Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1066 Abolish this child and leave Mr. Yun

Chapter 1066 Abolish this child and leave Mr. Yun

At the thought of these punishments, Chuyang became one head and two big.

She explained to Xia Qing cautiously again: "Remember to keep your mouth shut for me, please don't tell him that I will come to you when I am free, not only to sign your autograph, but also to take a photo with you..."

Xia Qing was very excited, she was already very flattered to be able to talk to the goddess up close, okay?
Like a chick eating rice, she kept nodding.

"Yeah, I remember, sister Chuyang..."

Chu Yang curled his lips into a smile, and raised his hand to stroke the little beauty's hair: "Good boy, I should go back, or that man should come to me in person, and he will give me another account."

The little book remembers the accounts, so much that she can't get out of bed for the rest of her life.

Thinking about it made her feel horrible.

Xia Qing nodded repeatedly, reassuring her repeatedly.

Chu Yang patted her on the shoulder, pursed his lips and smiled, supported his big belly, sneaked into the corridor, walked to the end of the corridor, and entered the room.

Xia Qing opened the door, blinked her eyes, and watched Chu Yang go in.

I really didn't expect that she could live in the same corridor as Ye Chuyang.

However, after thinking about it, she understood a little more.

This floor can be said to be a limited number of VIP wards, ordinary people can't live in it even if they have money.

A corridor, a whole floor, only four wards.

And the configuration of each ward is set according to the presidential suite of the hotel.

Here, few people can live in a year, and most people can't afford to live in it, and they don't have the right to live in it.

With the identities of Ye Chuyang and Mo Han, it's not surprising that they can live in.

Xia Qing thought about Yun Lingguang's identity again, and gradually calmed down his excitement. They are all expensive and extraordinary figures in the clouds.

What kind of virtue and ability is she, with an ordinary body, to marry Yun Lingguang?
Thinking about it this way, Xia Qing's good mood that was just affected by Ye Chuyang slowly lost a little bit.

She wrapped her coat tightly, drooped her head, and went back to the ward to rest.

After sleeping until dawn, the special nurse brought her breakfast. After she washed up, she ate some breakfast.

In the morning, she held a book and sat on the sunny balcony, spending a pleasant morning.

However, the peace she expected didn't last long.

Because, an uninvited guest broke into her ward regardless of the special nurse's stop.

Xia Qing was sitting in the recliner reading a book at that time, when the door of the room suddenly slammed loudly and was kicked open from the outside.

She turned her head to look, and saw a beautiful woman with a perfect figure stepping into the room aggressively.

The woman cast a pair of seductive winking eyes as she looked around the ward, and finally her gaze fell on Xia Qing.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked sarcastically, "I heard that you are pregnant with Mr. Yun's child?"

The book in Xia Qing's hand suddenly slipped to the ground.

She recognized this woman, she was the woman sitting in Yunling light car last night.

Xia Qing's breathing was stagnant, and her eyes flickered slightly: "Who are you?"

The woman smiled coquettishly, took out a newspaper from her bag, and slammed it on Xia Qing's body.

The special nurse hurried to Xia Qing's side, and glared at the woman angrily: "Please get out, this is not the place for you, in case Miss Xia's fetal gas is startled, are you sure you can bear it?"

A cold light flashed across the woman's eyes, and she raised her hand and slapped the special guard hard.

"Just because you are qualified to talk to me like this? In this world, there are a lot of women who can give birth to Mr. Yun, and I can too. Who cares about the child born by this bitch who stepped in halfway? I have known Mr. Yun for two years. How come I never knew about the existence of Miss Xia beside him?"

The special guard covered her cheeks, her eyes were on fire, and she raised her hand to fight back.

But the woman didn't stop her, and stretched her face to let the special guard hit me: "Are you going to hit me? You hit me. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences after the beating. I'm the first sister of Yuncheng Entertainment now. You If you hurt my face, Mr. Yun will definitely not let you go. The money I can earn for him in one day is the height you have seen in your life, and you are just a servant, are you sure? Can you hit me?"

The special guard was shaking with anger, she gritted her teeth and raised her hand, the slap couldn't be slapped anyhow.

This woman is right, she is a little special guard who waits on people, she really dare not offend this woman.

Feng Qingyang recently became popular overnight with a TV series "The Favorite of the Six Palaces", becoming the most popular newcomer in Liangcheng.

With this TV series, she became the first sister of Yuncheng Entertainment.

Thinking of this, the special guard became less courageous.

With waxy cheeks, she took a sneaky step back, lowered her head, and chose to turn a blind eye.

Feng Qingyang sneered, and smiled coldly: "You are smart, if you have nothing to do, you go out first, I won't call you, you are not allowed to come in... Remember, don't even try to notify Mr. Yun, or I will let you eat Walk around..."

The special guard glanced at Xia Qing, gritted his teeth secretly, and left without saying a word.

Xia Qing picked up the newspaper and looked at the domineering woman. Her restless mood just now gradually calmed down.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the newspaper, Yun Lingguang and Feng Qingyang's intimate behavior, this picture pierced her heart, causing her to convulse.

Her eyes were slightly red, and she asked hoarsely, "What does Miss Feng want to do?"

Feng Qingyang took off her windbreaker, pulled a chair and sat opposite Xia Qing.

Her twinkling phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed at the bottom of her eyes, quietly staring at Xia Qing.

"Get rid of this child and leave Mr. Yun..."

Xia Qing pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes hurt a little from laughing, and a little bit of moisture flowed in her eyes.

She was Yun Lingguang's wife, but now she was bullied by a mistress who even asked her to abort the child and leave Yun Lingguang.

This Feng Qingyang, this mighty woman, is too arrogant.

"Miss Feng's joke is ridiculous..."

Feng Qingyang suppressed the smile on the corner of her mouth, grabbed Xia Qing's wrist, and said coldly: "You think I'm joking? I'm just kind, I can't bear to hurt you, and I want to give you a warning. If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished Wine, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

"For so many years, I have met all kinds of women by Mr. Yun's side. They can't escape a few tricks under my tactics. Do you think that with a little doctor like you, you can be as prosperous as me, have Super popular star ratio?"

"In my eyes, you are just a small ant. It will be effortless for me to kill you. I advise you, don't play tricks with me, because you can't play with me at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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