Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1083 I want to leave here, Liangcheng

Chapter 1083 I want to leave here, Liangcheng
The little guy's voice was loud, and the crying was so loud that it hurt Mo Han's eardrums.

The confinement wife moved quickly, and the boiling water had cooled down, so she quickly made the milk powder, immediately picked up the little guy, and stuffed the pacifier into the little guy's mouth.

Babies are born to suck, and they can understand it by themselves without being taught by anyone.

The little guy stopped crying, wrapped his little mouth around the bottle, and sucked milk.

Mo Han watched from the side, touched his nose with a guilty conscience, and then said to the confinement wife: "If Chuyang wakes up and asks if the little guy has had milk, just say, the little guy is starving, wait It's too late for her to wake up and take milk, so in order not to starve the little one, I had no choice but to make milk powder."

"Then, you tell her that if a woman feeds the child herself, it may affect her figure in the future, especially since she is an actress and has very high requirements for her figure. You tell her all these things, and slowly change Her thinking, you know?"

Yuesao: "..."

Mo Han continued: "Boys are not so delicate. He has to exercise his autonomy since he was a child, and he can't rely too much on his mother. In ancient times, it was said that a loving mother loses more than a child. Tell her, if you spoil the child too much Guy, it’s still estimated that it’s not good to raise, or you should choose the stocking model..."

"You can't let her put all her mind on her children. Only by maintaining a good interactive relationship with her husband can her married life be happy. Don't let her be around a child all day long and ignore her husband."

Yuesao was speechless. Well, she has never seen such a master.

It's fine not to let his wife feed the children, but he still finds so many high-sounding reasons.

She even had some doubts, was this child his own?

There was a strange flash of light in Yuesao's eyes, and she glanced at Mo Han.

Mo Han thought that Yuesao found it difficult to be caught between him and Chuyang, and he would never have thought that what Yuesao was thinking about was that the child might not be his own.

After all, she had never seen a father treat his son like this.

The little guy is only a day old, and he actually said that he wants to be independent, what kind of stocking model, don't blame her short-sightedness, she really didn't understand what he meant.

"Mr. Mo, what is the free-range model?" Yue Yue asked boldly.

Mo Han's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he said very confidently: "The stocking model is to let him sleep by himself and not to make trouble. After confirming that he is not uncomfortable, thirsty, hungry, or bed-wetting, even if he cries No matter how bad it is, don't hug him and let him cry, the baby cries a lot, and it's good for the throat."

Yuesao: "..."

Is there such a father?Anyway, it was the first time she saw her. Among the pregnant women who had been served before, which one of the men did not hold his precious son in the palm of his hand?

It's good here, the situation is completely reversed, the baby who just came out of the oven is actually the one who was rejected.

It's incredible, Yuesao shook her head.

Mo Han knew that Yuesao was in trouble, so he immediately added: "As long as you do what I say, I will pay you ten times more salary, and if the effect is significant, I will give you another bonus, how about it?"

Yuesao stared at Mo Han, as if looking at a monster, completely stupid, okay?
Originally, it was the luckiest thing in her life that she was able to come here to serve President Mo's wife. That salary can be said to be the most in the confinement world.

Now, President Mo actually wants to give her ten times more?
In Yuesao's heart, that was a passion, she even silently calculated in her head, ten times more, how much it is.

One-digit, two-digit, three-digit, four-digit, five-digit, six-digit, darling, the amount is almost approaching seven-digit.

The confinement wife was completely stunned. She really didn't expect that Mr. Mo was so brave. His request was not to let her take good care of the child and the mother, but to change Mrs. Mo's attitude towards the baby.

Mo Han, isn't it too weird?
However, thinking a little deeper, she suddenly felt that Mrs. Mo should be the happiest woman in the world, right?
To have such a good man love her, all the women in Liangcheng envy her.

Seeing Yuesao's dumbfounded expression, Mo Han frowned, and asked doubtfully, "Why, aren't you satisfied with the salary?"

Yuesao is so happy that she is about to collapse, okay? She has worked for more than ten years, and she has never served Mrs. Mo this time. She earns a lot. She will be directly promoted to a millionaire, okay?
The confinement wife nodded excitedly, and was too excited to speak.

Mo Han's face softened, and the big stone that was raised in his heart was finally let go.

He gave Yuesao a few more instructions, and then he was worried that Chuyang would wake up, so he wandered back again.

For his son, he is dismissive. This brat is purely here to compete with him. Can he show him face?

Yuesao looked at Mo Han who left the room, feeling as excited as if she was in a cloud.

The little guy in his arms fell into a deep sleep after eating milk.

Yuesao is more meticulous in serving the little ones. This is a small ancestor, and the one next door is a big ancestor. She must take good care of these two ancestors.

So, she put the little one back in the crib very gently, and she went to the bathroom to wash the baby bottle. After washing and washing, she couldn't suppress the excitement, closed the door, turned on the faucet, and yelled in the bathroom several times.

A few minutes later, when she came out, she was a mature, stable and experienced golden confinement lady again.


Xia Qing was in a daze, not knowing how long she had slept.

When she opened her eyes and woke up, she saw Xiao Yan crawling on the head of the bed with a tired face, guarding her side.

She pursed her lips and blinked her wet eyes.

"Brother Xiao... If you're tired, go home and go to sleep, I'm fine..." She patted the back of his hand, wanting to let him go back, because sleeping like this is uncomfortable, and it's easy to catch a cold.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes all of a sudden, rubbed his eyes, a gleam of light appeared in the bottom of his eyes, he smiled and said, "You finally woke up..."

Xia Qing was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Did I sleep for a long time?"

"No, you've been asleep for three whole days." Xiao Yan raised his hand, rubbed the hair on her forehead, and said in a gentle voice.

Xia Qing was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little dazed for a while, and looked up out of the window. The sun is very good today, and the sun poured in from outside the window, falling on the floor.

"The weather outside is so nice, Senior Brother Xiao, is the child in my stomach okay?" She lowered her eyes and stretched out her hands to cover her flat stomach. This is a child in many troubles. He has experienced too much before he is formed. ordeal.

Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows confidently, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, with me here, this child will be fine."

Xia Qing looked at Xiao Yan and didn't know how to thank him for a while.

In this life, she owed him too much.

"Senior Brother Xiao, thank you..."

Xiao Yan quickly waved his hand, and then he got up and helped her sit up, poured a glass of water, and handed it to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing held the water glass until her fingertips turned white. She stared sideways at the scorching sun outside the window, and said slowly, "Senior Brother Xiao, I want to leave here, Liangcheng, and never come back."

(End of this chapter)

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