Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1055 Under my nose, kill someone

Chapter 1055 Under my nose, kill someone
Xia Qing's heart skipped a beat, her face turned pale.

Brother Cheng's fingers touched her fragile cheeks, and he put his nose on it, and took a deep breath.

"It's so delicious..."

Xia Qing was terrified. She struggled desperately, but she couldn't get away from his embrace. She couldn't help but looked at Xia Yong, and shouted in a low voice: "Dad, come and save me quickly, save me quickly, I am your daughter Ah, you can't ignore my life and death just for your own."

Xia Yong held the card in the palm of his hand, and glanced at the fierce people standing around him. He shrank back, not daring to move, let alone to save her.

He had no choice but to cry and beg Xia Qing: "Qingqing, there is nothing wrong with you following Brother Cheng, and he will definitely treat you well. Don't tell me, haven't you had enough of the hard times before? You live in a private house every day , there are often cockroaches and ants infesting the house, do you want to continue such a difficult life?"

"As long as you follow Brother Cheng, you don't need to be a doctor. You can't earn a lot of money every day. From now on, you can live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car, and enjoy all the glory and wealth in this world."

Xia Qing was full of despair, she smiled sadly.

The little expectation for Xia Yong from the bottom of my heart gradually turned to ashes in these words, and there was no trace of nostalgic affection and warmth.

"Okay... that's great. The lesson tonight was very painful. I understand. From now on, whether you live or die has nothing to do with me. You can go and enjoy your glory and wealth. I would rather die than follow him..."

As soon as Xia Qing finished speaking, she took out a sharp blade from her pocket and ruthlessly stabbed it into Brother Cheng's chest.

Brother Cheng always walks in the dark, most of the time he licks the blood on the tip of the knife to make money, so the next moment, he grabbed the sharp blade, grabbed it fiercely, and quickly threw the blade out.

Immediately, he raised his hand and slapped Xia Qing hard.

"Damn it, I want you to save face. Who knows, you bastard, you don't know what is good and what is bad, and try to murder me? I see you, I really don't want to live..."

Xia Qing was slapped severely by Brother Cheng and fell to the ground. The corner of her mouth was torn, and blood flowed from her mouth.

She felt dizzy for a while before her eyes, and crawled on the ground, extremely embarrassed.

Brother Cheng was so enraged that he picked up a chair and threw it at Xia Qing.

Just at this moment, at the end of the corridor, a few people suddenly broke in.

Wearing black clothes and pants, his face was blurred in the dim light.

Immediately, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Cheng, what are you doing? Are you killing people under my nose?"

Brother Cheng's hand holding the chair trembled, and he looked in disbelief at the man who was walking step by step from the end of the corridor.

That man had handsome and exquisite features, one side of his face was hidden in the darkness, and the other side was illuminated by the lamplight.

He exuded a daunting and cold aura, before he even moved, the violent factor flowing in his bones, as he slowly approached, had been rendered in the surroundings.

Brother Cheng's temples twitched, and he quickly threw the chair in his hand. His furious face changed into a flattering smile in a second, and he bent slightly and walked towards the man.

"Mr. Yun, why are you here? It was really my fault for disturbing you, and I will apologize to you. I... because this woman wants to murder me, so I just want to teach her some lessons, a little It's just a lesson..."

Xia Qing turned her face slightly, looking at Mr. Yun.

He seemed to come from against the light, standing above her condescendingly, staring at her indifferently, as if he was looking at an ant as small as dust, he was high above her, and she was as humble as dust.

Never thought that when they met again, she and him would be in such a scene.

What's more, he appeared again and saved her again.

She pursed her lips slightly, smiled softly, and then her eyes darkened, and she passed out completely.


When Xia Qing woke up again, she had just raised her eyes when she saw the man standing with his back to him. It was Mr. Yun who she had seen around but still didn't know his name.

With his hands in his pockets and a tall body, he stood quietly by the window.

The windows are half open, and the white dark pattern curtains are blown by the wind.

He held a cigarette between his fingers, his eyes were dim, and he puffed out smoke rings one after another.

She sat up slowly and called him softly.

Hearing the voice, he turned around slowly and looked at her.

"you're awake?"

"This time, sir saved me again, thank you..." Xia Qing felt bitter in her heart, pulled her dry lips, and thanked her in a hoarse voice.

Yun Lingguang stubbed out the cigarette butt, and walked over to her side.

He poured a glass of water casually and handed it to her: "Drink some water..."

Xia Qing was taken aback for a moment, then took the glass and took a sip carefully.

After calming down for a few minutes, she pursed her lips and looked at him and asked, "How do you know that I'm here?"

Yun Ling's eyes moved slightly, he raised his fingers, and tucked the hair behind her ears for her.

Xia Qing's heart skipped a beat and she looked up at him.

Under the dim light, the autumn waves in her eyes surged like a spring breeze, stirring up the hotness in his body.

He swallowed slowly, looked away from her eyes, and looked elsewhere.

Immediately, he stood up and replied coldly: "Don't ask more about other things. If you are in good health, go home."

"My dad..." Xia Qing asked hesitantly.

Yunling's eyes were slightly cold, and he laughed at the bottom: "He has treated you like that, and you still have father-daughter affection for him? Such a father, do you still care about his life?"

Xia Qing lowered her eyes and fell silent.

She didn't want to ask, but that person was her father after all, and she really couldn't do anything about it.

Yun Lingguang looked at her drooping little head, and at the faint bruises on her collar, he felt that his throat was extremely dry, so he unbuttoned the collar and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have already sent him away and sent someone to send him out of Liangcheng. From now on, without my permission, he can no longer set foot in Liangcheng. Such a father, staying by your side, will only become your burden... ..."

Xia Qing suddenly looked up at him, and blurted out, "Are you helping me?"

"What do you think?" Yun Ling's eyes dimmed slightly, and he asked back with gritted teeth.

Xia Qing was slightly taken aback, but before she could say anything else, Yun Lingguang spoke again.

"I gave him a sum of money. If he doesn't gamble recklessly, it will definitely guarantee the rest of his life. Don't worry..."

"Why did you help me?" Xia Qing pursed her lips and asked.

Before, this man took a 100 million card, ruthlessly cutting off the little thought she had for him in her heart.

Now, not only did he save her again, but he also arranged for her father in this way. She really couldn't think of any reason why Yun Lingguang could intervene in her affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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