her pretty face was extremely pink, her happiness was beyond words.Looking at Wendong on the side, I like it more and more in my heart.


"Bastard, shameless, you don't mean anything..." On the way, Su Yuemeng kept a cold face, cursing someone secretly in her heart.

After all, it was the first visit, so Wendong shouldn't stay for too long. After drinking and eating, Wendong talked with the elders again, then got up to say goodbye, and the elders saw them off, very happy.

As soon as he left the house, Wendong suddenly received a call, so he dropped himself and left alone, only to let Xiaoliuzi send him back.

The sweetness in Su Yuemeng's heart was swept away, and she was very dissatisfied with someone's behavior.

"Sister-in-law, shall I take you back to your room?" Seeing Su Yuemeng's displeased face, the little six asked cautiously.

"No, let's go to the rooftop to blow some air." Su Yuemeng snorted, and walked into the special passage in Qingcheng.


The rooftop is the place where Qingcheng discusses matters, and usually only people above the hall master can set foot on it.And after a long period of subtle influence, being on the rooftop has become a status symbol.

However, after Zhang Sanbai was assassinated on the rooftop, Zhang Yifeng changed the place of discussion for fear of affecting his mentality.As a result, this place became a place frequented by those boring people in the base, and was even converted into a recreational place at one point.

The rooftop is built on the top of Qingcheng Nightclub, open air.Because of the large area, those boring people also built two swimming pools. Now the weather is getting colder, but it is nothing to these monsters.

After all, the nightclub is still a romantic place, and Qingcheng is the same, the only difference is that the control is much stricter.

Therefore, Qingcheng Nightclub is also a place frequented by many senior white-collar workers, social elites and single men and women looking for one-night-stand-partners.

The roof is no different from a sacred place for them. Although the reconstruction is no longer the same as before, being able to climb the roof is undoubtedly a bragging capital for these white-collar elites.

Therefore, this is also the best place for those people in the base to pick up girls and have a romantic relationship. Not only is the place good, but the quality of the beauties is also good!
Blowing the sassy autumn wind, there is an endless stream of beauties in twos and threes, either sexy, enchanting, or charming.

"Huh..." In the swimming pool, a head popped out, Ling Yun let out a sigh of relief, and jumped out of the swimming pool quickly, revealing his lean muscles.

But he didn't dare to be naked. Although this is a place for flirting with girls, the people in the base have a tacit understanding that they are not allowed to do obscene things here, and they can't play hooligans.

He casually twisted the shorts that were tightly attached to his thighs, Ling Yun put on a bathrobe, glanced around with bright eyes, but couldn't help but smacked his lips in disappointment.

There is no type you like!
There are quite a few beauties in the arena, but in his opinion, most of them are too sexy, charming, and even a bit coquettish. He doesn't like this kind of one, but prefers the Xiaojiabiyu type, just like Zhou Yaman's, gentle and soft.

Zhou Yaman has something to do at home these few days, and he has returned to his hometown, and he is immersed in the study of "Guying Huansha", so he hasn't touched any meat in the past few days.

This thing is kind of addicting.

He was ordered by Wendong early this morning to take down the place, and he has been busy until now, especially one of the people who came to lead the people was Xiaojiabiyu's mature-wife.

Sighing on his face, he randomly found a wicker chair and sat down, and suddenly saw a beautiful woman drinking orange juice enjoying the scenery alone in an empty corner, and he stared at her appearance with bright eyes.With beautiful eyebrows like ink, nose and mouth, she is as beautiful as a woman in an ink painting of a lady.Wearing a light yellow down jacket and a pair of slim pants, her figure is graceful and slender, elegant and elegant.Pure, tender-tender, quiet and elegant, a femininity that is simply impossible to appear here.

The woman was quiet, beautiful, elegant and beautiful, as if thinking of something, she smiled lightly, adding a bit of spring.

Ling Yun wiped his saliva while watching from the sidelines, he never expected to meet such a beautiful woman here, fate——

"Brother, isn't that woman beautiful?" Ah Xing came over at some point and asked in a low voice.

Ling Yun is one of the first batch of graduates from the base, and his skills are excellent, so many people here call him brother.

"Pretty, so beautiful, my brother likes this type, hehe..." Ling Yun reluctantly withdrew his eyes, rubbed his hands excitedly, and looked at A Xing: "Xiao Xing, this woman is from our Qingcheng? I Why haven't you seen it? Have you touched it?"

"Her name is Su Yuemeng. She just came to our Qingcheng. I haven't touched her before, but I don't want to. Why, do you really like her?" A Xing asked, laughing in his heart: numb, this slut - Stick, after a few days with the gang leader, you can't touch the south wall. Let the gang leader know how to deal with you after seeing this!
"Just came to our Qingcheng? It's done, this woman is mine!" Ling Yun's eyes became brighter and he gave the decision directly.After finishing speaking, she pulled the towel on her body, deliberately exposed her strong muscles, brushed her front bangs, and got up proudly and walked towards Su Yuemeng.

(End of this chapter)

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