Chapter 887
It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was already a little dark. The clouds covered the red glow of the western sky, and there were faint signs of heavy rain.

The clouds covered the sun that scorched the earth, and the sea breeze hit, mixed with a bit of coolness, but on this pleasant sea, there was a chilling atmosphere.

Yingzi stood beside Wendong pretty, looking at the black skull pirate ship slowly approaching in the distance, her bright eyes were icy cold.

"Yingzi, you hide first, I may not be able to take care of you then." Wen Dong knew that there must be trouble, so he slowly looked away, and said in a deep voice, his tone was indescribably cold and commanding.

Hearing Wendong's words, Yingzi looked at him in a daze, thinking she had heard it wrong.

That's right, the master actually wanted to hide himself, and said he wanted to protect himself?

I am the master's slave, and I am not powerless, and at this time, most people will definitely think of letting themselves rush to the gun, and test their loyalty by the way.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Yingzi's dazed look, Wendong asked suspiciously.

"Master, Yingzi has the ability to protect herself and kill the enemy." Yingzi held a sharp dagger in one hand and a small pistol in the other, which was the equipment she picked up from the armament box just now.

Hearing this, Wendong remembered Yingzi's identity only now, but he was still too excited after all, thinking that women need protection.

Since Yingzi said so, Wen Dong said no more, but shook his head and said: You don't need to kill the enemy, you have to protect yourself and don't get hurt.

In fact, Wendong is not a soft-hearted person, but apart from Yingzi's identity as a woman, she is more like a partner he met for the first time.This reminded him of Mo Li, a beautiful girl who called her master just like Ying Zi, and was equally loyal to him.

He didn't allow Sakura to get hurt.

"Master, don't worry." Hearing Wendong's serious tone, Yingzi was grateful and nodded heavily, thinking: This master is really kind.

My own side is ready, but if it can be handled peacefully, it is naturally the best. This is the Broken Cloud Country, and the Black Skull Pirates are powerful, so it is best not to start a war.


"You are the ones who killed Captain Changfeng last night, right?" the leader of the Black Skull Pirates boarded the tanker, speaking in jerky Tianxia Mandarin.

And behind him, there are more than 20 pirates standing. The equipment of these pirates is better than that of the defenders last night. Although most of them are earthen guns, there are also many rifles among them.

They knew how powerful Wen Dong and the others were. Everyone held guns and looked at them vigilantly, not daring to relax.

"Chang Feng?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, he guessed it was the little pirate leader who kicked Ling Yun last night.

"There is some misunderstanding, but I think you should read this first." Wen Dong smiled, neither humble nor overbearing, and stretched out his hand to take out the armband Zhou Shuhua gave them.

The leader glanced at the poppy armband in Wen Dong's hand, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, then he laughed again, spat with disdain and said, "Paralyzed, I'm not a poppy man, this broken man The stuff has no deterrent effect on us."

Wen Dong's eyes sank when he heard this, and Ling Yun and others beside him had fierce eyes, and they were about to make a move.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, and Wen Dong didn't want to waste time with these bastards, so he smiled and said: "Our armaments have already been sold to Poppy's military, and we are the guests of General Poppy, you want to embarrass us? Or do you want to avenge Captain Changfeng?" While speaking, his expression also became cold.

"Revenge for Changfeng?" The leader sneered, "This kind of trash dies as soon as it dies."

Hearing the other party's words, Wen Dong and the others breathed a sigh of relief, but they were even more contemptuous in their hearts, saying that these people are just bastards, which is true.

Regardless of whether they were brothers or comrades-in-arms, as long as they die, they are worthless, and they will never help revenge.

The leader ignored the fierce look in Wen Dong's eyes, and let them breathe a sigh of relief, but he snorted disdainfully: "You are the guests of General Poppy, but that is only in Poppy's territory. This is the sea area, as long as you leave The sea of ​​poppies, then, hehe..."

While speaking, he scanned around the deck with red eyes, and slowly fixed his gaze on the coffin.

Obviously, they didn't buy General Poppy's account.Moreover, the purpose of their trip was to search for the whereabouts of Zhang Xiuxiu and Zhang Wending, a man and a woman in Tianxia Kingdom, in General Poppy's territory.They're sitting on General Poppy's neck and shit, how can they be afraid!
Sensing the gaze of the leader of the pirates, everyone's hearts tightened, especially Zhang Yifeng who was standing behind Wendong, his hands had already quietly touched the back of his waist, and his sister was hidden in the coffin.

But seeing that Brother Wen Dong didn't move, he didn't dare to move, and the pirates around were pointing guns at them. Although they had already responded in secret, fighting with swords, especially in such a large-scale Anti-injury thermal weapons, once they fight, they will inevitably be injured.

They don't pay attention to these pirates. The reason why they don't do anything is that they are afraid of attracting Black Skull's other pirate army, which will be troublesome.

"What's in the coffin?" The leading pirate pointed out.

"We had a confrontation with Captain Changfeng before. We lost a brother. This is his body." Wen Dong said, his tone a bit unfriendly.

"Hey, is that right?" The leader ignored Wen Dong's coldness, smiled and couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth.

corpse?The leading pirate couldn't help but sneer.In their eyes, a human corpse is actually a pile of waste meat. Even if it is not fed to the dogs, it is thrown into the sea to feed the fish. He did not believe that the coffin contained the corpse of a dead person.

He felt that Wendong didn't lie to himself. The armaments must have been bought by General Poppy. Why did Zhou Shuhua, a guest of General Poppy, treat each other with courtesy? Isn't it because of the arms?

Wen Dong and his party killed Captain Changfeng, which has attracted the attention of General Black Skull.And their identities are still exquisite, but now the biggest guess is arms dealers, who specialize in buying and selling arms.

As the enemy of General Poppy, General Black Skull will never allow General Poppy to grow stronger.If you want to have a good relationship with the arms dealer, I can't stop you, but I can get the arms dealer's idea.Your business has been successfully traded, we are robbing the arms dealer of money, do you have any objection?
So General Black Skull has made a plan, either directly kill the arms dealer, or rob him so that he will never dare to buy and sell arms with General Poppy.

The ammunition had already been sold, so the coffin must have been exchanged for gold, silver and jewelry.

Here, the baht is the real currency.On the contrary, the gold, silver and jewels obtained from looting are not so valuable, because they are not easy to sell at all, and it is most suitable to exchange for arms.

General Poppy is so shrewd, how could he not think of it!

The head pirate stared at the coffin with red eyes.In his opinion, the coffin must contain gold, silver and jewels.

"Are you sure you want to open the coffin?" Wen Dong said coldly seeing the leading pirate winking at his companions and several pirates put away their guns and surrounded the coffin.

"What? Do you have an opinion?" The leading pirate sneered.

"Kaka..." Hearing the gunpowder-scented conversation between the two sides, the pirates raised their rifles and aimed at Wendong and the others.

"Don't regret it." Wen Dong said coldly.

"Heh!" The leader of the pirate smiled disdainfully, and seemed to be aroused fiercely. He pinned the pistol to his waist, rushed to the coffin in twos and snatched the crowbar from the pirate soldier's hand: "I'm still I really won't regret it!"

"You keep an eye on them, I'll come." The pirate leader said coldly.

Hearing this, all the pirates looked at Wen Dong and the others with cold eyes.

"Crack!" The steel nails on the coffin were pried away by the lead pirate. He glanced around and saw that Wen Dong and others did not dare to move. Slowly opened.

As expected, the jewels in the coffin were not reflected.The leading pirate frowned slightly, could it be that the person inside was really a dead person?He couldn't believe it. He probed inside and saw a black muzzle of a gun was right on his forehead.

The pirate leader opened his mouth suddenly, but before he could yell out, a "bang" gunshot spread through the tanker.

The human brain is like an airtight container. The cerebral cortex and nerve lines in the brain are covered with dense capillaries, tightly wrapped by the skull.

When the bullet hits the container, the container will expand until it can't withstand the direct explosion, which is the so-called - headshot!
The pistol used by Zhang Xiuxiu was searched from Yu's home. It is a 1954-style 7.64mm automatic pistol, referred to as the 54-style pistol.Although this pistol has been in the past for more than 50 years, it is still young and still young.The bullet is 7.62 mm, which is very powerful and penetrating, and the production cost is very low. It is a very practical weapon. In the past 50 years, it still has not completely retreated from the role of the protagonist.

The head of the leading pirate exploded directly under this shot.It was like a big crispy watermelon just picked from the melon patch was placed on the ground and stomped hard, the whole head exploded with a 'bang'.

The red and white matter mixed with brain pulp and the exploded capillaries spurted out in an instant, half of his head went straight off, and before he could say a word, his whole body fell directly under the inertia of the shot. Was beaten and flew out.

The head exploded, and blood splashed everywhere, like a firework exploding in the night sky...

"Do it!" The moment Zhang Xiuxiu opened the pirate's hand, Wen Dong knew that the method of convincing people with virtue would fail, and before he finished speaking, a black and white dagger appeared in his hand.

The Sword of Chaos is activated by the flood of energy, it can be long or short, this is what Wen Dong inadvertently researched.

To put it bluntly, the short sword is a dagger, and in the blink of an eye, the lives of three pirates were harvested.

At the same time, Yingzi, Zhang Yifeng, Gu Fenghan, Lingyun, and Bailihan almost all attacked together, and the fast reaper with the cold blade in his hand had not recovered the life of the pirate army.

The pirate army has been vigilant against them, but people like Wendong are always ready to do it. In terms of combat experience and combat strength, these pirate army are not at the same level as Wendong.

Except for Gu Fengshuang and a few machine gunners who hid on the commanding heights, the other mercenaries also pulled out their pistols to shoot immediately.

Two seconds, almost a blink of an eye.The nearly thirty pirates who boarded the tanker all fell into a pool of blood.

Wen Dong alone killed five people, and apart from Wen Dong's first attack, the second most murdered was Ling Yun.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, the three Black Skeleton Army pirate ships surrounded by the surrounding area immediately sounded the siren 'Woo' sound.


Everyone followed the prestige, Wendong was shocked, and suddenly pushed down Yingzi who was walking beside him, and rolled over to hide.

"Grass!" Wendong held Yingzi in his arms and spread out his palms, but found that his palms were blood red. Fortunately, he bumped into her, and Yingzi was only hit on the arm.

"Damn it, hide quickly and find a cover." Seeing the pretty face of Yingzi in his arms turning pale, Wen Dong felt distressed, angry from the heart, cursed, and shouted loudly.

In fact, there was no need for him to remind, Zhang Yifeng and others saw the pirates shooting around, and they already quickly rolled over to find cover.

"Suppress firepower, don't let them board the boat!" Zhang Yifeng roared.

"I'm waiting for you!" Gu Fengshuang's urn sounded, and before he finished speaking, the heavy machine gun's "bang bang" sounded, which was so deafening that the cabin trembled...

Under the cloudy sky, three large-caliber heavy-duty machine guns spewed out flames, and bullets the size of lighters shot out for free. Those pirates surrounding the tanker who were trying to rush onto the tanker fell down immediately.

On the vast sea, gunshots rang out...

(End of this chapter)

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