Chapter 889
Wen Dong's eyes were cold, and his smoky eyes narrowed slightly.

This reminded him of the shocking sword of the unknown super king, which directly sank Lina's small oil tanker. Invincible, but at least it can also serve as a deterrent.

He didn't have that kind of ability, but in order to save his life, he could only do his best.

"Master, this is still the territorial waters of General Poppy. Unless there is the permission of General Mu Mu or General Poppy, the Black Skull's fleet cannot fire in the territorial waters of other generals. There may be room for things." Looking at Wen Dong Having made up her mind to go, Yingzi suddenly remembered something, and said hastily, her tone was a little anxious, she didn't want to let the master take risks.

"Well, let's go out and have a look first." Wendong nodded, then turned his head to look at Yingzi: "Don't go out, and recuperate here."

Yingzi looked up at him, opened her mouth, but saw his serious expression, and thought that her own strength was really low, so she nodded and said: "Yes."

There was no way to avoid it, the tanker was soon surrounded by pirate ships headed by the Black Skull main ship, Wen Dong hid behind the bunker, looked at all this in front of him, his eyes were cold, and he was calculating something in his heart.

The tanker couldn't break out, so it had to stop on the sea, and the pirate ship quickly surrounded it.

And the three pirate ships hanging behind the oil tanker soon approached the main ship, and the pirates boarded the main ship, and they will report the situation here soon. They were quite heavy machine gunners. Regarding this, they could only watch from afar as the pirates on the pirate ship boarded the main ship to report, but they were helpless.

Gu Fengshuang and others lay on the roof of the cabin and did not dare to move. The opponent was too far away, and the number of people was too sparse. In addition, there were not many bullets now, so they did not dare to shoot profligately like before.

Gu Fengshuang removed the burden on her body, reached out to wipe the blood on her cheeks, snorted, put her finger in her mouth, and then stretched it out into the air.Yuan's two mercenaries on the side also did the same.

Soon, the three of them said in unison: "Southwest wind, 8 o'clock direction."

The mercenaries walking out of the base are all-round combat soldiers, one of which is very important including sniping.


The three of them came to the same conclusion at the same time, which meant that the detection was correct.

"Yifeng, throw three rifles up." Gu Fengshuang nodded and rushed down to say.

In terms of combat experience, Wen Dong is naturally no better than them, and Gu Fengshuang and others' sensitivity to combat is even more terrifying.

Soon, everyone was horrified to find a black skeleton army walking out of the deck of the main ship, and three mortars were mounted on the deck, aiming directly at their tanker.

The mortar is a curved-fire smoothbore artillery with a short barrel, a large firing angle, and a high ballistic arc. The seat plate bears the recoil force.

After the shells are loaded from the muzzle, they are forced to fire due to the decline in their own quality, so that the shells are fired. They are mostly used as suppression weapons for the infantry battalion, which is light and flexible.Because of the radian of the cannon, it is used to shoot targets behind the shelter, and is used to destroy light fortifications or bridges.

And the three heavy machine gunners they used to blow up the roof of this cabin are really easy to use.

It's useless to talk too much, and the other party didn't even think about peace talks, and directly used force to resolve it.

Instead of using artillery, they planned to use mortars to bombard the three heavy machine gunners, Gu Fengshuang, from a distance.

And they obviously make good use of this kind of mortar, and there is a very high layer of fortifications in front of the gun body, and the loaders hide behind the fortifications, so they can't see them at all.

However, there are always flaws in every secret.


Because of the muzzle-loading nature of the mortar, the loader needs to stand up, and that's the sniper's opportunity.

With only two soft bangs, the two artillerymen were hit in the head and fell to the ground.

One shot was fired by Zhang Yifeng, and the other shot was hit by Gu Fengshuang, but the two machine gunners beside Gu Fengshuang missed.

There are three reasons.One: the sky is dark now, and the line of sight is not good; two: the sea wind is too strong, which has a great impact on the trajectory of the bullets; third, and the most important point, they are using ordinary rifles, not special sniper rifles.

Another point is that this is on a boat, not flat land.The hull floats and is not stable.

Being able to kill two is already extremely accurate.

Fortunately, the wind speed has a great influence on the bullets, and even more on the shells fired from the gun. No.3, the loader who escaped the death line by chance, did not adjust the angle accurately, and the shell fell into the sea on the edge of the tanker.There was a loud 'boom', the water splashed in all directions, the waves of the explosion were surging, and the entire tanker was thrown into turmoil.

"Calm down, come again." While speaking, Gu Fengshuang yanked the lever, a shell popped out, pressed another bullet, and lay motionless on the roof of the cabin to aim.

Sure enough, the opponent did not give up, and soon, the mortar barrel was fine-tuned.At the same time, the main ship on the opposite side obviously became ruthless, and immediately lined up five mortars again, with a total of eight muzzles aimed at their oil tanker.

At this time, the oil tanker was surrounded by pirate ships far away, unable to break through, it became a living target for mortars.

Ling Yun was on the sidelines in a hurry. He used heavy cold weapons for melee combat. He was not very familiar with this kind of hot weapons, especially the sniping that required patience and calmness. Even if he knew a little, but in terms of the accuracy of sniping, he was far behind Zhang Yifeng and others. up.

It was okay to say that the opponent only had three mortars before, but now that eight mortars are firing at the same time, their side has fewer shooters than the opponent, and it is not a hundred shots.

At this time, Wendong has entered the villain shopping store in the property panel.

This badass shopping store appeared together with Chaos Sword, but at that time, I didn't have much resentment and hatred, so I didn't hang around. I just took a look and didn't have any special needs, so I didn't care about it.

System: "Welcome to the Badass Shopping Store."

It's called a badass shopping store, but it's really just a grocery store.

Barber B-Level: 2000 aversion.

Barber A-level advanced proficiency: 5000 aversion.

Chef B-Level: 2000 Aversion.

Chef A-level advanced proficiency: 5000 aversion.

Tea Ceremony B-Level: 2000 Resentment.

A-level advanced proficiency in tea art: 5000 aversion points.

Chinese medicine pharmacist B-level: ...

It is indeed complicated enough, as long as you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't buy here.And it is divided into several categories, namely: business, medicine, transportation proficiency and military armament proficiency and so on.And these categories are further refined, at least there are more than 1000 proficient occupations available for purchase and learning.

Best of all, it's not cheap.

Wendong looked at ten lines at a glance, and quickly found the category of military.

Sniper rifle precision B-level: 2000 aversion.

Sniper rifle A-level advanced proficiency: 5000 aversion.

"Buy high-end ones directly." Wen Dong said.

System: "The host cannot use it beyond the next level, you need to start learning from elementary C."

Sniper rifle precision primary: 1000 aversion.

"Oh, that is to say, if you want to upgrade to a high level, you need 8000 aversion points." Wen Dong understood.

System: "Yes."

Wen Dong: "..."

System: "Ding: Badass Store offers a set of discounts. The three-pack only needs 7000 dislike points. The host has 8600 dislike points. You can buy it. Do you want to buy it?"

"Save a thousand?" Wen Dong stared.

System: "Yes."


"Buy it!" Wen Dong gritted his teeth.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for successfully learning the primary level of sniper rifle precision, congratulations to the host for successfully learning the B-level of sniper rifle precision, and congratulations to the host for successfully learning the advanced level of sniper rifle precision A-level."

Using a sniper rifle to destroy the loader is just a helpless move, and it is simply a temporary solution, not a permanent solution.But at this time there is no good way at all.Fortunately, what Yingzi said was right, the main ship did not dare to fire here.

"Hide away."

Zhang Yifeng's yell woke Wen Dong up. After a closer look, he found that eight mortar soldiers had finished firing, three of them were shot dead, but five mortars were successfully fired; and two of them missed the shot. , but there are also three accurate flying.

At this moment, the scene was just like watching war movies before, three shells roared down in an arc towards the tanker on their side.

And one of them hit the top of the cabin.


"Run!" Gu Fengshuang swiftly dropped the rifle in his hand, rolled down and got out of the cabin, and the other two mercenaries dropped their guns and ran down equally swiftly.

Wen Dong's eyes were cold, and with a swipe in his hand, the Sword of Chaos stretched out, and he stepped on the wooden bunker with both feet, facing the roaring shells.

"Brother Wendong!"



At this time, Zhang Wending and others who were hiding in the cabin had already run out, but seeing Wen Dong rushing up like crazy, everyone's eyes widened, shocked, even terrified!
Mortar shells are not big, even smaller than a thermos after removing the casing, but in terms of lethality, it is absolutely appalling.Originally, this was capable of blowing up tanks.If it hits someone, you don't need to think about it at all, and you will be directly blasted into scum.

No, not even scum left!
However, the next moment, their eyes widened again.

System: "Ding: The host activates the Heavenly Branch of "Sword of Heaven and Kun": also known as the Scud. It consumes 30 energy points and triggers the energy of the world to bless several bodies. Effect: The speed of the host is increased by 100%, and it can have a teleportation ability (Note: The teleportation range is within 15 meters, and it is only used once a day.)
System: "Ding: The host opens the "Heaven and Earth Liangyi Sword". , for 30 seconds. (Only used once a day)
System: "Ding: The host opens the branch of "Dipping Clothes Eighteen Falls": Wuying—Instantly increases the host's reaction speed by 300%, increases the host's attack and defense dodge speed by 100, come to Wuying, go to Wutrace, and "dip" and "fall" Pushing to the extreme is a must-have skill for pretending to be aggressive and picking up girls. (Consumes 10 disgust points per second.)
(End of this chapter)

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