Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1099 Don't Listen to Your Wife About Everything

Chapter 1099 Don't Listen to Your Wife About Everything

Ke Mi is a good girl, he doesn't want to harm her, let alone turn her into a resentful woman who loves and hates, so he took this opportunity to expose everything and explain to her.

He hoped that she would be happy.

He is a person who was abandoned by fate, and also a person who was teased by fate. He fell in love with someone who would never be able to get it, and he was destined to pay for this teasing.

Ke Mi was stunned for a few seconds before realizing what he had just said.

She didn't know how he knew that she liked him, but she clearly understood that he spread all this out and said at this time, it meant that there was really no possibility between them.

Therefore, the shred of hope hidden in her heart was completely broken since then, and she was completely awake.

She blinked, blinked again, trying to force back the tears that were about to overflow her eyes, and then she pursed her lips and smiled brightly: "Don't worry, I will definitely find a good man to marry."

She exited the car and took a deep breath into the dark night.

She raised her hand, quickly and swiftly wiped away the unrestrained tear that fell from her eye socket, then pulled the corners of her stiff lips and smiled lightly.

Immediately, she drove Yan Tong back to his villa.

Then, Yan Tong asked the driver to take Komi home.

That night, Ke Mi slept soundly and slept until dawn.

She had hidden her thoughts for many years, and now that he had seen through her, she felt extremely relieved.

So, she came back to life and became the former Komi again.

Early in the morning, she got up, made some breakfast casually, and then changed into a dress and diamond jewelry.

This outfit is added, although she hasn't put on makeup yet, but when Kami looks at herself in the mirror, she is in a trance, she has never worn such a formal skirt, let alone any diamond necklace, diamond earrings, already Diamond bracelet.

With the embellishment of diamonds, she felt as if she was covered with bright stars, and her whole body became radiant and radiant.

Just picked up the cosmetics and planned to put on makeup, unexpectedly, her cell phone rang suddenly.

She answered the phone, and Chuyang's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Kemi, come and open the door."

Ke Mi was taken aback, and quickly got up and left the bedroom to open the door.

Then, she saw Chu Yang, who was dressed as beautifully as a fairy descending from the earth, standing at the door, and there was even a famous stylist behind her.

Ke Mi felt excited, pointed at the stylist, and was so excited that she couldn't speak: "You... aren't you the famous Shen Tian Shen stylist who has sculpted countless superstars?"

Shen Tian pursed his lips politely and greeted Ke Mi.

Chu Yang shook his head helplessly, grabbed Ke Mi's wrist, and walked into the house.

"What's so strange? As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts. As long as you have money, what kind of people can't be invited? It's also thanks to you making a fuss. You look like you have never seen the big world. If you are outside, You still look like this, let me tell you, don't say you are my manager, I feel ashamed."

Facing Chu Yang's unceremonious anger, Ke Mi was not angry, but instead smiled, hugged Chu Yang's arm, and said coquettishly: "Chu Yang, Chu Yang, so you brought Shen Tian here to do styling for me? "

Chu Yang poked Ke Mi's forehead, and replied of course.

Then, she gave Ke Misai to Shen Tian: "Give her a little bit of dressing up as a goddess, she has kept this short hair for a few years, I'm going to vomit. You can connect her long hair and make it Sexy and charming big waves, the length is best to the waist."

Kami was frightened directly, okay?Mom, with long hair, is she suitable?Since she was a child, she has been used to having short hair. If she suddenly gets long hair, she is afraid that she will not dare to go out.

"Chuyang, you don't need to send out the joints. Listen to the waste of time. Don't you have other things to do? Don't waste time on me. Where is the little guy? Go back and pick up the baby, I I can dress up myself." Ke Mi said with a quick smile.

Chuyang shook his head, and pushed Kemi to the bedroom: "I leave all the time for you this morning, and I must dress you up beautifully."

Ke Mi was very helpless, with a sad face, and was pushed to sit on the stool by Chu Yang.

She looked back at Chuyang, curled her lips: "Today is your son's full moon wine, you are the hostess, as long as you are beautiful, why should I compete with you for the limelight?"

Chu Yang glared at Ke Mi with hatred, and said sharply: "I'm happy. If you can steal my limelight today, then I'll be even happier. So, come on, don't refuse, Otherwise, I won't recognize you as a friend."

Ke Mi had no choice but to remain silent, like a marionette, letting Shen Tian toss about.

Three hours later, Chu Yang fell asleep on Ke Mi's bed, and before she woke up, her cell phone rang.

She opened her eyes, glanced at the caller ID, and then smiled: "What's the matter, husband, I haven't seen me for three hours, do you miss me?"

Mo Han: "..."

"Cough cough. Chuyang, President Mo is feeding the little guy. President Mo asked me to ask you, is Kemi's shape ready? If it is, I will pick you up later and go directly to Yujing Hotel. " Li Chong coughed in a low voice embarrassedly, and laughed.

Chu Yang was embarrassed, she finally called her husband once, and even coquettishly once, but it turned out that Li Chong was on the other end of the phone.

She suddenly became angry, gritted her teeth and roared, "Why are you calling me with his mobile phone? Assistant Li, this month's bonus will be deducted..."

After yelling this sentence, Chu Yang hung up the phone with a blushing face, gritted his teeth and cursed a few more words: "Dead Mohan, stinky Mohan, why did you just throw your mobile phone to others? You're embarrassing me, oh, it's so annoying ..."

On Chuyang's side, he was rolling and annoyed on the Komi bed.

On Li Chong's side, there was a look of unspeakable misery on his face. He felt that the pot fell from the sky, and a sudden calamity arose.

He hurriedly ran to Mo Han, handed the phone to Mo Han, and complained with a bitter face: "President Mo, Chu Yang said that she would deduct my bonus for this month. Don't be unprincipled, listen to her in everything. Men, sometimes you have to be tougher, don't listen to your wife in everything, right?"

Mo Han hugged the little guy who was squatting and drinking, he raised his head and glanced at Li Chong, and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't worry, you are my special assistant, I won't be so unprincipled."

Li Chong heaved a sigh of relief, and repeatedly praised Mo Han for his understanding of things.

"Hello again, President Mo, I knew that after following you for so many years, we have a bond of love."

Mo Han pursed his lips and smiled without answering, lowering his eyebrows and staring at the little guy who was drinking milk happily.

(End of this chapter)

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