Chapter 872

Meet old acquaintances in other lands.In a foreign country, especially in this kind of place, Zhang Xiuxiu was a little happy to meet Tianxia people.

The two chatted a few more words. The soldiers didn't have phones, only the army's internal intercom.It was said that the captain had to have a phone call, and if she was in a hurry and wanted to call her family to redeem someone, he was willing to take her to the captain.Zhang Xiuxiu smiled and said that there is no need to bother, just go to the town and make a phone call.

The boy soldier nodded, turned and left with his gun in his hand.Zhang Xiuxiu turned her head and watched the boy run back to the sentry post. Under the emerald blue sky, the little soldier was standing upright alone, wearing a green and white short shirt and trousers.She couldn't help touching the cold dagger at her waist, and thought to herself: "At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. If one can be kind, who would be willing to do evil from the beginning? When will it be a head again..." The cold dagger in the tentacles The hand that cuts the handle is a little sore.

When I came back to my senses, I felt funny again.If this continues, I will become a goddamn woman. When did I become so sentimental.

After about ten minutes, the two walked to an empty land in the valley.Occasionally, soldiers questioned her along the way. Zhang Xiuxiu was from Tianxia, ​​and this was an important point.But she took out the badge, and these people let her pass with a wave of their hands.

The so-called bazaar is actually a hawker driving a farm cart and pulling goods from the town here.Because the road was closed, there were very few hawkers today, probably because of the road closure, they were stranded in the mountains.There are also local residents among them, who are selling their own products.The two are easy to identify, and the hawkers sell candy, clothes and the like.The villagers sell fresh fish, poultry and the like.

Suba weaved a dozen sarongs by herself, and exchanged fish and chickens with the villagers. This was what Zhang Xiuxiu asked her to do. The meat was ready for emergency needs when fleeing.

Zhang Xiuxiu was very clever. She wanted to borrow a mobile phone from a peddler to save trouble, but was told that there was no signal at all in this mountainous area, and only internal calls were available, and internal calls were only available in the army, otherwise they had to go to the town It seems that this must be done.

It is said that the road is closed, but it is nothing to Zhang Xiuxiu. It is just a regular road. The mountains and forests here are dense. As a killer, the most routine training in the base is to survive in the mountains and forests. She wants to take the rugged mountain road to the town. It's not difficult.

A did not go with her, but gave her some herbal ointment before. There are many poisonous insects in the mountains and forests, so she needs to be careful everywhere.


Zhen'er sat casually in the basement of Qingcheng in a casual sexy attire, a pair of beautiful little hands tapped on the keyboard, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes, but her mouth, which seemed to rise from anger, had a different style .

Jen'er has a good hand, but that's not her strong point on base, where she specializes in computer hacking.

That guy Zhang Yifeng was in a very bad mood these days, and Zhener blamed himself in his heart. That guy said something to himself at noon today, and immediately put her into a cold war with him all day long.

People like them have more or less unique hobbies, especially when it comes to releasing stress. Many killers in the base generally have two ways to release stress. The first is to kill people, and the second is to have crazy sex.

But Zhen'er is a little different. Her way of releasing stress is to break through the firewalls of certain large companies, enter the database of the other company, and churn for a while, making the company restless.However, now she feels that these are very uncomfortable, and directly conquered the satellite monitoring of a certain effect.

Happiness is mostly built on the pain of others, this sentence is not false at all.

Suddenly, the computer page made a beeping sound. I don't know who called. There are a lot of numbers, and it looks like a call from abroad.

Zhen'er couldn't help frowning, did the other party notice this?
Zhen'er couldn't believe it. You must know that your technology is one of the best in the entire base. Even if the other party really deciphered your code and found yourself, it is impossible to find where you are.

Zhen'er sneered, and switched on the connection, her snow-white calf leaning on the table: "Hello..."

"Hello, sister, Zhen'er, you bastard, my aunt is dying, come and save me..."

Zhen'er's body trembled violently, the soles of the high-heeled shoes on the table suddenly tilted, and her whole body fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

"Fuck, Zhen'er, Zhen'er? You didn't run away, did you? My aunt is going to hang up when I hear the call soon!" Zhang Xiuxiu on the other side of the phone became anxious when she didn't hear Zhen'er's echo, and said anxiously.

Hearing Zhang Xiuxiu's voice in the small speaker, Zhen'er was sure she wasn't dreaming, she hurriedly got up from the ground, and didn't care to slap the dust on her buttocks, reached out and grabbed the headset on the table and yelled: "Zhang Xiuxiu, you bitch! -Woman, do you still know how to call? Why didn't you die outside..." While cursing, she was already in tears.


In a private room of the nightclub, there was smoke, and Wen Dong frowned.

Sitting next to him was Zhang Yifeng, and opposite them was a person standing upright with an indifferent expression, it was Bailihan.

Bailihan came here to find him, which made Wendong a little confused, and when he explained his purpose, it made Wendong a little speechless.

Bailihan came to say goodbye.He pursued the way of swords all his life, and never went out in the family, until his father found him and told him to pay back the favor he owed Zhang Wending, and go out to practice by the way.

He thought that he could run rampant in the city with his own ability, but he didn't expect that the reality was far from being as simple as he imagined.During this period, not only was he seriously injured many times and almost died, but it was the Phantom who hit him harder. A woman who looked younger than him was actually much stronger than himself in terms of force, and Zhang Hanhan was protected by Phantom. And the fight with Wendong last night further established the idea in his heart.Zhang Hanhan no longer needed his protection, so he came here to bid farewell.

"Wait for me to have the strength of a sword, and I will surely do the work of a dog and a horse."

This is what Bailihan said, and Wendong was speechless. Obviously, Bailihan remembered the last night's competition, and the words 'whatever you want' had already taken effect when he was defeated by Wendong.In fact, to be honest, Wen Dong competed with him because he was short of breath, but he really didn't take it to heart.

However, Wen Dong is naturally very happy to have such a master willing to follow.

It's just that his sentence of going out to experience made Wendong a little confused. You think this is an ascetic monk in ancient times.

"Boom—" Wen Dong was thinking about how to deal with Baili Han's matter, when the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open, and the wooden door hit the wall behind, making a loud noise.

This is Qingcheng, and because I often drink in this private room, this place has almost become a forbidden area within the gang. situation.

Wen Dong raised his head, suddenly stunned, and turned to look at Zhang Yifeng beside him.

Zhang Yifeng also looked at Zhen'er, who was holding the doorknob with her little hands out of breath, with a little unnatural expression, her little face flushed red.He didn't talk to Zhen'er all day today, and he knew he was wrong, but because he was not in a good mood, he didn't try to coax her.Now that she rushed in in a hurry, he was a little at a loss, but he stood up quickly and went to help her.

After all, it's a young couple, so it's not good for Brother Wendong to read a joke.

"Yifeng, Xiuxiu found it." Zhen'er grabbed Zhang Yifeng's arm with her backhand and said excitedly.

"What?" Zhang Yifeng's body trembled, and he looked at Zhen'er in shock.

Wen Dong, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Zhang Yifeng's shocked look, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Zhang Xiuxiu, a stinky girl, is a troublemaker, and she almost didn't worry about Zhang Yifeng to death these days.Wen Dong smiled lightly, reached out and grabbed the beer and took a sip.

"Yes, Xiuxiu was found. She called me just now." Zhen'er took a few breaths, confirmed her words again, then raised her little face that was flushed from running too fast, and looked at Wen weeping with joy. Dong: "Brother Wendong, Uncle Zhang Wending is not dead, he was rescued by Xiuxiu, and now he is with Xiuxiu."

"Boom!" The beer bottle that had just been delivered to his mouth shattered in an instant. There seemed to be a spring under Wendong's buttocks, and he stood up with a 'boo'. Everyone felt a black shadow flash, and Wendong arrived. Beside Zhen'er, a big beer-stained hand grabbed Zhen'er's arm: "What you said is true?"

"It's true." Zhen'er nodded quickly, then frowned slightly, and reminded in a low voice: "Brother Wendong, you scratched me."

Wen Dong didn't seem to notice it, but stood there in a daze as if struck by lightning.

No one knew how much pain and pressure he had suffered these days, more than half of which came from Zhang Wending and Zhang Hanhan.

He personally killed Zhang Wending in front of Zhang Hanhan, which made it impossible for him to face Zhang Hanhan. No matter how much he did to her, he felt that it would be impossible to make up for it.

He was the one who took action against Zhang Wending, but if you want to talk about the pressure and pain in his heart, he is greater than Zhang Hanhan. Zhang Hanhan divorced him, ignored him, and treated him as a stranger. He was so wronged that he wanted to cry.

During these days, he has been using alcohol to numb himself, and even married Su Yuemeng, who he sometimes regards as Zhang Hanhan.

Only when you lose can you know how to cherish, but when you really lose it, you find that it is irretrievable. Zhang Hanhan, who loves so much and misses him day and night, can never come back...

Yes, never coming back.And only when he was drunk and in a trance, would Zhang Hanhan's real image appear in his mind, with a frown and a smile, or anger or anger, and only at that time, he who was paralyzed by alcohol would think that he and Zhang Hanhan were together again. back to the past...

Before he knew it, his eye sockets were moistened...

Zhang Yifeng on the side stared blankly at the scene in front of him, that brother Wendong, who didn't even smile when he chopped off the opponent's head without blinking, actually cried...

(End of this chapter)

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