Chapter 879
"Thank you, Chief Zhou, for your hospitality. Please forgive me for disturbing you." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, picked up the wine bowl, and drank it in one gulp. The others followed suit.

The general smiled slightly and waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

He put down the wine bowl, looked serious, and said bluntly: "I don't know how Mr. Wen came here for this trip, but these strong men are mercenaries?"

Wen Dong was slightly taken aback, while Gu Fengshuang and the others suddenly raised their tiger eyes and looked at him.He smiled back, his expression unchanged.

Wen Dong bowed his head, pondered for a moment, seemed to know the situation here, and said leisurely: "To be honest..."

Wen Dong explained everything according to the plan, but at the end he said that Gu Fengshuang and others were indeed mercenaries, but not hired, but his own people, and this batch of military funds was also intended to be bought back for his own use.

Hearing this, a strange look flashed in the general's eyes, and he exclaimed: "Mr. Wen must be extremely powerful."

Wen Dong smiled and waved his hands and replied: "Compared with the power of General Poppy, it is nothing compared to the power of General Poppy."

Wen Dong's expression remained the same, but he was a little horrified. This was not because of General Poppy, but because his adjutant, who seemed to be foolish and ignorant of the world, turned out to be a planter!

Wen Dong's thoughts turned, and he seemed to think of a possibility. It is very likely that the Dark Twilight Organization is behind General Ling Mu!

Damn, why are they so powerful, what are they going to do!
Seeing Wendong lower his head, Zhang Yifeng and others also looked anxious. The general knew the reason and said: "Don't worry, everyone, the best doctor in our army has been dispatched. Your brother is auspicious, and his life will not be in danger."

"Thank you, General." Wen Dong cupped his hands gratefully, picked up the wine bowl and drank it down.

"Everyone who comes is a guest, Mr. Wen, you don't have to be polite." Seeing Wen Dong drinking happily, he also smiled heartily, picked up the wine bowl and drank it all, while the female slave poured the wine respectfully.

After a while, a foreign man in white came down to the arbor accompanied by a general.

This man was obviously a doctor, he nodded respectfully to the general, and some nodded to Wendong and others, and spoke a lot of English in a babble, which Wendong couldn't understand.

The general's face suddenly became serious, and he pointed at the doctor and said something. The doctor wiped his sweat with his hand, with an aggrieved and scared expression.The general waved his hand impatiently, and the foreign doctor bowed apologetically to Wen Dong and the others as if he had received an amnesty, and then turned and left.

As a qualified killer, he must be proficient in multiple languages. Wen Dong doesn't understand English, but he can understand it.

Zhang Yifeng looked miserable, stretched out his hand to push away the female slave beside him, and explained to Wendong: "The doctor said, my brother can't be saved."

All of this is acting. They said before that this brother had a life-threatening friendship with Zhang Yifeng, and he was injured in order to protect Zhang Yifeng from the gun.Wen Dong gave medicine to the half-dead guy with great consideration, and he was able to hang him for a breath. When he came here, he was unconscious and couldn't say anything, but he would definitely die within ten minutes.

Zhang Yifeng's superb acting skills are like mourning a concubine.

Seeing Wendong's gloomy face, General Poppy expressed apology, and said in jerky Tianxia Mandarin, "I'm sorry."

Wen Dong raised his head and forced a smile.

Zhang Yifeng picked up the wine bowl and drank it down, shook his head at the general with a wry smile and said: "This is my brother's doom, destiny is like this, the general has done his best."

Hearing Zhang Yifeng's words, the general was slightly taken aback, and looked at Wendong.

Wen Dong smiled and explained: "My brother is familiar with the Book of Changes, he is good at deducing the way of heaven, seeking benefits and avoiding disasters, very powerful."

Zhang Yifeng waved his hands hastily, and said modestly: "The boss is joking, I'm just talking nonsense."

Hearing the conversation between the two, the general understood that this kind of occupation in Tianxia Kingdom is a fortune teller, but on their side, it is a respected priest.

This profession has a long history and is quite ancient.The most respected person in their Broken Cloud Country is the Sea God Priest.This kind of thing is something that cannot be explained clearly. In common sense, it means that the priest is the spokesman of the Sea God, who can see through the secrets and let them do things according to the Sea God's instructions, such as offering virgins and virgins. Otherwise, there will be a large-scale sea god. disaster.

And for their profession, which hangs their heads on their waists all the year round, they believe in these things even more, and it is said that Tianxia's inland side believes in Guan Erye.These things are rather credible than non-existent. Anyway, enshrining those gods will not lose anything to them.

And in his territory, there is a sea god priest, and even he has to respect him.These people talk about their gods and gods, but they say some things very accurately. Most people dare not offend them.

The general quickly reached out to pick up the wine bowl, and said apologetically, "Forgive my stupid eyes, I didn't see it."

"I'm flattered." Zhang Yifeng quickly stood up and bowed to the general.

The generals know more or less about these things, just like their priests, they are not close to each other. In their words, they must ensure a clean body in order to communicate with the gods.He saw the embarrassment on Zhang Yifeng's face just now, no wonder he didn't dare to touch the female slave beside him.

He hastily waved his hand to push the female slave beside Zhang Yifeng away, Zhang Yifeng heaved a sigh of relief, bowed his hands to him, and thanked him again.

The general smiled slightly and made a gesture of invitation to him. Zhang Yifeng cupped his hands again and sat down.

"In this case, I think that brother should be buried in the general's territory. I don't know if the general is convenient?" Wen Dong interjected.

"Oh? Don't you need to take it back?" The general was taken aback and glanced at him.

"No, I'm a reckless person, and my home is all over the world, so I can return to my roots wherever I go." Wen Dong smiled slightly and waved his hands.

"Well said." The general Wen Dong said agreed very much, nodded with a smile, and turned his head slightly to look at Zhang Yifeng, asking for opinions.

"What the leader said is very true. My brother's life span is over. Since he died here, it is also destiny. If he can be buried here, it is also his destiny. I have traveled to the islands of Suiyun Kingdom before. If the general is willing, I want to find a good burial place for my brother. My brother has a son under his knees, so I can find a good burial place for him, but the favor of future generations can be regarded as my repayment to him " Zhang Yifeng arched his hands and said earnestly.

"Of course you can." The general waved his hand, and said proudly: "Mr. is very right. I have worked hard all my life, just to let my descendants live a comfortable and prosperous life. Just look for it, sir. I will order someone tomorrow." Give you a pass, as long as it is my island, your brother can be buried."

"The general's words are very kind, and Yifeng thank you again." Zhang Yifeng looked solemn and looked at him gratefully.

"Sir, you don't need to be too polite." The general waved his hand and smiled warmly.

Ling Yun grasped the plumpness of the woman in his arms, and almost couldn't laugh out loud.Looking at Wen Dong, who bowed his head and smiled, he couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.This idea was naturally thought up by Wendong when he was on the boat. Zhang Yifeng has a pretty face and looks like a dog, so it is most suitable to pretend to be a magic stick.

Ling Yun couldn't help admiring in his heart, the boss is the boss, his ability to kill people is superb, and his technique of deceiving people is also top-notch.No wonder sister-in-law Yuemeng had only been here for two days, but she was coaxed by him and couldn't find her. She was probably sold by the boss, and she was happily counting the money.

After a while, the officer who had accompanied the foreign doctor came hurriedly again.General Poppy raised his head and glared at him and asked, "What's the matter?" Obviously, the general was extremely reluctant for the adjutant to disturb him entertaining guests.

The officer apologized to Wen Dong and the others, and hurriedly walked to the general and whispered something in his ear. Wen Dong had excellent ears and could hear him, but the man was babbling in Thai and couldn't hear a single word. Understand.

After the officer finished speaking, he apologized to Wen Dong and others again, and then quietly retreated.

The general's face was a bit dull. Seeing Wen Dong and the others, he smiled helplessly and said, "The black skull's pirate ship has followed and wants us to hand over the murderer."

Hearing this, Wen Dong and the others turned cold, while Gu Fengshuang also snorted heavily, his eyes showed murderous looks, and the woman in his arms suddenly became terrified and silent.

"Then, general..." Wen Dong looked up at him with a bad face.

"Mr. Wen, don't worry, the Black Skull will do well, but they don't dare to be presumptuous in my territory. You are my guests, and I will definitely keep you safe." The general waved his hand and said proudly.

Hearing this, everyone looked better now, Wen Dong hurriedly cupped his hands: "Thank you, General, for your protection."

"Mr. Wen doesn't have to be like this. It turns out that you are a guest. You are my guest. How could I let my guest be hurt?" the general said righteously.

Immediately, his eyes sank again, and he pondered for a while - said: "However, it is estimated that it will be difficult to take out the batch of military resources you brought. The Black Skeleton Army has already targeted you."

Jian Wendong suddenly looked up at himself.

The general smiled casually, but said directly: "To be honest, I am also in urgent need of military resources, especially the batch of ammunition brought by Mr. Wen, which is even more sophisticated. In this case, I would like to buy Mr. Wen's batch at the same price." Military resources, you have nothing to make the Black Skeleton Army envious, I will send someone to talk to the Black Skeleton Army again, and offer some military resources to ensure that you leave safely."

General Poppy is shrewd, and he has heard what Wen Dong said before. This batch of military funds is actually for their own use, not for mercenaries to be transported by others. Even if they are sold to him, at most they will be bought again. That's it.

The real thing is coming, in other words, it should be right in the middle of my heart!

This batch of military capital was intended to be sold to General Poppy. He didn't expect that he would think of a way to buy it before he could speak. So now it seems that the previously envisioned Menglita arms dealer is no longer needed.

Wen Dong was delighted in his heart, but he hesitated with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "This..."

"Originally, this batch of military funds is for our own use, and we don't need to do business. We encountered the Black Skeleton Army here, thanks to the general's shelter. It is nothing to say that sending it to the general is nothing. However, we are also urgently needing this batch of military funds. Ah, if not, I wouldn’t have traveled all night close to the coastline of Suiyun Kingdom..." Wen Dong said in a dilemma.

The general nodded silently, picked up the wine bowl and drank slowly, without urging him.He is shrewd and good at getting married, otherwise his position as a general would not be as stable as Mount Tai.And with his ability, even if he swallowed this batch of supplies, it would not be difficult to kill Wen Dong and others.But he sees that Wen Dong and others have extraordinary backgrounds, if they can form a good relationship, it will be more beneficial than directly robbing them.

"Guangzhu, there are priorities. Although this batch of military resources is important, it is not irreplaceable. Besides, now I am here to save that brother, thanks to the general's taking in, and being able to meet the general. We should reciprocate, and sell this batch of military funds to the general." Zhang Yifeng, who was on the side, pondered slightly and comforted him.

Hearing Zhang Yifeng's words, Wen Dong looked up at him, sighed, he was not a hesitant person, and then looked up at the general: "Since the general needs it, then I will sell this batch of military funds to the general, thanks to the life-saving grace , and the original price is not required, the general only needs to give me [-]% of the money, I want to make the general a friend."

"Mr. Wen said yes, then you are my friend and I have made an appointment with Zhou Shuhua." The general looked overjoyed, and reached out to pick up the wine bowl.

"If the general comes to the inland when he is free, I will treat him warmly." Wen Dong also picked up the wine bowl, touched him, and drank it down.

From his point of view, this batch of military resources already belonged to him, and the arrival of his officer just now was just arranged by him.Of course, even if this batch of excellent military resources can be won, if Wen Dong and others are unwilling, this is not perfect.Just now, Zhang Yifeng's light words of consolation made Wendong agree. It can be seen that this priest is also greatly appreciated by Wendong. Now it seems that the joy of both parties is entirely due to Zhang Yifeng.

The general waved his hand, picked up his military uniform sideways, took off a badge on it, and handed it to Zhang Yifeng happily: "Brother Zhang only takes this badge, you can go to my territory, no one dares to stop it."

"Thank you, General." Zhang Yifeng quickly reached out to take it with gratitude in his eyes.

"They're all my brothers, so it's polite to say this." The general waved his hands generously.

(End of this chapter)

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