Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1079 The child in my sister's stomach may not be able to keep

Chapter 1079 The child in my sister's stomach may not be able to keep

Yun Lingguang also suffered serious injuries. After such a long time, his physical strength has long been exhausted, and because of the excessive blood loss, there was a glimmer of darkness in front of his eyes.

When their figures completely disappeared in front of his eyes, his eyes were completely plunged into darkness, and he completely lost consciousness.


Xiao Yan carried Xia Qing to the emergency room. When he put her on the operating table, Xia Qing held his palm tightly, gritted her teeth and shouted hoarsely: "Senior brother Xiao, I beg you, please be sure To save this child..."

Xiao Yan's eyes flickered, he knelt in front of the operating table, pinching her pale and bloodless face, he made a solemn promise to her.

"Xia Qing, don't worry, I will definitely save your child, you must trust me..."

Tears kept falling from the corners of Xia Qing's eyes. She cried and nodded, saying she believed what he said.

She touched her aching stomach, felt the waves of blood under her body, her heart was in pain, and she completely despaired of love.

She gritted her teeth, stared into Xiao Yan's eyes, with a tenacious light at the bottom of her eyes, and said word by word: "Mr. In this operating room, I hope you can tell that person that the child cannot be saved."

"No matter what the result is, you tell him that I have already had a miscarriage. I know that it is wrong for me to embarrass you like this. But, Senior Brother Xiao, I can't help it. I really don't know what to do now? I don't want to Seeing him, I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore, I beg you, let me cut off the last ties with him."

Xiao Yan didn't even think about it, a light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and he nodded directly in agreement.

Although this matter is detrimental to medical ethics, he doesn't care, as long as it is for her, he can do anything.

Therefore, he agreed without hesitation: "Okay, I promise you, don't worry, I will take care of everything for you, as long as you persevere, I will be able to keep your mother and child..."

Xia Qing's heart was filled with gratitude.

She burst into tears and smiled: "Brother Xiao, at this time, when I am most hopeless and helpless, fortunately you are here..."

Xiao Yan pursed his lips, moistened her face, touched her cheek with his fingertips, and wiped away the tears on her face.

"Don't worry, I'll always be here."


Yun Lingguang's injury wasn't too serious, but it wasn't light either.

The knife missed the heart, just a little bit.

When the doctor operated on him, he asked the doctor not to use anesthesia, but only used some anesthetics. He had to stay awake all the time. He wanted to know the situation at Chuyang and the situation of the child in Xia Qing's stomach.

Just as Yun Lingguang left the operating room, the assistant brought information about Chu Yang.

Chuyang was frightened, but the child was fine.

A heart raised by Yun Lingguang slowly fell.

Chuyang has already reached the expected date of delivery. If something happens to the child, it may involve the life-threatening of adults, so now that Chuyang is safe and sound, he is relieved.

Immediately, the assistant glanced at Yun Lingguang with some complicated eyes, and faltered about Xia Qing's situation.

"Mr. Yun, Ms. Xia... She is still in the emergency room and is in a critical condition. The hospital contacted Xia Yiqing and signed a critical illness notice for Ms. Xia."

Yun Ling's eyes shrank slightly, and he suddenly looked at the assistant.

The assistant explained the situation carefully again, saying that the child was already showing signs of premature delivery, and the push made by the man in black caused Xia Qing to fall to the ground, and the child might have been lost.

Yun Lingguang's face was extremely ugly, and he quickly asked his assistant to help him to the emergency room.

When he arrived, Xia Yiqing was sitting on the bench with his head drooping, looking very decadent and restless.

Seeing Yun Lingguang coming and looking seriously injured, he was already a little afraid of Yun Lingguang, even if he had doubts, he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

It's just that he sat nervously on the side, not daring to breathe.

Yun Lingguang sat next to Xia Yiqing. After a long silence, he asked, "Did you sign your sister's critical illness notice? What did the doctor say?"

Xia Yiqing quickly raised his head and replied, "The doctor said... maybe, the child in my sister's stomach will be lost. Sister... brother-in-law, ah, no, Mr. Yun, what happened, why did my sister have an accident, and why did you suffer? Injured?"

Yun Lingguang was restless, even if he had something on his mind, he wouldn't talk about it with a teenage boy.

Immediately, he answered a few words lightly, vaguely described what happened, and then stopped talking completely.

His eyes were silently staring at the lit operating room.

In the palm of his hand, some sweat broke out unconsciously.

This operation took several hours.

When it was over, the sky was already dark, and the sun was still shining brightly during the day, but now there were snowflakes outside the window.

Liangcheng is really cold, the snow keeps falling year after year, freezing the hearts of many lovers.

After the operation was over, Xiao Yan personally pushed Xia Qing out.

Xia Yiqing hurried forward, looked at Xiao Yan and asked, "Brother Xiao Yan, how is my sister?"

Seeing Xia Yiqing, Xiao Yan's expression softened slightly, and he replied in a low voice: "She is out of danger, she is just a child, she has not been saved..."

Xia Yiqing's face turned pale, and he looked at Yun Lingguang nervously.

Yun Lingguang's back was straight, and when he heard Xiao Yan's words, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

He felt that his body was hot and cold.

The torment of the two heavens of ice and fire made him feel a little bit in a trance.

He stood up abruptly, and a slight darkness flashed before his eyes.

He put his arms against the wall and propped up his body. He refused the assistant's support, and walked extremely slowly step by step, but he still straightened his back, as if he was not injured normally.

He slowly approached, and looked down at Xia Qing. The palm-sized face was pale, and the lips were parched.

He lowered his eyes, looked at her for a while, and wanted to raise his hand to touch her cheek.

Xiao Yan reached out to stop his hand, and said in a cold voice: "Before Xia Qing passed out, she told me that she didn't want to see you, so I thought she didn't want you to touch her either. So, please, Mr. Yun, move you away." Your noble hand, let her go."

Yun Lingguang pursed his lips slightly, retracted his palms, and glanced at Xiao Yan, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Immediately, he said to take good care of her, then turned and left here.

For three whole days, he didn't visit her.

Just order people carefully, buy some supplements, and take good care of her body.

On the fourth day, Xia Qing was able to get out of bed and walk around. Her body was fine, so in order to avoid suspicion from outsiders, she lay on the bed for a few days to recuperate.

That's right, the surgery was a success that day, Xiao Yan's hand rejuvenated, saving her and the child's life.

In the past few days, she let go of everything and didn't think about the things that made her sad and hopeless. She was secretly thinking about how to avoid Yun Lingguang's eyes and how to formally file for a divorce with him.

 [There is one more update, come later, wait a moment]

(End of this chapter)

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