How bad guys are made

Chapter 936 The Queen of Niki Kingdom—Misia Shahong

Chapter 936 The Queen of Niki Kingdom—Misia Shahong
Wendong sat on the bedside, holding the delicate feet of his wife in his arms, with a relaxed expression on his face, never thought that Zhang Hanhan would be so delicate and sensitive.Of course, he also knew that it was because Zhang Hanhan drank too much alcohol.Of course, this is already very satisfying for Wendong. I remember that I used to be terrified when I touched other people's little hands...

"Wendong, I know that if you don't talk about it, it must be very unpleasant to have a wife like me in your heart. Not only have I not fulfilled my duties as a wife, but I have often sneered at you, but I have never cared about it. You, so you have other women, and it is also my fault..." Zhang Hanhan leaned on Wen Dong and said to himself, his voice was full of self-pity, and his tone was very complicated.

"Hanhan, don't think like this, I've never thought about it like this, really." Seeing his wife talking to him, the eagerness in Wendong's heart faded a lot, and he was rare serious, with a bitterness on the corner of his mouth: I know what kind of virtue I am, and I don’t deserve you at all. It’s just because I like you so much that I want to possess you selfishly. I also know that you feel wronged when you marry me. I can understand. I idle around all day, doing nothing, You should look down on me, if you are really obedient to me, it will be abnormal."

"Hehe, you are honest." Zhang Hanhan smiled wryly.

"Hey, it's not honesty or dishonesty, it's self-knowledge." Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled. Zhang Hanhan is the proud daughter of heaven, and he is not only an orphan who lived in a shanty since he was a child, but also a worthless gangster. The only system is not My own is just shit luck hitting my head, but I still can't obliterate my essence of being a gangster.

Suddenly, he stopped the massage, raised his head and looked seriously at the caring sexy beauty in front of him: "Hanhan, if you are really wronged, I can go and tell my parents that we are really divorced, do I deserve it?" on you."

As soon as Wendong's voice fell, he felt the little feet in his hands tremble violently. He subconsciously looked at her face, but saw Zhang Hanhan's face was covered with tears: "Wendong, you, you dislike me for always restraining you, is it true that I am always restraining you?" ?"

"You know that's not what I mean. I just think I'm not worthy of you at all. You are a high-ranking white swan, and I'm just a toad. I'm just a human being. If I like you, I want to own you selfishly. But even if we get married, I still feel that I am not good enough for you, even if I am in charge of the Qingcheng Gang and the Qingcheng Group, but these are not what I am doing by myself, I don’t know anything, I am just a little gangster with nothing to do.” Wen Dong Lowering his head, his voice was bitter.

"Yes, you are a toad. You were stalking others back then, but now that you are wrapped up, you don't want it anymore?" Zhang Hanhan raised his head and snorted at him, wiping the tears off his face.


Seeing Wendong's tongue-tied expression, Zhang Hanhan suddenly let out a 'puchi' and broke into a smile: "Even if you are a toad, you are still a capable toad, and what kind of white swan am I? If it weren't for you, I'm afraid our family has been punished." Unfortunately, Lan Yun has already collapsed."

"Hey, I told you a long time ago that I'm an angel, and I'm here to save you." Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled, feeling a little proud of being praised by Zhang Hanhan.

"Are there any angels like you? Are all angels this perverted?" Zhang Hanhan snorted and stared at him.

"Am I lustful?" Wen Dong was a little speechless. He had been married for such a long time, except for meeting her once a few days ago, he had never violated the rules before.

"No color? Then where did you put your hands?" Zhang Hanhan snorted coquettishly, blushing and asked.

Sensing his wife's gaze, Wen Dong looked down and was suddenly embarrassed. His hand even rubbed on his wife's calf. It was because his wife's skin was too delicate, especially the fine meat on her calf, which was white and tender. , put it down.

Seeing Wen Dong's embarrassing appearance, Zhang Hanhan lamented in his heart, this is his husband, who obviously rubbed his feet, but he didn't know when he turned to his legs.

"Hehe, wife, shall we go to bed?" Wen Dong discussed with a smile.

"I'm not sleepy yet." Zhang Hanhan shook his head, as if he couldn't express himself: "Wendong, thank you very much."

"Okay, why are you thanking me? I love you. Why do you do everything for granted. Besides, we are husband and wife." Zhang Hanhan said these two words to Wendong, which was very fresh, and it was rare for him not to Embarrassed.

"Of course I want to thank you. You know that I have a bad temper, but you still tolerate me so much. I divorced you at that time, and you still helped me secretly. I know all of this. You love me, but Let me tell you, I love you more than you love me, but I am short-tempered, never coaxing people, and always arrogant."

"Are you coaxing me? Wife, don't scare me, really, that will scare me to death." Wen Dong was speechless and looked at her with a puzzled face. What happened to this woman today?
"What? Am I scary today?" Zhang Hanhan snorted angrily, it's rare to have a heart-to-heart talk with this guy, why is he so clueless.

"Hey, my wife is so beautiful, how can she be scary." Wen Dong grinned, and then said awkwardly: "I'm just a toad, have you ever seen a white swan coaxing a toad?"

"Hmph, you're saying that it's not bad for you to be a toad. It's okay for me to be an incompetent wife, but how could He Qing fall in love with you? Although she is older, she is also the dream of many successful men in Lanyun. Lover, not only is she beautiful and sexy, but she is also very kind and has no evil intentions. She often suffers from morning sickness during this period. You seem to have never looked for her since you brought her here? There is also this girl, Lin Xiaoxi, although I just I've seen her a few times in a hurry, but I can also tell that this girl has a kind heart, and she has nothing to say about her appearance. Why is she willing? And Li Bing'er, she is a flower of the criminal police team, how can..."

"Wife, let's stop talking, it's getting late, go to bed." Wendong heard Zhang Hanhan's scolding, and he was about to cry. What happened to my wife today, why is this?After saying this, I am afraid that I will hang myself in shame.

"Oh." After being interrupted by Wendong, Zhang Hanhan pouted and complained, but also realized that it was really late. Wendong had been here for nearly an hour and a half, and it was half past ten. It stands to reason at this point I should have gone to bed long ago.

"Then you go out, I'm going to bed." Zhang Hanhan nodded, and retracted his little feet while talking.

"Uh..." Seeing that Zhang Hanhan was going to sleep, Wen Dong felt refreshed, but when he heard her say that, he suddenly looked up at her, and said dumbfounded: "Old, wife, isn't this bad?"

Zhang Hanhan glanced at him with beautiful eyes, but he couldn't guess what this guy was thinking.In fact, at her age, it is also a time when her energy is strong and her body needs it, but she has been restrained only because she is afraid of having a baby. Now that Lanyun is in a catastrophe, it is time to seek development. He saw the situation very clearly, it won't take long for He Qing to be unable to work and rest at home, but she can't, Lan Yun needs her, she doesn't want to get pregnant.

Although she no longer refuses intimate things such as hugging and kissing with Wendong, this guy is just pushing his nose and face, especially thinking about the situation that morning, it still makes her shy to think about it now, and the instinctive needs of her body, coupled with This guy deliberately teased, God knows if things like that day will happen again.

"Then, I'm hungry again." Zhang Hanhan suddenly frowned and said.

"Are you hungry? Didn't you say you weren't hungry?" Wen Dong looked at her in surprise.

"Try not eating at night, can you not be hungry?" Zhang Hanhan stared at him and said angrily.

"Then I'll make it for you now?" Wen Dong thought, he couldn't bear to wait for him to wait for his birthday all night without eating, so he hesitated and said.

"Farewell, make me a bowl of oatmeal, I don't eat much either." Zhang Hanhan shook his head.

Seeing that she was serious, Wen Dong nodded and got out of bed. As soon as he walked to the door, he suddenly turned to look at him, but saw Zhang Hanhan leaning on the bed and looking at him with beautiful eyes. Wen Dong looked at her suspiciously : "You don't mean to lock the door when I go out, do you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan glared at him angrily and said, "Does this lock work for you?"


Wen Dong thought about it, and it was the same thing: "It will be fine in a while, don't fall asleep." It is not good to go to bed hungry at night.

"Ok, I know."

Only then did Wendong feel relieved and went to the kitchen to work. In fact, there was nothing to be busy. The oatmeal was already steamed, just rinse it with hot water.

He took a small bowl and walked to the living room, only to find that the TV was still on. He picked up the remote control to turn it off, but was stunned for a moment.

My wife doesn't have much entertainment, and the only time she rests at home is to watch the economic channel or the news channel. It's the ten o'clock noon news time.

According to Xinhua reports, in 2201, after the assassination of Nikki Queen Misia Isa in Wangshui City, the relationship between Tianxia Kingdom and Nikki Kingdom was tense... and today, Misia Yisha Twenty-two days after Queen Shah was assassinated, Niki Kingdom elected Misia Shah as the new queen.It is reported that Misia Shahong is the daughter of Queen Sia Isa who disappeared 22 years ago...

"Beautiful girl?" Wen Dong clenched his hand and almost crushed the oatmeal bowl, but he was so shocked that the red girl turned out to be the new queen of Nicki Kingdom!

What exactly is going on?

"Wendong... Wendong, are you alright? I'm going to fall asleep, I'm so sleepy." Wendong was staring blankly, when Zhang Hanhan's urging suddenly came to mind in the bedroom.

"Oh, here we come." Wen Dong quickly agreed, reached out to turn off the TV, and walked into the bedroom with a heavy heart.


Wendong simply took a shower, and Zhang Hanhan just finished his oatmeal and changed into pajamas.

"For the sake of making me a bowl of oatmeal, let's sleep here tonight." Zhang Hanhan drank a bowl of oatmeal, his stomach immediately felt better, and he said with a smile.

"Yeah." Wendong nodded happily, put the bowl on the bedside and jumped onto the bed.

Zhang Hanhan glanced at him suspiciously, and suddenly felt that something was wrong with this guy, as if he had something on his mind, but he didn't bother.

(End of this chapter)

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