Chapter 870
"They're here?" Seeing Zhang Xiuxiu's expression tense, Zhang Wending asked.

"En." Zhang Xiuxiu nodded, her eyes were burning with killing intent.

As long as these people can be killed, at least they will be safe for the time being, that's what Zhang Xiuxiu thinks.

Thinking of this, she sneered in her heart.Yu was too conceited, thinking that there was nothing she could do about him, as long as she gave herself some time to let the news out, she really wasn't afraid that she wouldn't be able to get out of the Broken Cloud Country.

"Xiuxiu." Zhang Wending said suddenly, with a heavy tone.

"Huh?" Zhang Xiuxiu turned her head in doubt.

"You have to be careful." Zhang Wending said seriously: "Since Yu sees that we are not ordinary people, he must be on guard against us. And if he dares to do this, he must have something to rely on. For a while, you have to be careful."

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, I don't drink, and I don't know how to eat." When Zhang Xiuxiu thought of the poison, her heart tightened, and she nodded cautiously.

"It's hard for you." Zhang Wending sighed.These days Zhang Xiuxiu has been bullied by Yu, he knows it all, and the reason why Zhang Xiuxiu dare not do anything is entirely because of taking care of him.

"You are Brother Wendong's father, you said I saved you, how should he repay me?" Zhang Xiuxiu suddenly smiled.

Seeing that she spoke easily, Zhang Wending also knew that it would be useless to talk too much, this kindness has been recorded.


Zhang Xiuxiu went downstairs to greet her with Yu, who put his arms around her shoulders, her expression was calm and gentle.

"Why is there one person missing?" Seeing everyone went upstairs, Zhang Xiuxiu could see clearly, her heart tightened, and she asked in a low voice.

"That brother went to sea yesterday afternoon, and it will take at least two days to come back. But it doesn't matter, I have a lifelong friendship with him, and I am most at ease with him." Yu replied in a low voice, looking up at the attic, with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes And pass.

Obviously, it was precisely because his brother went to sea that these guys wanted to do something to themselves!
"Woman, do better in a while." Yu Da paw patted Zhang Xiuxiu's buttocks, and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiuxiu knocked off his hand, her eyes were cold.

Yu didn't care, pushed her, turned around and walked into the dining room to look for Ya, obviously he had something to discuss with her.

Zhang Xiuxiu was still thinking about the brother who went to sea, if they couldn't take care of them, it would be a bit troublesome, so she hurried upstairs to discuss with Zhang Wending.

The two people in the room had serious expressions, and the previous plan was no longer a good one.One of Yu's brothers went to sea, and he would come back in two days at most. If Yu and those brothers were all dead when he came back, then this matter would definitely be exposed.

Although Zhang Xiuxiu was confident of escaping, two days was too little time. It would take at least one day to get here from Shuishi, and she didn't know the exact location of this place, only knew that it was called Kama Village.

Zhang Wending's expression was serious, obviously he also found this troublesome.

Just after saying a few words, A came up, holding a celadon plate in his hand.

When the two saw Aya, they quickly concealed their seriousness.

Putting the plate on the table, and noticing the eyes of Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending, A put his hands together and nodded kindly to them.

Zhang Wending and Zhang Xiuxiu put their palms together quickly and followed suit.

Do as the Romans do, this should be a kind of greeting etiquette for them.

A smiled slightly, walked over, squeezed her hand and moved it.

Zhang Xiuxiu understands that A is correcting her movements.

"Is that so?" Zhang Xiuxiu clasped her hands together again, and did what she did just now, but after all, she still looked a little different and unnatural.A covered her mouth and smiled lightly, pointed to Zhang Wending beside him, saying that he did a good job.

Zhang Xiuxiu smiled awkwardly, but was not angry, and liked Aya's kindness and mellowness very much in her heart.

A turned around and took the celadon plate.Only then did Zhang Xiuxiu realize that it was not water, but a kind of grass pulp made from medicinal herbs. It was green and clear, and it smelled good. There was a green leaf on the rim of the cup.

"&;%¥#@..." Seeing the doubts in Zhang Xiuxiu's eyes, she explained.

Zhang Xiuxiu could only understand some commonly used words, and she couldn't understand what kind of grass it was, but she understood one word, removing moisture.

Oh, Zhang Xiuxiu understands, because it just rained, this is used to remove moisture.

A smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to pinch Qing Leye, and sprinkled the grass syrup on the two of them, especially on their noses.

The grass pulp evaporates quickly on the skin, very refreshing.

As for whether it can really remove the moisture, she doesn't know.But it was obviously kindness, Zhang Xiuxiu clasped her hands together and thanked with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Xiuxiu's still unrecognizable movements, Ai covered her mouth with a smile, stretched out her hand to pick up the celadon plate and walked out.


The party is next door to the room where I live.

Zhang Xiuxiu was carried up to the second floor by Yu's shoulders. Before he reached the door, he could hear the relaxed and cheerful singing in the room, which was cozy and comfortable.

After all, Zhang Xiuxiu is still a girl in her twenties. Although she has been slaughtered, she is somewhat uncomfortable with the scene in front of her.

Yu sat at the main seat, different from the seriousness and indifference during the previous conversation, he was wearing a linen blouse, which looked much more casual.At this time, A had brought the food to the table, and was sitting at the side, pouring tea and wine for him from time to time.

Sitting opposite Yu was a rough man who was bigger than him, and beside him sat a pair of twin women, who was also the only one here who had two female relatives like Yu.Due to environmental reasons, the skin of the women here is not white, but wheat-colored, but the two women look very young, at most 20 years old.One was lying in his arms, his big hands casually stroking the woman's chest; the other was lying at his feet, she was only wrapped in a sarong, her breasts were tightly pressed against the man's thighs, her wheat-colored slender The outline of the body is faintly visible, and he is pouring wine for him.

This is the real female-slave, the female-slave who was treated as goods and livestock, and was played lightly by the pirates here.

The only woman with fair skin was the skinny man she had found before, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and her skin was much fairer than Zhang Xiuxiu's.This is a Russian, probably a foreign woman plundered from a cargo ship at sea. Most Russian women have huge bones, and this woman is the same. She looks much stronger than that thin man.

As I said, the people here have different aesthetics, and the beauty is small.It doesn't matter if the skin is black or white, but the men here like petite women, maybe this can make them feel mighty and powerful.Suba is of medium stature, so it's no wonder I don't like it very much.But he was small and petite, so it was no wonder that when they were at sea before, those people saw him with a gleam in their eyes.

Of course, but also delicate skin.For environmental reasons, it is not easy to keep the skin tender.But Zhang Xiuxiu took it all in, I really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Zhang Xiuxiu watched all this in silence.But she will never crawl at the feet of men in humiliation like other women.

She was probably the only woman present sitting upright, and the other men, especially Yu, who was opposite him, looked over with interest.

"%^*&;@..." Yu said with a smile.

He was explaining that Zhang Xiuxiu was still a little uncomfortable.

As soon as the words came out, the smiles of the men around were deeper.

Yu grabbed Zhang Xiuxiu's shoulders with a big hand, leaned into her ear, and whispered something.

Seeing that other people were making fun of and being intimate with women, she could only bite the bullet and hold up her disgust to pick up the wine glass on the table and bring it to her mouth.

Yu stared at her intently, following her snow-white jade neck under the sarong, a throbbing flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth to hold the rim of the cup, drank it all in one gulp, and immediately took her finger in his mouth, and nibbled it lightly.

Zhang Xiuxiu felt disgusted and quickly withdrew her hand.

Everyone laughed.

Zhang Xiuxiu was a little embarrassed, and her heart was full of killing intent.A on the side looked at her, nodded kindly, and his eyes were calm.But Zhang Xiuxiu seemed to see a little fluctuation different from the past, which made her think.


The meals made by A are good, and the female slaves are extremely attentive, grabbing the food with their hands, and feeding the men humblely.

This action was unacceptable to Zhang Xiuxiu, and she sat motionless on the spot, while the big man opposite him grinned as he ate his food, "Boss, are you tired of the food you cooked?"

Yu shook his head and said, "How is that possible?"Then he turned his head and looked to the side.A hurriedly grabbed the food and gently delivered it to his mouth.

The drama begins.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone has almost drunk, and it is filled with hallucinogenic drugs, which arouses desire even more.Yu pulled Aya past her feet, and tore open her sarong with a snort.

His actions are like a signal.The others actually followed Yu's example, tearing off the woman's sarong and eating it on the spot.

This is probably the extreme release method they are most familiar with—some couldn't hold back, and directly put the woman on the table, wantonly beating; some spilled wine on the woman, and then used their lips and tongue; But he left his own Russian female-slave aside and shared a female-slave back and forth with another man...

And the Russian female-slave was not idle, and was pulled away by another man in a while, and the man used two at a time.

The extremely corrupt atmosphere quickly spread in the house, turning into a sea of ​​desire.

Because it was drugged, Yu Ke didn't dare to do anything serious, but just caressed her.

A lightly raised her neck and narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was enjoying herself, but looked sideways at Zhang Xiuxiu.

Looking at her eyes, Zhang Xiuxiu couldn't understand, and sat aside in a daze, not daring to look at everything around her.

Don't look at her uninhibited speech on weekdays, always telling Wendong to be his mistress, but she is still an innocent girl.Surrounded by the scene, I just feel very uncomfortable.

But at this moment, the little foot tightened and was caught.

Zhang Xiuxiu's body was a little stiff, and she turned her head slowly.

The linen shirt on Yu's body has been taken off, revealing his strong muscles.He is also a young man, the wine was drugged, and he was also affected, his face flushed. At this moment, he supported Aya's waist with one hand, and boldly grabbed her chest with the other hand.

After all, Zhang Xiuxiu is a normal person. Affected by her surroundings, her body was already hot and hot. When the other party hit her with a big hand, her sensitive skin felt like an electric shock.

Facing the rough man opposite, one of the twins was sitting on him with his legs apart, moving vigorously, while the other was lying in his arms, the sarong on his upper body had been untied, revealing plump-full-round-run .The big man held it in both hands, as if sucking milk, but he showed his white teeth, biting his head sideways, and happened to meet Zhang Xiuxiu's sideways eyes.

The big man rolled his eyes at Zhang Xiuxiu, his eyes were extremely ambiguous and presumptuous.

Yu finally maintained some clarity, and pushed Zhang Xiuxiu to the side of the big man with a big hand.

The big man bared his teeth and smiled, and grabbed Zhang Xiuxiu's waist, his big hands were unscrupulous on her body...


Things went smoothly unexpectedly.

About an hour later, the distant sky was already dark, and the wooden building was brightly lit.

In just one hour, the rotten smell in the attic was gone, the intoxicating smell of alcohol was gone, the whole room was filled with an extremely bloody smell, and there was still a deathly silence...

There are 16 people here, only three of them survived.

Before Zhang Xiuxiu only knew about Gu poison, but now seeing it with her own eyes, it is the first time that she is deeply afraid of Gu poison.

All these people died of bleeding from their seven orifices, with bright red blood gurgling from their mouths, noses, eyes, and ears. The appearance of death was cruel.Even though she was used to blood and gore, her scalp still felt a little numb seeing this scene.

No wonder Yu was so frightened when he recalled the scene at that time.

Aa was so frightened that she fell silent, lying in Yu's arms, her body trembling violently.

After all, these were the brothers who drank and robbed together on weekdays, so Yu couldn't bear it. He looked up at Zhang Xiuxiu who looked calmer, and there was a slight strangeness in his eyes.

But he was not afraid, he hugged A in his arms and gave Zhang Xiuxiu a wink.

Zhang Xiuxiu knew what he meant, stood up, and walked out of the room first.


In the next room, two men and two women confront each other.

"No!" Zhang Xiuxiu said coldly, looking into Yu's eyes with murderous intent.

Yu has explained that he will run away tonight.But he has one condition, that is to let Zhang Wending eat Gu poison.

He has been observing carefully these past few days. Zhang Wending is not Zhang Xiuxiu's man, but he is definitely not as simple as an uncle. He looks more like her father. Therefore, in order to make Zhang Xiuxiu submit obediently, Zhang Wending is her biggest obstacle.

Sure enough, Zhang Xiuxiu disagreed.

Yu seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said with a sneer: "You really think that I have no defense against you these days? You have already been poisoned by Gu poison."

Zhang Xiuxiu's heart tightened suddenly, but she also sneered, "Really?"

Seeing that Zhang Xiuxiu didn't shed tears when she didn't see the coffin, Yu turned her head and looked aside.

"Ah, let them suffer a little bit, aren't you prepared for this afternoon?"

A nodded, took two steps forward, and at some point in his hand, there was a celadon plate, green and clear.

Zhang Xiuxiu was startled suddenly, her whole body was stiff, she suddenly remembered what she said earlier about the dehumidification grass pulp, could it be...

(End of this chapter)

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