Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1071 Don't Give Me Soup From Now On

Chapter 1071 Don't Give Me Soup From Now On

Yun Lingguang thought that he might never fall in love with another woman in his whole life.

He once, for a moment, wanted to have a good time with Xia Qing, and also wanted to slowly fall in love with this innocent and kind girl.

However, in the process of getting along, it was clear that she and Chuyang had no similarities, but he would still think of Ye Chuyang from time to time, that indifferent and slightly mocking smiling face flashed in front of his eyes from time to time.

Yun Lingguang lowered his eyes, and asked in a low voice: "How did you and Ye Chuyang know each other? As far as I know, she is not a nosy person..."

Xia Qing was taken aback, and she asked suspiciously: "You know Miss Chuyang? I met her here. I couldn't sleep last night and went out to relax. I happened to meet her and had a chat."

Yun Ling's eyes flickered, and he looked at Xia Qing with some confusion. In the end, he turned around and left the ward without saying anything.

Xia Qing looked at the figure that was gradually leaving in her line of sight, and her eyes were a little dazed.

It seemed that this person was just a passer-by in her life, they had a brief intersection, and then passed each other.

The next morning, just as she woke up, she saw Yun Lingguang pushing the door open.

He put the incubator in his hand on the table, then took off his long coat, changed into his slippers, went to the bed and sat down, looking at Xia Qing with warm eyes.

Xia Qing blinked and looked at him in amazement.

"How did you come?"

"In the past, I ignored you. I was wrong. I reflected on it all night yesterday. As the father of this child, I must fulfill my obligations and take good care of you mother and child." Holding her arm, he helped her sit up.

Xia Qing was taken aback, unable to react to Yun Lingguang's change at all.

Yun Lingguang smiled faintly, he asked the special nurse to raise the table, and ordered her to give Xia Qing a bowl of chicken soup from the incubator.

Then he asked the special guard to send the remaining chicken soup to Ye Chuyang: "You send this chicken soup over, and say it's Xia Qing's thanks for her help yesterday..."

The special guard was taken aback, and Xia Qing was even more stunned, unable to react for a long time.

Yun Lingguang gave the special guard a wink, and the special assistant immediately understood the meaning, she quickly smiled and said: "Mr. is really thoughtful, I really should thank that Ms. Ye, otherwise the child in Ms. Xia's stomach will really be lost." Woolen cloth."

When Xia Qing heard the special guard's words, she also slowly reacted.

She pursed her lips, and looked at the man who softened his eyes and took off his cold coat.

"You did all this for me?"

Yunling's eyes flickered, and he avoided her Xiyi's eyes. His voice was hoarse, his eyes fell on her stomach, and he replied softly, "Of course, it's also for our children to be grateful."

Xia Qing's heart gradually warmed up. She narrowed her eyes and smiled happily.

The fear of Yun Lingguang last night also gradually faded under his warm eyes.

She picked up the bowl of chicken soup and drank it all in a few minutes.

She smacked her small mouth, a little unfinished.

Touching her chubby belly, she said with a bit of regret: "It's delicious, I really want to drink more..."

Yun Ling's eyes flashed, and he didn't dare to look at Xia Qing's twinkling eyes.

He took a fruit knife and an apple in his hand, and peeled them nimbly with his fingers.

He handed the beautifully peeled apple to Xia Qing, and said in a low voice, "I'll bring it back to you tomorrow. I went to the most famous five-star hotel in Liangcheng, and asked the chef there to make it specially for you." , Whether it is taste or nutrition, it is unique.”

Xia Qing took the apple a little flattered, and smiled a few times with crooked eyebrows.

Eating the apple he peeled with his own hands, she felt that the apple became the most delicious delicacy in the world.

In the next few days, Yun Lingguang personally brought all kinds of exquisite and nutritious soups.

Each copy was specially sent to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang thought it was a gift from Xia Qing. At first, she felt embarrassed, but gradually, the kindness was hard to give up, and she gradually got used to the daily serving of nutritious soup.

On this day, Yun Lingguang was an hour late due to company affairs.

Thinking about the deliciousness of the soup, Chu Yang rushed to Xia Qing's ward eagerly, and looked around in her ward, but he didn't see any sign of the soup.

She couldn't help frowning, rubbed her nose, swallowed, and made some sideways remarks in embarrassment.

"Xia Xia, what are you eating today? It's all over, why haven't you eaten yet?"

During this period of time, the two of them spent a lot of time together, and Xia Qing naturally understood what Chu Yang was thinking about, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled in a low voice.

"Sister Chuyang, are you waiting for the nutritional soup?"

Chu Yang's face was a little embarrassed, and she refused to admit such a shameful thing. She defended with a guilty conscience: "No, I told you that you are not allowed to send me soup, but you girl, you can send it every day. Look at me, I've been fattened by this soup for the past few days. I can't drink any more,"

Chu Yang had been brewing those words for a long time, but he couldn't say anything.

After all, the soup is really delicious, who made the baby in her stomach like it.

She whispered for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "So, can you ask your special nurses to make vegetarian soup instead of meat soup?"

"Okay, next time I will tell the chef to cook some nutritious vegetarian soup..." Yun Lingguang stood at the door and answered in a low voice.

Chu Yang was taken aback, and quickly turned to look at Yun Lingguang, she frowned: "I'm talking to Xia Qing, what are you talking about?"

Xia Qing could clearly feel that Ye Chuyang's indifferent attitude towards Yun Lingguang was extremely disgusting and displeased.

Xia Qing quickly adjusted the atmosphere, and explained with a smile: "Sister Chuyang, you misunderstood, this soup is not cooked by special guards, but Ling Guang specially invited a five-star chef to cook it."

Chu Yang's complexion changed, and she looked very ugly. She turned her head to look at Xia Qing, and asked in a low voice, "So all the soup you drink these days is brought by this man?"

Xia Qing was a little puzzled by Chuyang's abnormal reaction, she nodded honestly: "Yes, Ling Guang said at the beginning, in order to thank you for saving me and the baby that day, so whenever he brings soup, he will prepare a copy for you Send it over."

Chu Yang felt that he was in a bad mood all of a sudden.

Can she spit out all the soup she drank?
"Shit..." She cursed in a low voice, without even looking at Yun Lingguang, she greeted Xia Qing lightly: "I'm going back, don't bring me soup anymore, I think I'm a little sick now, I guess I can't drink it."

She waved her hand, holding on to her big belly, and wanted to go out.

But Yun Lingguang blocked the door and refused to make way for her.

Chu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Yun Lingguang, and said coldly: "Mr. Yun, can you let me open the way? Don't you know how to be courteous to the pregnant woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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