Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1028 I warn you, don't hurt the Qiuyi people

Chapter 1028 I warn you, don't hurt the Qiuyi people

"When a man likes a woman, go grab it, grab it. Dare to act, dare to love, dare to hate, that's what a man does..."

After Xi Sa finished speaking, he patted Gu Yuan on the shoulder.

"Is this really possible?"

Gu Yuan's eyes shone with excitement, he looked at Xi Sa in disbelief, and then looked at Chu Yang with joy.

Chu Yang's eyes were full of anxiety, she looked at Gu Yuan and slowly shook her head.

"Of course you can. Since you like her, why do you want to watch her fall into the arms of other men?" Seeing Gu Yuan's expression, Xi Sa felt that there was some drama, and he immediately added embellishments.

Gu Yuan bent his lips and smiled, the resentment in his eyes had already been replaced by the excitement in his heart.

"Yes, you are right, every time, when I see her with Mo Han, I feel like a knife has been stabbed in my heart, and the knife cuts my heart fiercely, making me feel unbearable pain. I dare not touch the knife, let alone pull it out, I think about her day and night, I miss her, as long as I think of her tossing and turning under other men, I will go crazy with jealousy."

"I was thinking, why can't the man with her be me? I just met her a few years later, so why did I lose the qualification to compete for her? I'm no worse than Mo Han, so why should I let her go?" Give it to him, why should we watch them stay together."

Xi Sa quickly echoed: "Yes, you don't owe him anything, why let him? Gu Yuan, if I give you a chance, are you willing to cooperate with me? After the plan is successful, I will fulfill you and Ye Chu Yang, I promise I won't hurt you one iota, and I'll let you escape completely."

"As long as Mo Han dies, everything about him is yours, and his woman is also yours. No one can stop you from being with her, no one else."

Gu Yuan's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Xi Sa in disbelief.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked uncertainly: "Do you really trust me? Are you willing to cooperate with me, and more willing to help me?"

"Of course, I have no grievances or enmities with you. As long as I can kill Mo Han and avenge my brother, I will never set foot in Liangcheng again. From then on, whether it is Liangcheng's country or this beauty, everyone is your."

Caesar's temptation is great and beautiful.

Gu Yuan couldn't help turning his head to look at Chuyang. Although the blue and white hospital gown was not gorgeous, it was still the same as when he first met her.

He and her had known each other for less than a year.

But he clearly understood that his friendship for her was as deep and thick as the sea.

"Chuyang, because Mo Han was my brother, I slowly chose to distance myself from you and keep a distance from you since I knew about your relationship with him. But Mo Han is the first to be unkind, so I can only It's unjust."

"I have always liked you, even loved you, because of his existence, so I have to draw a line with you, but this line of separation makes me too painful, I can't bear to watch you live happily with him .Now, you even have his kids..."

"Don't blame me for being cruel, and don't blame me for being ruthless,"

Chuyang's tears kept falling down, she bit her lip and shook her head vigorously.

But Mo Han sneered at this moment, and took the conversation: "Heh... Gu Yuan, I should have seen through your wolf ambition long ago. I used to know your affection for her more or less, but I didn't expect that you now In order to get her, he wanted to kill me."

"Okay, that's great, I think Mo Han misjudged you. No wonder this woman has been lukewarm to me during this time. No matter how much tenderness I use to warm her, her heart is as cold as ice. No matter how much warmth and tenderness I give, she is still unmoved."

"That's right. In the past, Yan Tong was staring at her, and later, you, Gu Yuan, were thinking about it. There are so many men around her. There is no need for her to look back and be with my old man."

"So, if you really kill me, maybe you can get her heart. But let me advise you, this woman's heart is too hard, like a stone, and few men can warm her up."

"In my life, Mo Han, you can see how many times I died and how many injuries I suffered because of her. This time, I had no choice but to use Ye Xiaoyang to push her away to protect her. I just didn't want to She was just hurt, but she didn't expect that she was determined, even if she knew the truth, she would never be with me again."

"Such a cruel and unfeeling woman, such a cold and indifferent woman, such a flirtatious, half-hearted woman who faces Qin Muchu, heh... take it if you like it..."

Chu Yang was completely stunned, she looked at Mo Han in disbelief, she couldn't believe that those words just now came from his mouth.

Suddenly, in an instant, the tears that flowed endlessly dried up, and her eyes hurt so badly that she couldn't shed a single tear.

She bit her lip, stared at him firmly, stared into his eyes, as if she wanted to test out different emotions from the bottom of his eyes, all of this was not true, these were not his sincere words.

Gu Yuan's eyes were gloomy, he stared at Mo Han coldly, gnashed his teeth and said, "You are not allowed to say that about Chu Yang, you are such a jerk, Mo Han..."

Mo Han laughed a few times, his eyes flashed with disgust, and he glanced at Gu Yuan: "You don't mind the woman I used, willing to be a taker, I'm too happy, even with the child in her belly , it belongs to you together, so you can be a cheap father?'s really funny, it's so funny..."

Chuyang's throat choked up, and she felt a sweet smell surging in her chest.

The teeth bit the lip, and the skin on the lip was broken, and scarlet blood flowed out.

She pursed her lips and smiled softly. She didn't know what was wrong with her throat at this moment, and suddenly she was able to speak.

"Mo Han, you really went too far. In vain, I almost forgave you. So in your mind, I am just such a cold-hearted, half-hearted, half-hearted woman?"

"Heh... Then I would like to ask now, why do you protect Qiuyi? It's because she will always have an important place in your heart, so you can't bear to watch her die?"

Mo Han didn't deny it, just nodded and admitted: "That's right, I still have Yiren in my heart, so I won't just watch her die."

Immediately, he looked at Xi Sa, and shouted in a cold voice: "Xi Sa, I warn you, don't hurt the Qiuyi people, otherwise I will not let you go. And this woman, you can do whatever you want, I don't care about her life or death, I only care about Qiuyi..."

Xi Sa squinted her long and narrow eyes, remained silent, silently observing the expression on Mo Han's face and the light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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