Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1011 Aunt Yun died, she died a miserable death

Chapter 1011 Aunt Yun died, she died a miserable death
Yun Ya's pupils dilated, and the light in her eyes fell on Yun Tinghai's chest with the dagger in it, and finally her eyes stopped there forever without blinking.

A father kills his son and a daughter kills his father. This is a cruelty that destroys morality and disregards human relationships.

Yun Ya died, and she died extremely unwillingly and resentfully.

It's a pity that she no longer has the chance to struggle and resist, and her life has come to an end.

Yun Tinghai's body staggered back and fell to the ground. He stroked the unstoppable blood on his chest. He looked at the sharp knife piercing his lungs. He didn't dare to move, let alone pull out the dagger.

He looked at Chu Yang in panic, and begged in a low voice: "Miss Ye, I have already killed Yun Ya, I have killed her, please save me, you must fulfill your promise and save my life. "

Qiu Yiren crawled on Yun Ya's arm, crying until the day went dark.

But when she heard Yun Tinghai bowing his head to Ye Chuyang and begging for mercy, the thread in her heart was completely broken.

The little bit of reason she had left, the grass that was pressing on her heart, completely fell away.

She raised her head, her eyes were like swords, and she shot at Yun Tinghai: "Yun Tinghai, you bastard, you killed my brother, and now you killed my mother, you took away my two dearest people in this world .I want you dead, I want to kill you."

Yun Tinghai's body trembled, and he looked at Qiu Yiren whose eyes were full of bloodshot eyes: "Yi Ren, I had no choice but to. At the beginning, Qiu Yuan died for Mo Han, and I never thought of killing him. Now , your mother is already a crossbow, she can't survive, I can't bear to see her suffer, so I sent her off cruelly."

"Death, for her, is liberation. It's redemption. I'm right, don't hate me..."

Qiu Yiren was full of hatred, she stood up tremblingly, took a few steps, and walked towards Yuntinghai.

Yun Tinghai could see the murderous look in her eyes, he was so frightened that he quickly got up and dodged, while he was dodging, he asked Chuyang for help.

"Miss Ye, I'll do as you said. Save my dog's life. As long as you save me, I, Yun Tinghai, will never forget your great kindness and will find a way to repay you."

Chu Yang glanced at the dead Yunya, and asked the bodyguards to carry her down. The bloody smell and stench from her body made her feel particularly uncomfortable. Her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn't get up or down. , very uncomfortable.

She covered her heart, watching Yun Ya's body being carried away, she slowly raised her head to look at Yun Tinghai, listening to his loyal words, Chu Yang pursed her lips and smiled.

Smiling, extremely sarcasm: "Oh? How will Mr. Yun repay me?"

Yun Tinghai's eyes lit up, and he replied again and again: "I will do whatever you want me to do, as long as I can survive."

"Okay, then I will let you kill the Qiuyi people now, will you listen to me?" Chu Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Yun Tinghai, and asked in a low voice.

The movements of Yun Tinghai and Qiu Yiren stopped at the same time.

Qiu Yiren turned around, stared at Chuyang, and roared through gritted teeth: "Ye Chuyang, you femme fatale, you let him kill my mother, and then let him kill me? How can you be so vicious?"

Chu Yang snorted coldly, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes: "I am vicious? That's because now, you are the fish and I am the knife. The initiative is in my hands, and I can play as I want. If the scenes are reversed, I believe that my experience will only be worse than yours now. Qiuyi people, winners and losers, are willing to gamble and admit defeat. Now that you have lost, why do you need to say meaningless words?"

Suddenly, applause came from the door, and Yun Lingguang stood alone at the door, applauding and strolling over.

"Papa, Ms. Ye is really powerful. Let them commit suicide one by one, so that you can reap the benefits without being stained with a trace of blood. This method is really clever, and Yun admires it."

Mo Han lifted half a step, stood beside Chu Yang, his eyes were deep, and he looked at Yun Lingguang: "Compared to tricks, who can compare to you, Yun Lingguang, you are the real genius, step by step Let me do it, so that I can get rid of your pig-like stupid father for you."

Yun Ling squinted his eyes and looked at Mo Han, who did not back down and looked at him.

The two men were instantly tense, and the atmosphere froze.

When Yun Tinghai saw Yun Lingguang appear, he fell to his knees with a plop, heaved a sigh of relief, looking at Yun Lingguang, it was like seeing a life-saving straw.

There was ecstasy in his eyes, he clutched the wound that was still bleeding, and laughed wildly: "Ling Guang, you are here? I knew that my son was unparalleled in resourcefulness, and I knew that you would come to save me."

Yun Lingguang withdrew his gaze from Mo Han, and turned to look at Yun Tinghai.

Looking at Yun Tinghai's helpless ghost, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, and then he walked quickly to Yun Tinghai with his lips curled up, and stretched out his hand to help Yun Tinghai up.

Yun Tinghai was overjoyed. At this time, he understood the importance of this son, and finally rejoiced that he still had such a wise son.

"Ling Guang, Dad used to be too harsh on you, and I also want you to grow up as soon as possible, so that you can be independent. Don't worry, we will return to Yun's house tomorrow, and I will explain to your grandfather that I will not be the head of the house. I'll leave it to you. In terms of talent and wisdom, Dad is no match for you, only you can bring the Yun family to a higher level, only you can make the family shine."

"It's a pity, you didn't figure this out until now, it's a pity that it's too late..." Yunling's eyes flashed with a gloomy look, and he replied with a smile on his lips.

Yun Tinghai's face froze, and he looked at Yun Lingguang in disbelief, not understanding the meaning of his words.

He tightly grasped Yunling's bare hands, tugged at the corners of his stiff mouth, and chuckled: "Ling Guang, what do you mean by that? Dad, I'm old, and I can't understand."

Yun Lingguang smiled but said nothing, but the eyes he looked at Yun Tinghai were calm, as if he was looking at a pool of stagnant water, without any waves.

"Aunt Yun died. She died very badly. I just saw her body. It's really a pity. However, it's great that she died at the hands of her father. After all, my mother was also killed by you." Choked to death. Now the things you don’t love and the ones you love are all killed by your hands, isn’t this feeling very exciting and enjoyable?” Yunling Guangxie smiled charmingly, and he spat coldly in the smile, he stared at Yun Ting Hai asked word by word.

Yun Tinghai's face was dismal, and he asked back with a trembling voice: "Ling Guang, what are you talking about? How could it be that I strangled your mother to death? Who did you listen to? How could I be so cruel? What about people? She entered Yun's house, she is virtuous and gentle, took care of my life, gave birth to my son, she did so much for me, how could I kill her?"

Yun Lingguang gritted his teeth slightly, suppressed the smile on his lips, and looked at him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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