How bad guys are made

Chapter 950 Silly Woman

Chapter 950 Silly Woman

"Sit on my lap." Wen Dong patted his leg and said.

"Ah?" Su Yuemeng just waited to listen attentively to his speech, but when she heard such a sentence, she couldn't help but blushed pretty, and looked at him strangely.

"Hurry up." Wen Dong said with a bluff.

"Oh." As if really taken aback by Wen Dong's serious expression, Su Yuemeng mumbled a little, but obediently got up and sat on his lap with a blushing face.Sensing Wen Dong's big hands around her waist made her body tremble, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the bedroom door for no reason, for fear of being seen by others.

Seeing the little woman in his arms looking worried and looking around, Wen Dong was angry and funny, stretched out his hand and pulled the blanket aside to cover her body, covering most of his body.Seeing Su Yuemeng's worried expression of turning her head and looking around, and her small snow-white face became more tender because of the tears, and her small mouth was pouting, tender and lovely.Su Yuemeng is petite, but being petite also has its advantages. Holding her like this, a blanket can cover her, and it still feels very comfortable.But then he thought of what he was going to say next, and he stared at her with a stern face and said, "Su Yuemeng, do you think you are stupid?"

"I...why am I so stupid?"

"Aren't you stupid? You're not stupid, why do you wrong yourself?" Wen Dong stared at her angrily.

"I'm not wronged." Hearing Wen Dong's reproach, Su Yuemeng sat in his arms with one hand holding his neck, with a hint of happiness and sweetness in her heart, but she really didn't feel wronged.

Such a woman is easy to coax.

Wen Dong curled his lips, and said without giving face at all: "I'm not wronged? Why are you crying if you're not wronged?"

"I..." Su Yuemeng opened her mouth, but couldn't explain it.

In fact, without her explaining, Wen Dong had already figured out the twists and turns in it. In the end, he was careless and didn't consider Su Yuemeng's feelings.

Then he stretched out his hand to grab her little hand, and said seriously, "Are you my wife?"

"Of course." Su Yuemeng nodded seriously.

"That's fine, you are my wife, Zhang Hanhan is my wife, Li Ningyan will also be my wife, everyone is, why should you wrong yourself, feel like you are half shorter than others?"


"I know what you think." Without waiting for her to explain, Wen Dong said directly: "You think you are a latecomer who robbed their feelings like Xiao-san. You feel a little sorry, so you want to Make up, want to prove yourself, right?"

"I, you..." Su Yuemeng looked at him in surprise, although she didn't want to admit it, Wen Dong's words directly touched her heart.

Seeing Su Yuemeng's stupid look, Wen Dong said angrily: "Why don't you say you are stupid, you are my wife, isn't that the best proof? Actually, I don't have any in my heart. There is no such thing as the late comer, and there is no such thing as the late comer. You all have the same status in my heart. I only have one wife named Su Yuemeng, and that is you. You are irreplaceable in my heart. also the same."

Wen Dong reached out and pulled a few pieces of tissue to wipe the tears on her face, Su Yuemeng looked at herself stupidly, as if she hadn't recovered yet.

Wen Dong smiled, paused, and said: "But, it would be best if everyone was more harmonious, after all, I don't want the backyard to catch fire, and it won't be good for me to help anyone, it's hard to be caught in the middle, isn't it? And you have always wanted to help Zhang Hanhan, and you have had great cooperation with Lanyun, you fought for these things, I know your thoughts very well, and I see everything you do, and I am very moved."

"Wendong, I..." Su Yuemeng's eyes rolled, and tears glistened again.

"A girl as good as you, whoever marries her will enjoy a lifetime of blessings, and she must hold her in the palm of her hand for the rest of her life. But I am not just your wife. I know you must be a little bit wronged in your heart. So you smiled and told me first I fell in love with me, I didn’t say it at the time, but I already agreed in my heart. Although this love is a make-up, it feels weird, but I think it’s good, and I also want you to have one in this flawed marriage. Perfect love."

"Wendong..." Su Yuemeng's pink mouth trembled, and she threw herself into his arms, tears streaming down again.

"I have it, I have it..."

"What's the matter?" Wen Dong asked with a strange expression when he heard her cheerful sobs.

"Of course there is love, I have love." Su Yuemeng said happily while crying.

Seeing her crying freely, Wen Dong finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally opened the knot in this girl's heart.

"So, you don't have to wrong yourself at all, no one can wrong you, you are the wife of the gang leader, the boss of Qingcheng Group, who can wrong you." Wen Dong said domineeringly.

"Then sister Li Ningyan, she..."

"Her?" Wen Dong frowned: "Don't listen to what others say about her. In fact, she is lazy than Zhang Hanhan. To say that she is lazy is to praise her. She is not lazy, but she is not good at it." Do it. The Qingcheng Gang gave it to me, and she never paid any attention to the many companies under the Qingcheng Gang, and became a shopkeeper of dozens of hands." Wen Dong complained about Li Ningyan's numerous crimes, and then He curled his lips proudly and said: "However, there are policies and countermeasures, and I will also be the shopkeeper. The Qingcheng Gang will let Zhang Yifeng take care of it. As for the Qingcheng Group, uh..." Before he finished speaking, he looked at the old man in his arms. Su Yuemeng was a little embarrassed, the person who was thrown away as a coolie was here.

Su Yuemeng pursed her lips and looked at him hummingly.

"Li Ningyan doesn't understand these things, and she never cared about them, but she is still a very good person, with a cold face and a warm heart. Don't look at her always with a cold face, in fact, she treats everyone like that. expression."

"Oh, that's right, Zhen'er and Zhang Yifeng also said the same thing." Su Yuemeng nodded.

"Don't mention those two things to me, I'll get angry when you talk about it. You said, you were so scared before, did they tell you that Li Ningyan has a strange temper and is very scary?" Wen Dong stared at her and said with an angry expression.

"Ah? No, no..." Su Yuemeng shook her head and quickly denied it.

This woman really doesn't know how to lie. Seeing her stupid look, Wen Dong curled his lips and said, "These two people really owe a lesson, especially Zhen'er, that wild girl who is afraid of chaos in the world, actually scared my wife like this , It’s simply a mess!”

"No, really not, they just told me the truth, I was the one scaring myself." Su Yuemeng shook her head and explained, at the end, her little face also turned red, and she lowered her face in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I almost scared myself to death. You are the only one in the world. I felt wronged and pinched my own leg. Do you think there is water in your head?" Having said that, Wen Dong I just couldn't help being angry, what a pair of snow-white and beautiful legs, they were pinched like this.

"Your head is full of water." Hearing Wen Dong's criticism, Su Yuemeng also blushed with shame, and pouted to retort.

"You're still crying when you're married, aren't you afraid of being laughed at now?" Wen Dong pouted, looked at her sideways and teased.

"I just cry, I just like to cry, I'm happy." Su Yuemeng snorted tenderly, and suddenly burst into laughter, and all the grievances in her heart disappeared immediately.

"Cry, cry, luckily your grandpa called me two days ago and told us to have a baby quickly, you're still crying, and then I won't be able to coax two children at once?" Wen Dong said amusedly.

"Who said, I'm not a child, I can coax a baby myself after I give birth." Hearing this, Su Yuemeng quickly denied it, and then noticed Wen Dong's expression that looked at her with a half-smile, especially the burning eyes Yes, Su Yuemeng's pretty face blushed immediately and said: "But it can't be now, why don't we have a baby after the Qingcheng Group stabilizes?" Su Yuemeng's voice became smaller and smaller, until it was as thin as a mosquito's snoring, A snow-white and translucent little face was blushing.

"Wife, are you not angry?" Wen Dong carefully looked at the little woman's wife with blushing cheeks, and asked with a smile.

"Don't be angry, I'm not angry at all." Su Yuemeng shook her head and said.

"It's not a good boy to lie."

"I'm not a child."

Wen Dong: "..."

"Let me see your legs." Wen Dong smiled, stretched out his hand to pick her up from his lap, Su Yuemeng was not heavy, just over a hundred catties, but after a long time, her legs were already numb from sitting .

"It's just a pinch, and it will be fine in a few days." The place where I pinched has reached the thigh, and seeing Wen Dong lowered his head to watch carefully, Su Yuemeng felt blushing and feverish, and two white hairs The long legs were tightly together, blushing and whispering.

"Well, there is no need to bandage it. It will be airtight after bandaging, and it will form a scar in a few days." Wen Dong checked it, nodded, but glared at her angrily and said: "Bleeding, you It's tough enough, doesn't it hurt?"

"It hurts, but it doesn't hurt anymore." Hearing Wendong's reproachful tone, Su Yuemeng felt sweet in her heart, and shook her head and said.

"It hurts and pinches! This time I cried happily, the water in my head has come out?" Wen Dong pouted, without giving any face.

"You..." Su Yuemeng was so choked that she couldn't speak, and then her delicate body trembled suddenly, and she felt a strange feeling spread all over her body from the wound, which only made her delicate body stiff.Looking down, a pretty face 'hot' up to the ears, turned away in a panic.

Because Wen Dong had lowered his head and kissed her pinched leg at this time. After all, the skin was damaged and blood was oozing out. Although more than an hour had passed, there was still a slight pain when touched by his soft lips. A trace of pain stimulated the tingling feeling like an electric current even more.

Su Yuemeng never thought that Wendong would kiss her leg. Although it seemed to be a caress for her injury, her leg had never been kissed except for his touch before. That kind of strange feeling The feeling has been entangled in her heart like an electric current, and the visual stimulation made her even more shy.

She blushed and turned her head in panic, not daring to look, but she was looking towards the door of the bedroom, for fear of being seen by others. This posture is too... If others see it, they will think that her husband is doing it for her...

(End of this chapter)

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