Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1026 Then 1 life is worth 1 life, I will make your life worse than death

Chapter 1026 So one life is worth one life, I will make your life worse than death
At that time, she woke up from a dream, so she wasn't sure if Yun Lingguang's shot was aimed at Mo Han.

This time, it stopped abruptly when she reached here. She was awakened, but she still didn't see the final result.

She was restless, lying on the bed, crying and wet the pillow, and she clutched her chest with lingering fear.

Click, suddenly the door was pushed open from the outside.

Chu Yang opened her eyes and looked towards the door. She saw a tall man in a white coat and a mask striding towards her.

Chuyang's heart skipped a beat unconsciously. This doctor was very strange and she didn't know him.

She clenched the corner of the quilt slightly with her fingers, pursed her lips and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and bent the corners of his eyes.

He took an injection in his hand and slowly approached Chuyang.

A very bad premonition arose in Chu Yang's heart.

She quickly sat up, looked at him warily, and asked again: "Who are you? If you don't answer, I will call someone."

The man grabbed her wrist, and he murmured in a cold and hoarse voice: "I have already dealt with the people outside. He thought he could fool me by setting off a smoke bomb and make me ignore it." is you?"

"The person he really cared about was never Ye Xiaoyang, nor Qiuyi people, but you, Ye Chuyang. He killed my brother and made me lose the last relative in this world. He made me want to die , let me taste that life is worse than death, then I will let him taste it too."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you now, I'm going to play him to death, so that I can send your family to the west."

Chuyang was startled, she looked at this man in disbelief, before she could yell, the man sneered, the thick needle pierced into Chuyang's arm, and the transparent liquid was slowly absorbed into her skin.

Chu Yang opened her mouth to shout, but found that she couldn't make a sound at all.

Immediately, her body was completely unable to move.

The man smiled sinisterly, helped her lie on the bed, and covered her with a layer of white steps.

Then he pushed the cart and pushed her out of the ward.

It was quiet outside the door, it was almost early morning in the corridor, almost no one was walking around.

Chu Yang tilted his head, glanced at the security door through the gap in the white cloth.

Seeing it or not, her pupils dilated directly, and she looked at the blood red imprinted in her eyes in disbelief.

Immediately, a strong smell of blood penetrated into her nose, and she wanted to vomit in pain, but she didn't have the slightest strength to open her mouth to vomit.

She was extremely worried in her heart, afraid that something would happen to Ling Yi.

That man seemed to have seen through her worries. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Don't worry, Mr. Ling is fine. I was just lured out. He wouldn't think that I used a As a trick to turn the tiger away from the mountain, I asked my subordinates to pretend to be me and lure him out. But I myself sneaked into the hospital, disguised as a doctor, successfully entered your ward, and brought you out."

"To be honest, all the men around you are not simple. It's a pity that they all have too much affection for you. As long as I hold you hostage, those people will be used by me without any effort from me. Let them kill each other."

Although Chu Yang was terrified, she was even more worried that this man would use Mo Han to do something.

She was so anxious that she couldn't speak or move her hands.

The anxiety and despair in her heart devoured her, making her feel the despair she had never felt before.

Suddenly a slightly cold finger touched her neck, and she heard the man say again: "Sleep, after you wake up, you will see the person you want to see. Don't worry, the next good show will definitely be It will make you feel boring."

Chu Yang was taken aback, remembering that there was cold sweat on his forehead, and the tears in his eyes were falling uncontrollably.

She didn't even have the strength to bite her own tongue.

As soon as the man finished speaking, Chu Yang's eyelids suddenly became heavy for some reason.

Gradually, her eyes were completely plunged into darkness.


Chu Yang didn't know how long he slept.

Suddenly, with a pop, a basin of cold water poured heavily on her face.

With a jerk, she woke up completely.

The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Mo Han and Gu Yuan tied together in an open space not far away, both of them had wounds on their faces, and the blood on Mo Han's arm kept dripping onto the ground. Blood.

Chu Yang's eyes lit up, and he pulled his lips and called Mo Han, who knew that she had just been drugged, her throat felt like it was on fire, and the words she spoke were extremely unpleasant.

"Mo Han, Mo Han..."

Immediately, her hair was grabbed by a big palm, which made her scalp ache.

"Be quiet, I don't like women who are too loud." A man's sneer came.

Chu Yang's heart skipped a beat, her face turned gray, and she turned to look at the man who grabbed her hair.

The man looks a bit mixed, with a strong build, and his whole body is full of muscles. One of his fists is as big as a sandbag, and that punch seems to be able to kill someone.

Chu Yang immediately didn't dare to say anything more, a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, she doesn't intend to confront him head-on, and ask for trouble for herself, besides, now that she has a child in her belly, she no longer dares to act rashly.

She bit her lip quickly and nodded honestly.

The man snorted in satisfaction, let go of her hair, and ordered her to be tied up.

Immediately afterwards, he asked someone to use cold water, which also woke up Mo Han and Gu Yuan.

The two men woke up faintly, and Mo Han groaned in a low voice because of the pain in his arm.

Chu Yang looked at Mo Han nervously, his eyes full of worry.

The first time she saw him, she was overjoyed that he was fine and still alive.

But now, looking at Mo Han's condition, it seemed to be very bad. The wound on that arm was bleeding profusely, and the bright red blood hurt her eyes.

Mo Han was the first to discover Chu Yang. His eyes flashed coldly, and he growled in a low voice. He glared at the man angrily, and said angrily, "Xi Sa, you let her go. Our grievances should not be involved." To a woman. This matter has nothing to do with her, if you let her go, I will obey you and let you dispose of it."

The man named Xi Sa sneered, strode up to Mo Han, raised his hand and punched him.

"You killed my brother, you deserve to die. Do you think that the person who has been cooperating with Yun Tinghai is my brother? You are wrong. As the leader of a mysterious organization, how could it be so easy for you to fall into your trap? You killed so easily?"

"Blood debt, blood, you played tricks, killed my brother, then one life is worth one life, I will make your life worse than death. No, just asking you to die is not enough, I look at you, for a woman, and Your brothers killed each other."

 [Six Thousands has been updated. I have something to do in the past two days. The update is a bit late. Dear friends, you can wait until tomorrow, you don’t have to wait so late~~]

(End of this chapter)

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