How bad guys are made

Chapter 894 Base Plan

Chapter 894 Base Plan
"Boss, what's the matter? It's so lively?" Gu Fengshuang and others came over. Wen Dong, Zhang Yifeng and others expected to leave early this morning, so they came to see them off. Seeing a group of people gathered beside Wen Dong, they couldn't help but asked curiously.

Wendong glanced at the people behind Gu Fengshuang, they were all mercenary masters who accompanied him to rescue Zhang Wending and others this time, after thinking about it, he put away the mirage beads in his palm and said: "Let's go to the room to talk. "

Gu Fenghan fixed his eyes on the pearl in Wendong's hand, and when he saw him enter the mansion, he quickly followed him without saying a word.

In the meeting room, Wen Dong was sitting on the front seat, Ying Zi was standing aside, and Zhang Yifeng and the others were below them. Seeing Wen Dong's serious expression, he was very angry, and wondered if the boss had any important matters to order.

"Let's talk about Bailihan first, what do you think of this place?" Wen Dong pondered for a moment, looked up at Bailihan who was sitting at the end and asked.

"This place is very suitable for me to practice." Bailihan knew what Wendong meant and said directly.

"En." Wen Dong nodded, and then waved his hands, fifteen phantom beads were arranged in two rows on the table in front of him.

Everyone looked at the fifteen milky-white beads in front of Wen Dong, and their eyes were even more puzzled. They looked like pearls, but they were a little bigger, and there was nothing special about them.

Everyone was puzzled, but Ling Yun knew what it was, and his eyes showed shock and eagerness. Each of these mirage beads is a treasure that is hard to find.Because of this kind of Mirage Orb, he has one on his body, and the most important thing is that the eight Mirage Orbs in the second row are obviously different. Obviously, this is very likely to be another kind of martial arts cheat that is hard to find. .

"Brother Wendong, what is this? Panacea?" Zhang Xiuxiu finally couldn't help asking strangely. Before, Brother Wendong gave the injured Yingzi several pills, which looked similar.

"No, it's a secret book of martial arts." Wen Dong said with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiuxiu's eyes widened all of a sudden, and she took a hard look at the bead. She didn't see anything special, and looked at him in surprise. Grab one and watch it.

But before the little hand touched the mirage bead, it was slapped away by Wen Dong, and Zhang Xiuxiu took it back with a 'swish', holding the red back of the hand that was slapped, and looked at Wen Dong with a resentful face. East.

Ling Yun watched from the side with a secret smile in his heart, and he was even more proud in his heart, as if only a talented person like himself could be rewarded by the boss.

"Gu Fenghan, try it." Ignoring everyone's surprise, Wen Dong reached out and picked up the Mirage Orb from "Gu Ying Huan Sha" and threw it to him.

Seeing that Gu Fenghan had a puzzled expression after receiving the Mirage Bead, obviously he didn't know how to use it, Ling Yun on the side quickly said: "Concentrate on it, and put your mind into this Mirage Bead."

Gu Fenghan looked up at Wendong, saw him nodding, so he did so.

On the boat before, Wen Dong sword chopped mortar shells, which has already demonstrated the strength beyond human beings. Seeing his serious expression, everyone did not dare to say more, but looked at Gu Fenghan slowly closing his eyes with a very strange expression. Is this really a kind of martial arts cheat?Everyone couldn't help but raise a big hello...

It took Gu Fenghan more than 20 minutes to meditate. The entire conference room was silent, and a needle could be heard. Wen Dong didn't speak, and no one dared to disturb him.Yingzi, who got up and stood aside, also looked at the beads in front of the master with a strange face, full of doubts.

"What is the value of this bead?" Seeing Gu Fenghan slowly opened his eyes, Wendong once again affirmed his talent in his heart. It was only less than 10 minutes before Ling Yun entered this bead for the first time, but Gu Fenghan was actually his Twice, and the longer it took, the more he learned and understood from this phantom orb.

"Priceless." Gu Fenghan carefully placed the Mirage Pearl in front of him, and said without thinking.


Hearing his evaluation, Gu Fengshuang on the side suddenly opened his eyes wide. He knows his younger brother's character best. He never speaks big words, and everything in this world has value, including power and women. , and the younger brother actually said it was priceless!

Wen Dong didn't give everyone time to be shocked, and immediately asked: "Then I want to give you this mirage bead, what should you exchange for it?"

"As long as the boss is willing, I am willing to exchange all my savings and my whole life." Gu Fenghan replied immediately, his eyes fixed on the Mirage Orb in front of him.

After two rounds of bombardment, everyone could no longer bear the surprise and curiosity in their hearts. What kind of martial arts secret book is this?
"Gu Fengshuang, try this." Wen Dong threw the mirage pearl of "The Body of the Earth" to him.

"The method is the same." Seeing Gu Fengshuang's puzzled expression after getting the Mirage Orb, Wen Dong nodded.

The reception room entered an extremely quiet state again, but this time it was a little different from just now. When everyone looked at the dozens of beads, they were no longer as surprised as they were just now, but more shocked.

13 minute later.

"Like my younger brother, as long as the boss is willing, I am willing to exchange all my savings and my whole life." Gu Fengshuang held the beads in his big hand, his expression was very excited, and his face was even flushed due to excessive excitement .

"Brother Wendong, don't be a fool, what kind of treasure is this?" At this moment, even Zhang Yifeng, who had always been prudent, couldn't sit still, and finally couldn't help asking.

Gu Fenghan is cold and arrogant, but he never speaks big words; while Gu Fengshuang has been a mercenary for the longest time, and he is well-informed. , which is enough to show how precious these beads are.

"It's martial arts cheats, two different martial arts cheats." Wen Dong said directly, and then looked up at the crowd: "The one Gu Fenghan got is called "Gu Ying Huan Sha". A special ability, I will temporarily call him "resist the boats and sink the boats" and stimulate the potential, called "isolation and helplessness". The effect is that when you go deep into the enemy's army and there are no allies within 25 meters, you can increase the attack power by [-]%, increase the [-]% movement speed. "Guying Phantom Killing" was created by an assassin in ancient times, and everything he talked about was the way of an assassin, and his movements were strange and unmatched. Every mirage bead contained the identity of this assassin. A mirage, deducing every move and every move, allows you to comprehend the essence of it the fastest and most accurately."

After speaking, he looked at Gu Fenghan.

"Boss is right, I'm sure, as long as he understands the essence of "Guying Huansha", there is no one in the world who cannot be killed!" Gu Fenghan replied affirmatively.

"Hiss..." Hearing Gu Fenghan's answer, everyone gasped in unison, looking at the few beads in front of Wen Dong, they immediately became eager.

Zhang Xiuxiu sat on the side, clutching her little red hands and puffing her mouth. If it wasn't for Wendong brother's spanking her ass, she might have grabbed her.

"The one that Gu Fengshuang obtained is called "The Body of the Earth". It is a martial arts method for cultivating the body, which can enhance the power of blood and blood energy. Once refined, the body will be like steel and iron, invulnerable to swords and guns, and can lift a thousand catties to nothing. There is also a mirage bead of the creator of "The Body of the Earth" in the mirage bead, which can be observed and understood." After Wen Dong finished speaking, he looked up at Gu Fengshuang.

"Boss is right, this mirage bead is simply a priceless treasure, and it's just right for me." Gu Fengshuang said in a low voice.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the meaning is self-evident, Wen Dong was proud of himself, but said with a very serious expression: "Gu Fenghan, you should know why Lingyun didn't give you the Mirage Orb by now, because even if you gave it You can't use it either. This kind of mirage bead is like recognizing the master. Once your soul enters, other people's spiritual power can no longer penetrate in. In fact, the practice is not difficult, we can pass it on by word of mouth, teach, And the most precious part of this mirage bead is the mirage left by its creator, without this mirage bead, it would be very difficult to comprehend the mystery of it."

"That's right." Gu Fenghan nodded, looking at Wendong with excitement.

"And I only have these here, and there are less than ten of each peerless skill, so each one is very precious." Wen Dong said.

Both Gu Fenghan and Gu Fengshuang nodded heavily, their expressions were very dignified, even Ling Yun was the same. Only now did he really know how precious the "Guying Huansha" bestowed by the boss is, there are less than ten pieces in total, and the boss He just gave himself one, which is enough to show that the boss attaches great importance to him.

"Wendong, can I learn it?" Bailihan said out loud, he was the only person present besides Gu Fenghan who was obsessed with martial arts and strength.

"You?" Wen Dong looked up at him, couldn't help frowning slightly, and then said: ""Gu Ying Phantom Kill" and "The Body of the Earth" are two completely different skills, one is the way of an assassin, and the other is the way of masters. Build defense and strength."

""The Body of the Earth" is definitely not suitable for you. You major in swordsmanship, and you follow the way of lightness, agility and uprightness, so "Gu Ying Phantom Killing" is not very suitable for you. Assassins are assassins , It’s not aboveboard, it’s a sneak attack, a weird way, it doesn’t suit you, are you sure you want to learn it?” Wen Dong talked eloquently.

"Then I won't learn." Hearing Wen Dong's words, Bai Lihan shook his head. Just as Wen Dong said, although he also cultivated his body, the essence of "Gu Ying Hua Huan" was not suitable for his swordsmanship.

To cultivate the sword is to cultivate the mind.The heart is like a sword, upright, rather than bent. In this way, the sword that is cut out will have a sense of righteousness and righteousness, and the force it will urge will be stronger, but "Gu Ying Huansha" is different.

"The Phantom Orb has already been given to you, and I don't need you to sign a sales-body contract for me, and I don't need to give me much money. I just hope that you will always be loyal to our base." Wen Dong looked at Gu Fengshuang The two brothers said seriously.

"Don't worry, Boss, if I, Gu Fengshuang, betray the base, if the sky is struck by lightning, I will be inferior to pigs and dogs." Gu Fengshuang clenched his fists heavily.In the past, it was the third master who saved his two brothers. Not only did he provide food and clothing for his brothers, but he also allowed him to practice his own abilities. He was grateful in his heart.Now that the third master has passed away, the new boss is Wendong, who also gave himself a peerless exercise without asking for anything in return. My brothers can't repay this kind of kindness in several lifetimes. Only I use this life to spend my whole life. return!

"Shua!" Gu Fenghan was direct, he turned his wrist, a cold light flashed across his head, and a strand of hair fell down.

"If I rebel against the base, I should do so."

Two mirage beads had already been handed out, and there were thirteen more placed in front of Wen Dong. After the shock, everyone calmed down slowly, but their breathing became more rapid.

Zhang Xiuxiu clenched her small hands tightly, her eyes were burning, thinking in her heart, she was also the father-in-law who saved Brother Wendong anyway, so she should be rewarded with one anyway.If it really doesn't work, my aunt will beg for nothing to dedicate her life to Brother Wendong. If Brother Wendong doesn't want it, she will take off all her clothes and lie on his bed every day. My aunt doesn't believe that he can bear it!
Brother Wendong has never been stingy with his women, even if they are just mistresses...

(End of this chapter)

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