How bad guys are made

Chapter 986 Shadow Thunder Clone - Entrance

Chapter 986 Shadow Thunder Clone - Entrance

Wendong has been in this space for three days, but only one day in the outside world.

Qingcheng Group opened strongly amidst the sound of crackling firecrackers for nearly an hour.Almost all the large enterprises and companies in Shui City sent congratulatory red banners and flower baskets. Mr. Su, the head of the Su family’s industry group, came to congratulate in person. We had a great time.

The only thing that displeased Su Yuemeng and Zhang Hanhan was that Wendong didn't see the two ghosts.Zhang Hanhan is still getting used to it. Su Yuemeng returned to the president's office with a pouty old man, cursing in his heart a certain guy who doesn't talk too much. He clearly agreed to cut the ribbon in person today, but he listened to what Ling Yun said. ?
What are you closing?Do you think you are a master of martial arts, and you are still practicing in seclusion?She didn't believe Ling Yun, a mouse-headed guy, at first glance, he was dishonest, and he was full of truth, but fortunately, with the help of Qing Xiao, Zhang Yifeng, grandpa and others, the momentum of Qingcheng Group's opening She has already done a lot, and the plans for various cooperation projects have officially started. Once she gets busy, she won't bother to complain about the hands-off shopkeeper.

Maybe I didn't see anyone for one day, two days, until five days, Su Yuemeng couldn't sit still, and dragged out Ling Yun who was also practicing in closed-door training. Ling Yun looked at this man with a mournful face. Little ancestor, but Su Yuemeng was really angry, and didn't give him a good face at all, but asked him to take him to Wendong, at least to take a look.

This aunt is the boss's pillow. Although Ling Yun has the kind of character that heals the scar and forgets the pain, he is already in awe of the boss, and he can see that even if he offends the boss, it's okay. Well, if he offends his woman, then it's not a matter of wearing small shoes.

Ling Yun had no choice but to drag the little ancestor to the underground secret room, and quietly opened a gap for Su Yuemeng to take a look. At the same time, he was shocked. Wen Dong sat for several days without eating or drinking. This is no different from a fairy!

Su Yue dreamed that Wen Dong was really sitting inside and practicing the so-called closed-door practice, and she didn't go out to spend time with other women as she imagined. She was relieved and worried, and looked at herself Ling Yun, who knew everything and talked endlessly, heard that Wen Dong had been inside since the night he came, and he didn't eat or drink for several days, and he was extremely worried.

But Ling Yun didn't allow herself to go in and disturb her, and she also felt that if she disturbed Wendong and went mad like on TV, then her life's happiness would be in jeopardy...

But the more she thought about it, the more worried she became, and she didn't have the mind to work, so she went to find her grandfather and told her about it, so her grandfather brought Grandpa Xing to the secret room, but after seeing it, Grandpa Xing said it was normal , because her husband is not an ordinary person, and it is very likely that he will be promoted to the extraordinary.

Although Su Yuemeng's father often uttered this word, she was only familiar with supernatural things but didn't know what it meant. She only understood it as a kind of martial arts realm, and she felt relieved when she heard Grandpa Xing say that her husband was fine. Then he was teased by his grandpa, and he urged himself to consummate the marriage with Wendong. Elder Xing smiled and nodded quickly. The two old guys said this, but the little girl was too shy and pushed them away. out.


In this strange space, ten days passed by in a flash.

However, with the teaching of the little murloc before, the effect was really good.When Wendong recovered the wind and thunder fighting spirit every time, he rushed into the swamp again.But this time, the power of wind and thunder brewing on his feet was obviously much restrained than before, and the damage caused by the rushing along the way was almost negligible.

Above the spacious swamp, there is a faint white mist, a figure is flickering back and forth tirelessly, a silver point of light is like an electric snake, constantly shuttles rapidly under the black shadow's feet, and if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see it. The black shadow that shuttles shows how fast it is.

System: "Ding: The Pacific manager's favorability with the host has increased to 80 points, and the recovery speed of the host's fighting spirit in the Diaoyu Islands in the Pacific Ocean has increased by 50.00%."

System: "Ding: The manager of the Pacific Diaoyu Island casts a mental recovery technique on the host."

Wendong practices day and night like this. Although the fighting spirit in his body can be continuously recovered, his mental strength is undoubtedly exhausted. Fortunately, his master has not forgotten her responsibility, and throws himself a spiritual cultivation technique from time to time, so that My spirit has always been in a full state.

With the passage of time as Wendong practiced such a hard blow, the sound of rushing in the swamp became smaller and smaller. However, although the sound was small, the speed of the black shadow on the swamp But it was even more frightening. In the end, I could only see a black line moving back and forth. When I fixed my eyes, the black shadow gradually faded, and it turned out to be an afterimage.And if it weren't for the surging jets of stinky water arrows from countless black snakefish in the swamp, it would be really difficult to tell Wendong's exact position.

With the passage of time, the Huan Lei Jue practiced by Wen Dong has obviously changed from being green to the real state of entering the hall and reaching the state of form and spirit, leaving only the last layer of the state of great accomplishment...

Wendong is also secretly ruthless. The existence of the ghost is like a scythe of death tightly restraining his throat. He must not relax until he has not reached the level of an extraordinary king or his combat power is comparable to that of an extraordinary king. .He is the first barrier, and also the last barrier. If there is any danger for him, then Zhang Hanhan, Su Yuemeng and all the people he loves will be harvested by ghosts and lose their lives. He has experienced the taste of loss and will never I will want to taste it again, even if I am exhausted, I never want to!

Another five days passed, and Wendong finally heard the clear and clear voice of the little murloc: "You have already stepped into the realm of form and spirit, and if you want to achieve great success, you need a lot of time to adapt and go through a lot of battles." , However, as long as you reach the realm of form and spirit, you can practice the second master of the Illusory Thunder Jue——Shadow and Thunder Clone!"

Seeing Wendong rushing to him in a flash, the ecstasy on his face, the little murloc said with a grin: "Don't be too happy, the real difficulty is here, and the Yinglei avatar is the most difficult. "

"Before I talk about the shadow and thunder avatar, let me explain to you our big universe. The universe is composed of countless particles, including water factors and wind factors in the air that are difficult for our naked eyes to see." While talking, The little murloc twirled lightly with her scallioned fingers, and saw some crystal drops of water condensed on her fingertips.

"Particles are moving all the time, and the movement of particles creates such a small space with countless cross-parallel nodes. The clone of Yinglei is supported by the nodes you control."

While talking, the expression on the little murloc's face became more and more serious: "Extraordinary is to perceive the elemental power between the heaven and the earth and use it for yourself. The essence of the Magic Thunder Jue is the avatar. Dozens of you control Even hundreds of nodes make up your avatar, and for a real master, this image avatar does not need much combat energy consumption, because the image avatar is originally woven from energy nodes, and this avatar can absorb the surrounding energy by itself. How much you can absorb and the combat power of the avatar is determined by the number of nodes you can control. The more nodes you can control, the more essence you control each node, the stronger the combat power of the avatar. The longer you survive."

"And these are only related to two points. 1: The proficiency of Shunlei, you can do it now; 2: Mind control and perception of surrounding elements. You have also met the requirements, so you have all the basic conditions to practice Become this shadow and thunder avatar. Of course, the two points I mentioned are just the foundation, the most basic needs. The more important point is comprehension and talent.

"Although you have summoned a clone before, it is not considered a clone at all, it is a node at most, and you have less than one percent control over this node, so that clone is not only useless, but also maintains The chance dissipates in less than a second, and the reason is the node!"


The Yinglei avatar is the most mysterious and difficult to grasp, what the little murloc said is right.

Nearly a month passed by in a hurry.And time did not leave any traces in the swamp where the green grass floated, but to the hands above it, behind him, the figure walking on the muddy swamp as if walking on flat ground, understood that all this In more than 40 days, a lot of things have indeed been left behind.

On the swamp, Wen Dong put his hands behind his back, and stepped on the swamp full of strange suction, he walked as if he was stepping on a solid flat ground. It seemed to be walking leisurely, but the speed was terrifying.What's even more strange is that every time he moved and paused, a figure exactly like him was left behind him, the figure did not stop, and the same silver light flashed on the soles of his feet, and the figure disappeared suddenly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, four identical figures appeared on the calm swamp, and there were two palm-sized silver light clusters under the feet of each figure. The awn continued to extend out, and occasionally touched the mud, which would make the mud boil, and the four figures shuttled back and forth in the swamp, and the subtle sound was like a series of farts like fried beans.

The black mud of the swamp was lightly readable, and a few black snake fish covered in black quietly lurked towards the place where Wendong was standing, but just when they were about to reach the range of the attack, they just opened their mouth , the silver glow on the soles of Wendong's feet trembled slightly, suddenly there was an electric arc burst out, and it went straight into the muddy water of the swamp, easily piercing the heads of these snake fish.

Glancing faintly at the corpse floating up from the swamp, Wen Dong twitched the corner of his mouth, and gently raised his right foot, but it was just a fantasy and mysterious charm, but the speed was strange, and he stepped down heavily immediately.

And as the soles of Wendong's feet fell, the silver light flickered, and Wendong's body suddenly felt a sense of illusion. At this time, anyone with sharp eyesight could see that at the moment Wendong's body was illusory, A black shadow light flickered out from the space...

At a distance of about 20 meters, two groups of tiny little Xuanwo suddenly protruded from the swamp, and above the vortex, black shadows and figures quietly emerged like ghosts and ghosts.

When the main body figure appeared, Wen Dong glanced sideways at more than 20 meters behind him, and there was a figure exactly like himself.

Four clones!

(End of this chapter)

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