Chapter 918
Seeing that Li Shan was a little angry, Jiang Han said awkwardly: "Wendong went to Nanshi to kill people, it's useless for you to tell him these things now, you can only talk about it after he finishes his work, you are going with me Or stay here first?"

"Kill people? What do you mean?" Li Shan frowned and asked suspiciously.

"It's like this. The Blood Wolf League has been coveting the Qingcheng Gang's territory and wants to swallow the Qingcheng Gang. Before Wendong was busy looking for Zhang Wending and Zhang Yifeng's sister, he took a large number of gangsters out of the country. During this period, Qingcheng The city has been on the defensive. The Blood Wolf League thought that Qingcheng was easy to bully, but how could they know that Wen Dong was such an easy guy. Once he came, they would dispatch troops to destroy the Blood Wolf League. What a shame! An uneasy guy..." Jiang Han curled his lips, but couldn't help laughing and said, "But that's fine."

Of course it is good. Nowadays, in the civil war between gangsters, as long as it is not too extreme and does not cause panic among a large number of citizens, the police almost ignore it in the unspoken rules.Anyway, dogs eat dogs, the more these vicious people die, the better.

As for my side, I just need to invite the chief of police and other leaders who are in charge of law and order to drink tea, and the matter will be settled. Anyway, even if I check, I can't find my side. Such a master owes himself a favor, which is a good deal.

"The Blood Wolf League wants to attack the Qingcheng Gang?" Li Shan frowned tightly, and then showed a sinister look: "Of course I want to go, but I am so impatient to dare to attack my daughter's gang. Coincidentally, the senior officials of FZ City and I are still old comrades in arms..."

Jiang Han: "..."


"Ah Xing, that's fine, you, when the elder brother over there develops and is promoted to the deputy gang leader, Brother Ling's current position will be given to you." In Yiliang's large SUV business car, Ling Yun had a cigarette in his mouth, With one leg hanging behind the front glass, he looked like a ruffian.

"Yes, then congratulations to Ling Ge'er for being promoted to the deputy gang leader as soon as possible. A Xing must be on the saddle, and Ling Ge will take care of you." A Xing on the phone smiled and flattered.

"Hey, it's easy to talk, keep communicating at any time." Ling Yun laughed happily.

"Okay, as long as Brother Ling makes a call, I'll be there at any time." Asing said, seeing Ling Yun's promise, he hung up the phone, couldn't help but stuffed the phone into his pocket, and said with a pursed lips: "The villain gets his wish. "

This time, the masters transferred from the base were basically dispatched except for a few guards Qian Feng and a few hall masters. Except for the 30 people led by Ling Yun, Ah Xing led a team of 20 people .

However, Ah Xing's team has a special mission. There is only one main goal of the mission: to keep an eye on the leaders of the Qingcheng Gang, and their mission is to counter spies.

Such blind arrogance of the Blood Wolf League wants to gnaw a piece of meat on the Qingcheng Gang, so Wen Dong and Zhang Yifeng guessed that they must have an internal response, and this internal response is very likely to be one of the hall masters, or even a certain two .

Therefore, there are more than 20 people in Ah Xing's team, and more than a dozen of them are divided into teams of two to guard each hall master. The name is to protect them comprehensively, but the real purpose is to monitor.

If the hall master is loyal, it will play a protective role. After all, the status of each hall master in the Qingcheng Gang is very important, and if there is an intention to rebel against the water, they will be killed directly, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In addition to the core team of Ling Yun, the anti-espionage team led by Ah Xing is also the core of this operation, no wonder Ling Yun praised him so much.


They set off from the water market at [-]:[-]. The daytime is almost the most leisure time for the major entertainment venues, and the most profitable time for these entertainment venues is at night, so this point is basically when the spectators just wake up or have a meal. point.

And this time Qingcheng helped the hall masters to name 500 people, many of them were still woken up by the phone in their sleep, and those who couldn't be woken up by the phone were directly dragged out of the woman's bed.

FZ City is adjacent to Shui City, just south of Shui City. At 05:30 in the afternoon, all 500 members of the Qingcheng Gang arrived in FZ City.

At 05:30, it happened to be the rush hour, and the two thousand and five hundred Qingcheng gang members who were scattered at various passenger transportation points dispersed again by taking taxis, etc., and proceeded to the previously agreed location.

The Splendid Nightclub is the headquarters of the Blood Wolf Alliance, but it's not the time for the night show after all, and there are only a few guests in the nightclub.

The first floor is a dance hall, but there is no one there now, only passionate tunes are playing.

Wen Dong was sitting in front of the bar and smoking a cigarette, looking fascinatedly at the good-looking bartender chick in the bar. The chick looked young, that is, in her early 20s, and her appearance could only be said to be okay, but People rely on clothes and saddles, and dressing up is still very sexy. The most important thing is that this bartender has a pair of underwear, but he also wears a tight blue underwear inside, which is about to explode. It is estimated to be bigger than Lin Xiaoxi's, and I don't know if it is stuffed with a cotton cover.

Wen Dong stared straight at Nayou with a cigarette in his mouth, not frowning, secretly guessing the real quality of this bartender chick.

Li Ba was lying on the sofa in the stands under the stage with a comfortable face, his eyelids seemed to be asleep, and the two brothers beside him were also drinking wine with bored faces.

At this time, there are already more than a dozen boys watching the scene gathered around the nightclub, and it is not yet the hottest time, and dozens of people, such as Wen Dong and Li Ba, look strange, no matter how well they cover up, they will have some A little unusual vigilance, pointing at Wen Dong and others, a dozen people whispering.

The bartender's pretty face was a little red at this time. As a bartender at the bar, he was dressed so hotly, which naturally attracted people's attention, but most of the people who came here to play were big shots. Save face.Even if you look at it, you just look at it a little bit more, there is no one who looks at others like Wendong, those two grunting eyeballs seem to be hanging on his chest, without blinking or taking his eyes off.Especially this neurotic seemed to be thinking about something, staring at his chest while tsk-tsk.Anyway, I have been a bartender here for half a year, and naturally I have been molested, but Xiang Wendong is the first one.Especially those sneaky eyeballs, under his glance, she only felt that she was not wearing a bra in front of his eyes, standing naked in front of him like this, how could she feel so uncomfortable? shy...

"Brother, are you alone?" At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit came over and greeted casually while sitting on the bar chair next to Wendong with a smile.

The man looks ordinary, but because of his tall stature, he looks very fierce. There are beards on both sides of his cheeks, which is very masculine.

The bartender chick glanced at the man, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she quietly looked away.

"Yeah, you're alone too?" Wen Dong looked away from the bartender chick's pair of nipples at this moment, and nodded with a smile.

The bartender's small actions with this man did not hide from his eyes. When he took a closer look, his squinted eyes were undetectable. This man was obviously the bodyguard of Jinbihuang's interior. With a guy on him.

"Hehe, I think my brother is a bit unfamiliar, is this the first time to play here?" The man said with a smile.

"Yeah, I think the girls here are of good quality, so I spent money on this card. I don't know how many discounts and privileges I can get." Wen Dong casually played with a purple gold card in his hand. It was only given to him after paying 20 yuan.

"Hehe, this is a mid-level VIP card that is resplendent and resplendent, and you can enjoy many privileges." The man smiled, seeing Wendong looking at him suspiciously, so he explained: "I am the manager here, brother, if you need anything, you can find it." I."

"Oh, manager? It's a pleasure to meet you." Wen Dong frowned, and quickly cupped his hands in a respectful way. As he spoke, his eyes glanced around indiscriminately, and while he was talking, the surrounding area on the first floor of the nightclub had already appeared. More than 40 young people, these people seem to be casual, like guests here, and some like waiters.But Wendong saw at a glance that this was obviously someone who was watching the scene here.

Apparently, they were alerted by the sudden influx of so many faces from their side.Moreover, it is estimated that the fact that so many people were dispatched by the Qingcheng Gang has already reached the ears of the Blood Wolf League, and they may even have found out the general movements of themselves and others, that is, they are rushing to Fuzhou.

But Wendong doesn't care, let them get together, they are not the only ones here, but it's been too long to come to Jinbihuiguang and quiet. The younger brothers who watch the scene are more or less in the entertainment places in the surrounding streets. As long as there is an accident here, they can quickly come to the rescue.

Wendong's team of 500 people was also broken up again and divided into several teams, mainly responsible for the bathing city, discos and other entertainment venues in the streets near Jinbihuanghuang.Qian Feng made the materials extremely detailed, Wen Dong, Zhang Yifeng and Qinghu hall master had already assigned the personnel on the way.

"Hehe, don't dare to take it, don't take it." The man glanced at Wendong several times with a pair of tiger eyes, and saw that Wendong seemed to be here to play, so he didn't think much about it.

"Then how much is this girl for a night? I'm going to sleep with her tonight. I like her. You can make an offer." Before the man could turn around and leave, Wen Dong said suddenly. He patted on the bar counter, pointed at the **** bartender and said.

Hearing Wen Dong's wild words, surprise flashed across the man's eyes, and then he smiled wryly: "Sir, I'm sorry, we don't provide this kind of service here."

"Don't provide this kind of service? You fart, do you think I'm stupid? Don't you just do this to make money here? Otherwise, why do I spend so much money for fun?" Wen Dong stared at the man angrily and said, The big hand clapped the bar counter, and his expression was very angry.

The bartender chick at the bar looked at Wendong with a surprised expression. When he opened his mouth to say that he slept with her, it really shocked her. As a prostitute, she is already familiar with such things. I even thought that if one day I was taken away by a rich man, it would be my chance.

But this young man is really...

The bartender didn't know what to say anymore. If he really wanted to sleep and support himself, wouldn't he just spend money on it? How could he say it so openly.She immediately had a definition of Wendong in her heart - nouveau riche.

This man obviously didn't know how to get some money, so he didn't know what his last name was, and he thought he was great just because he was rich.Involuntarily, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes. This kind of person would not be liked no matter how rich he was.

Besides, doesn't he know that bartenders, bartenders and waiters don't provide this kind of service?Even if there is, it's because you love me in private, you pay for it, I pay for the meat, this young man is really an idiot who has seen the world...

"Sorry, sir, we are a regular place here, and we don't provide this kind of service. I think you have come to the wrong place." The bearded man looked at the angry and clamoring Wendong, and couldn't help sneering in his heart, but in the end It's still open for business, especially when the other party charged so much money, although he secretly scolded him for being stupid, he still explained with a smile on his face.

"Fuck you horse-le-go-bi, you son of a bitch, refund the money, refund the money to me, what kind of shit, cheating people, idiot." Hearing the bearded explanation, Wen Dong quit immediately He cursed angrily, grabbed the VIP card on the bar and threw it directly in his face.

Wen Dong's voice was very loud, and when the incident happened here, several spectators around him suddenly came over with unkind faces...

(End of this chapter)

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