Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1049 He and She Are Not from the Same World

Chapter 1049 He and She Are Not from the Same World

Then, he turned around and walked towards the intersection, opened the door, and got into the co-pilot.

Xia Qing's eyes lit up, she responded happily, and then hurriedly followed him into the car.

She put on her seat belt, her eyes were dimly focused on Yunling.

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that this man was really handsome, just as handsome as the male god idol she was chasing recently, no, much handsomer than her male god.

Especially, just now when he picked up the iron rod, seemed to come from behind the light, and slammed it at the bad guy, he was so handsome, it made her heart beat wildly.

In ancient times, if a man saved a woman, the woman would usually say that the grace of saving life should be promised with her body.

Every woman is easily tempted by the grace of saving lives. Xia Qing is a woman, and a little girl who is innocent and ignorant of the world. Besides, Yun Lingguang's appearance is indeed a mess of handsome.

Moreover, his aloof and haughty temperament is especially attractive to girls.

Therefore, Xia Qing's heart somehow quietly fell to Yun Lingguang who had only met twice.

"You are so handsome..." She thought so, and said it again without paying attention.

Yun Lingguang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the somewhat nympho woman.

He frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "Be quiet, don't talk, I hate women's chatter the most."

Xia Qing closed her mouth suddenly, covered her lips with her small hands, and didn't let herself make a sound, lest she might annoy him, watching him frown.

Along the way, the car was extremely quiet.

Xia Qing didn't dare to speak anymore, she just opened her big eyes and stared at Yun Lingguang without blinking, the more she looked at this man, the more handsome she felt.

Yun Lingguang sent her to her destination according to the address she provided.

He stopped the car, looked at the dilapidated houses outside the car, and frowned slightly.

"You live here?"

"Yes, although the conditions here are not good, the people here are very kind and ordinary, and it is a pleasure to get along with them. They are all good people..." Xia Qing replied with a smile.

Yun Lingguang glanced out of the car window again, at the potholed ditches on the ground, and the old and dilapidated residential buildings.

It is late at night, and there are not many pedestrians coming and going, but there are still two or three shirtless men who sneak glances at the car Yun Lingguang is driving from time to time.

"Which rich man is this, who stays awake in the middle of the night and comes to our slums to seek excitement?"

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a cool car. At least this car costs a few million dollars, right?"

"It's nice to be rich. You don't have to go to bed so early, and you can still drive around in a luxury car. It's like we wake up earlier than chickens and go to bed later than pigs."

"Okay, don't be envious, we are not the same kind of people as them, let's go back and wipe ourselves off and go to sleep, we have to get up and go to work on the construction site before dawn tomorrow."

"That's right, don't delay the time for sleeping, or if you doze off, the boss will still deduct money from us..."

A few men, laughing and laughing, gradually disappeared and walked away.

Xia Qing saw that one of them was bleeding from his hand, she quickly unbuckled her seat belt, said thank you to Yun Lingguang, goodbye, these four words, opened the car door and ran out.

Yun Lingguang frowned, not knowing what this woman was going to do.

The next moment, he saw Xia Qing chasing up to those men.

"Brother Zhang, the back of your hand is injured? You can't be careless, you must treat the wound with anti-inflammatory and pain relief. Otherwise, if the wound festers and becomes infected tomorrow, it will be bad..."

Those men turned their heads, saw that it was Xia Qing, and hurriedly greeted her.

The one called Brother Zhang repeatedly waved his hands and refused: "No need, Xiao Xia, I'm fine. I've experienced many injuries like this. Don't worry about small things. By the way, my baby had a fever yesterday. Fortunately, you found it in time and gave me a medical report." He gave him antipyretics, otherwise we adults would only focus on working to earn money, this kid's brain is burnt out, and we don't know it. Xiaoxia, thank you so much..."

Xia Qing quickly shook her head to tell him not to be polite. While speaking, she had already taken out the disinfection tool from her bag, and quickly asked several other people to turn on the flashlights of their mobile phones, with a faint light on them, and lowered their heads to treat the wound on Brother Zhang's hand.

Yun Lingguang sat in the car, looking sideways at the woman's profile under the dim light.

Her eyes were so gentle and bright, and she handled the wound skillfully and quickly. After a while, she fixed it and took gauze to bandage the wound.

She quickly told Brother Zhang to try not to get wet, and to remove the gauze after two days.

Brother Zhang agreed indifferently, and thanked her a few more times.

Yun Lingguang didn't say a word, and didn't say hello to her, so he drove the car and left here quietly.

When he was leaving, he just heard a man asking Xia Qing in a suspicious voice: "Xiao Xia, when did you meet such a rich friend?"

Yun Lingguang didn't hear Xia Qing's turning back, he just raised his eyes, glanced at the rearview mirror, and saw Xia Qing chasing his car, taking a few steps away.

As if seeing that he had no chance of stopping, she stopped in her tracks, twitched the corners of her mouth, smiled brightly with raised eyebrows, and waved goodbye to him.

"Crazy..." Yun Lingguang retracted his gaze and cursed in a low voice.

It was the first time he had seen a woman as stupid as Xia Qing with a maddened heart.

Stupid and stupid, he is not that capable, but he just meddles in other people's business.

These two times, it was fortunate that she met him, otherwise, if it were someone with a bad intention, this woman would just wait to cry.

Yun Lingguang also felt depressed, he was just driving a car for a walk, how could he meet her in a city as big as Liangcheng?And, rescued her by mistake?

It's really unfortunate that he and she are not from the same world.

This woman is not the type he likes, clumsy, silly, he is annoying to look at.

He only hoped that next time, he would never meet this woman again.


His hope was doomed to fail, because the next day, when he was driving to the company, he ran into Xia Qing again.

But this time, he saw this woman crawling on the ground, giving artificial respiration to an old lady.

There were pedestrians all around, and many people formed a circle, pointing at Xia Qing and cursing.

"Young people nowadays are really impatient. They didn't even see a living person, so they had to bump into the old lady. This is terrible. The old lady was knocked unconscious."

"It doesn't count if the old lady is knocked out, but she still takes off the old man's clothes? In such a cold day, the old lady is so old, is she trying to freeze the old man to death?"

A group of people pointed at Xia Qing and kept adding insult to injury.

Xia Qing raised her head, glanced at those people coldly, and said in a low voice: "You have time to spare, why don't you call an ambulance for me, I'm a doctor, so you don't understand, please shut up..."

(End of this chapter)

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