Chapter 877
Seeing everyone's doubts, Wen Dong briefly talked about the method that he came up with just now.

Wen Dong's idea is very simple, that is to use those who are about to die. Zhang Yifeng and Ling Yun, who were familiar with General Poppy's information before, nodded repeatedly when they heard his opinion.

General Poppy used to be behind the scenes of General Yu Mu, he was shrewd and suspicious.And if he and the others rush forward with a large amount of ammunition, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the other party.

So Wendong wanted to take a dying person with him, saying that there was a gun battle with a pirate of a certain force on the road, and the brother on board was unfortunately injured, so he came here to seek medical treatment. In this way, the purpose makes sense.

Most of the ordinary pirates on the ship used earthen guns except for the leader who had a rifle, so in order to fake injuries, Wen Dong asked if there were no earthen guns here.

Hearing Wendong's thoughts, Gu Fengshuang and the mercenary named Yuan on the side also nodded secretly, their eyes showing appreciation. To be the boss doesn't have to be brave, the most important thing is to be thoughtful and good at using brains, but Wendong has already shown that at this point.

But Gu Fengshuang couldn't help scratching his head with his paws. The armaments on board were all the world's top-notch equipment, much more advanced than those of some small countries. There were no earthen guns at all, so he couldn't help but feel very troubled.

"I seem to have one in my car." Du Manman on the side said suddenly, with an uncertain tone.There are dense mountains and forests here. She was born in a farm when she was a child, and she liked to hunt some game. She remembered that there seemed to be such a handful in the car.

"Hurry up and get it." Wen Dong was overjoyed and said quickly.

"Okay." Du Manman didn't dare to neglect, and quickly turned around and ran to the car.

"Hey, this chick's ass is getting more and more upturned, no one has touched it yet." Ling Yun stared at the running black shadow of Du Manman, and said with gritted teeth.

"What? You kid want to develop for her?" Gu Fengshuang said with a smile.

"No, no, I don't dare." Hearing this, Ling Yun quickly shook his head like a rattle, but smiled: "I just want to see, at most I can touch it. If you want to really touch it, Then dare not, this little girl is very wild."

"Hey, you really want to develop for her." Gu Fengshuang chuckled: "But this little girl keeps her butt to be with handsome guys, you can't do it."

"Damn." Ling Yunqi's eyeballs bulged, but there was nothing he could do.

After a while, Du Manman really ran over with a soiled shotgun in his arms.

Wen Dong reached out to take it, and the group hurried to the three people on the ground.

Wen Dong looked down at the three of them, pointed to one of them casually and said, "Leave this one, the remaining two will be settled."

"Okay." Ling Yun and Zhang Yifeng nodded quickly, dragged two of them aside one by one, slashed the dagger on their necks, and threw them into the sea.

After putting gunpowder and iron sand, Wen Dong raised his hand and fired a shot at the only person left.

There was a loud gunshot, and the fire snake spat out in the darkness, and the man on the ground groaned in pain, but because he had lost a lot of blood before, he moved his body and died.

Wendong looked down, put away the gun, without blinking his eyes, Gu Fengshuang beside him couldn't help but nodded secretly - ruthless enough!
Quickly took out a white pill from his body, squeezed half of it and put it in the man's mouth, Wen Dong stood up and looked at the crowd and said: "If you can hang him, everyone quickly lift him up and bandage his wound , let's go now."

"it is good."

"What's going on?" Hearing the sound of gunshots, the two people on the boat hurried out to investigate, standing on the deck and watching from afar.

"You two bastards, the boss is here, but he didn't come out to greet you." Gu Fengshuang cursed, and Zhongre hurried on board.

The tanker made a whining sound, rode the wind and waves, and soon disappeared into the sea fog.

Poison Manman stood on the shore and turned to leave. A cold handsome face appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help shaking his little hands, and this lady chased after him.


Seeing newcomers again, everyone introduced them one by one in the cabin. This time the relationship is so important that there must be no mistakes.

It turned out that there were more than two people on the boat, and one of them hadn't come out just now, so Wen Dong couldn't help but take another look at this person.

There is no other reason, it is really carved out of the same mold as Bailihan on the side, it is too cold and solemn, and like Bailihan, the name also has the word 'han' in it.

His name is Gu Fenghan, and he is Gu Fengshuang's younger brother.One has round arms, one is thin, one is hearty, and the other is not good at speaking. I don't know if these two are biological brothers.

Standing honestly by the side, Ling Yun respected this Gu Fenghan very much. This Gu Fenghan followed the exact same route as him, focusing on the way of an assassin.And this Gu Fenghan has been famous in the base for a long time, and now he is probably about the same as the instructor in terms of skills.Ling Yun naturally respected him extremely.

After the introduction, Gu Fengshuang quickly took out a map of the sea area near Suiyun Kingdom and began to study it.

"According to the opinion of the boss, then we have to change our previous plan." Gu Fengshuang said aloud, pointing to several islands with his big hand.

"The sea area of ​​General Poppy's territory is adjacent to that of General Black Skull, and this island also belongs to General Black Skull." Gu Fengshuang pointed to a protruding island.

"Originally, our plan was to buy arms from Menli Tower and go this way, bypassing this island, and then enter the hinterland of General Poppy's territory. Now, we should directly insert it. This island has black General Skeleton’s pirate army guarded him, we had some friction with him, fired a few shots, and then fled to the hinterland of General Poppy, that guy was half dead, so he said he had a gunshot wound and sought medical treatment.” Gu Fengshuang’s voice was rough and humming Said loudly.

Gu Fengshuang is not only skilled, but also very familiar with the pirate seas of the Suiyun Kingdom, and Zhang Yifeng paid special attention to the translator.

"Yes, that's it." Hearing Gu Fengshuang's words, Wen Dong nodded. That's what he thought. The only thing he was worried about was whether the other party would dare to accept them after they fled to the hinterland of General Poppy's territory.And once they ran to the hinterland of other people's islands, it would be very dangerous if the two sides turned against each other.But everyone is skilled and bold, and now in order to save Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending, they can only gamble.


Qingcheng Nightclub.

Qingcheng Group kept Su Yuemeng busy for a long time these days, until 09:30 in the evening before dragging his tired body back.

"Wendong, I'm back." When she came home, she found that the lights were on. Su Yuemeng thought that Wendong was at home, so she opened her mouth and yelled, then bent down and put on her shoes.At this time, she was wearing a decent skirt, stockings with thin legs, and a small suit on her upper body, which set off her face more and more delicately, giving her the air of a strong career woman.

He took off his high heels, put on a pair of slippers on his stockings, and straightened his waist, only to find that the room was silent.

Su Yuemeng frowned slightly, walked towards the bedroom, and glanced at the kitchen and bathroom—there was no one in the room.

Maybe something happened and went out again.

Su Yuemeng thought to herself, sitting on the sofa with her little buttocks, stretched deeply, her beautiful face was slightly tired.

"Huh?" Just as she was about to lean over to pour a glass of water, she found a note pressed on the fruit plate on the tea table. She picked it up curiously and looked at it.

My brother went out for a few days on business, obediently stayed at home, and waited for me in vain.Signed: Wendong.

Su Yuemeng: "..."

These few words were written very sloppily, especially Wen Dong's name was signed at the end, baring his teeth and claws, just like crabs crossing the street.

Su Yuemeng put the note on the calf of the stockings, looked at it for a moment, the beautiful willow eyebrows frowned lightly, and hummed softly: "This word - it's really ugly!"

Moreover, what was washed up for nothing, why are you so rogue!

Su Yuemeng blushed, snorted, put the note on the coffee table, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Jiao Hao changed into a nightgown, slapped her face with her small hand, and walked into the bedroom yawning.

Walking to the door, Su Yuemeng was stunned again, turned her head to look at the note on the coffee table, tilted her head and thought: Well, this is the first time this guy left a note for himself since falling in love.

Su Yuemeng walked over, and looked at the short line of big characters on it again, it should be a love letter, and it has to be a souvenir.

With that in mind, she put away the note and walked back to the bedroom.

I don't know if she got used to sleeping with a big warm body in her arms these days, Su Yuemeng fell on the bed and tossed and turned without falling asleep.

I used to sleep alone all the time, so I am not used to sleeping in the same bed as Wendong all of a sudden!

But it's only been a few days, and when I come back to sleep alone, I'm not used to it.

This is not a good habit.Su Yuemeng grumbled, her snow-white jade arm accidentally opened the bedside table, took out the note, and looked at it for a long time.

Especially when she saw the words of "washing her teeth and claws" in vain, she suddenly thought of someone bullying her with a smirk at her, and thought that although the two of them hadn't made the last step in the past few days, she had also made some progress. Not less bullied by him.

This rascal, it would be better not to come.

Su Yuemeng thought to herself, put the note on the head of the bed, lay sprawled on the bed, and didn't know when she fell asleep in a daze.


On the endless sea, a bright place swayed with the waves.

After sailing for more than an hour, the boat arrived at the island where General Black Skull was stationed, called Yazui Island.

"Who?" The pirates stationed on the island had already seen this medium-sized tanker. Before the tanker could pass by in the dark, the two pirate ships sandwiched the medium-sized tanker one after the other. Gu Fengshuang was already ready , hurried out of the cabin, shouted and asked.

"Ka Ka Ka..." There were at least 12 people on the pirate ship, and when they saw him coming out, they all pointed their guns at him.

"Hey, you guys are bold enough, but I like it." The pirate was headed by a man of the same stature, who patted his chest and laughed loudly, obviously treating this group of people as fat sheep.


"Oh, it turned out to be Master Feng. My younger brother has heard of Master Feng under the Black Skull General for a long time. He has been admiring him for a long time, eating cigarettes and smoking." Ling Yun pretended to be a manager, and his humble appearance was also vivid. Seeing all the pirates boarding the tanker with guns, they hurriedly bowed their heads and said, passing cigarettes to the leader with a flattering face.

"You still know Mr. Black Skull?" Feng grinned.

"Yes, yes, I have seen it once, and I have admired your army for a long time. Come, smoke." Ling Yun nodded excitedly, smiling broadly.

"What are these?" The leader was very flattered by Ling Yun, he took the cigarette carelessly, put it on his mouth, but he was not vague at all, and pointed to the four large boxes in the cabin that were covered by tarpaulins .

"Hehe, this is the semi-finished poppy we got from the Golden Triangle, and we plan to go inland from the Mekong River to get some money." Ling Yun explained with a smile.

"Really?" The leader squinted at Ling Yun with a cigarette in his mouth, but without waiting for Ling Yun to nod, he suddenly kicked him on the chest: "You idiot, do you think I'm stupid? From the Golden Triangle, take this road." ? Idiot, do you think I'm a fool? Can't be forced?"


As soon as the lead pirate made a move, he saw the eyes of the people behind Ling Yun showing fierce looks.The pirates who followed on board raised their guns and pointed at the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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