Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1101 You still more or less follow some women's morals

Chapter 1101 You still more or less follow some women's morals

"Everyone loves beauty, there's nothing wrong with that. For example, the first time I met Mo Han was a slovenly man with a scruffy beard. Then I definitely wouldn't like him, let alone have a crush on him for so many years. On the contrary, because of his extraordinary Appearance, I gradually got to know him and fell in love with him little by little."

"Even if he is disfigured in the future, and he will no longer be as handsome and handsome as he used to be when he gets older, then my love for him will remain the same. Because, because of his appearance, I have already fallen in love with his soul, so when he grows up What does it matter if you are ugly or not?"

Ke Mi thought about Chu Yang's words carefully, and felt that what she said made sense.

Perhaps, her cognition is too one-sided, not as free and easy as Chuyang.

That's why she has trapped herself in the same place for so many years, never daring to take a step towards Yan Tong, nor does she want to find another man to live with.

Chuyang's chin rested on Kemi's shoulder, and the two stood side by side, appearing in the mirror at the same time.

She stared at Komi's facial features, and sighed in a low voice: "I hope you don't trap yourself, come out early, if you and Yan Tong can't do it, then don't let go, don't torture yourself anymore. You too It’s not too late, it’s time to plan for yourself.”

"It's not easy for a woman to recover when she's too old to have a baby. Look at how well I've recovered. I've recovered just after the full moon. So don't wait until you're 34 to have a baby. It's not easy to recover, and it's not good for your health. It's not good for the kids either."

Ke Mi's heart trembled, and he touched his lower abdomen unconsciously.

Chu Yang didn't pay attention to Ke Mi's strangeness, she continued to persuade Ke Mi.

"Look at you, how beautiful you are now. I can assure you that when you go out now, there will definitely be men who will take the initiative to ask you for contact information, and they are all outstanding men."

Ke Mi's cheeks flushed slightly. When she saw herself in the mirror just now, she hadn't recovered from it for a long time.

This kind of Kemi was a little strange, but it also made her heart throb.

She has always stuck to the rules, clinging to her own world, and has never dared to break through that layer of shackles and trap herself.

Now, facing such a brand new self, she suddenly had a slightly sore nose and red eyes, she pursed her lips, hugged Chu Yang, and choked up in a low voice.

"Chuyang, you are right, I should look forward."

Years of infatuated love has no results, so she should give up.

Chu Yang and Ke Mi have a deep relationship, so hearing Ke Mi's cry, she also felt uncomfortable, and her eyes turned red.

The two women hugged each other and cried together.

When An Ming came to pick them up, he saw the eyes of the two women were red and swollen, so he broke the sad atmosphere with a smile: "You two beauties, I have been ordered to pick them up. Miss Ke Mi is so beautiful today, I just saw her." I was stunned, and I almost didn't recognize it. Miss Ke Mi, what is your phone number, if you have anything to do in the future, just come to me, I don't mind the trouble, I will definitely be there on call. "

Chu Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Ke Mi, what she meant was, you see, I didn't lie to you, even the five big and three rough An Ming thought it was beautiful, and she was in a hurry to ask for the phone number.

Ke Mi pursed her lips and smiled, and exchanged numbers with An Ming.

An Ming couldn't help it, and looked at Ke Mi several times, and her eyes became more and more hot.

Chuyang doesn't want Kemi and Anming to get along, it's not that she looks down on Anming, but she thinks that Anming's job is sometimes too dangerous, and she doesn't want Kemi to be in fear all day long.

Moreover, a man like An Ming is incomprehensible, like a piece of wood, how tiring it is for Ke Mi to follow him.

So, she dragged Kemi out of the room, not giving An Ming a chance to strike up a conversation.

Along the way, An Ming talked to Komi very enthusiastically.

Every time, Chu Yang subtly took over the conversation, and chatted with An Mingre.

An Ming kept scratching his head along the way, and looked at Chu Yang with some resentment, but he had to ignore Chu Yang, and he couldn't be a bit disgusted, otherwise he would become the second Li Chong to lose his annual bonus.

An hour later, the three of them finally arrived at Yujing Hotel.

A long red carpet was laid out at the entrance of the hotel. Mo Han hugged the baby in swaddling clothes, and greeted every guest who came with a smile on his lips.

Luxury cars gathered at the door, and those big men who could make a city tremble with a single stomp, greeted Mo Han politely and warmly, and everyone wrapped a big red envelope for the little guy.

The amount of the red envelope, I dare not think about it, that money is not enough for a poor family to save in a lifetime.

Mo Han was not short of money, so he refused the generous red envelope, and welcomed the guests in with courtesy, and a few words could make the guests smile.

Chu Yang was sitting in the car, watching the red envelope being returned, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she sighed faintly: "Hey, Mo Han is the only one in this world who thinks there is too much money."

An Ming twitched the corners of her mouth. President Mo has so much money that she can't spend it all in her lifetime, okay?Her regretful tone is really stimulating, hey, people are more angry than people.

Ke Mi looked at Chu Yang suspiciously and asked, "Aren't we going down?"

Chu Yang pressed Ke Mi's wrist, and said mysteriously: "Wait a little longer..."

Ke Mi was even more puzzled, and asked in a daze, "What are you waiting for?"

Chuyang looked at Ke Mi, like looking at a fool, she didn't point it out, just smiled and didn't speak.

Ke Mi was foggy and didn't understand what Chu Yang meant.

Then, less than 10 minutes later, several handsome men in suits and leather shoes appeared at the door, and one of them, a man in a white suit, was particularly eye-catching.

Chu Yang's eyes lit up, and there was a small flame of excitement in the bottom of his eyes.


Ke Mi continued to look confused, so he could only follow Chu Yang's gaze.

"Who is that?" Of course she saw the man with special eyes.

Where the man stood, it was a beautiful landscape, his words and deeds were gentlemanly and forceful, and the noble aura in his bones made the women around him keep looking at him.

Mo Han and the others couldn't think about it anymore. After all, all the women in Liangcheng knew that this top-notch man belonged to Ye Chuyang.

Now, there appeared another man whose bearing and appearance was almost the same as Mo Han's. Their eyes were all shining, like hunters staring at this tempting prey, drooling excitedly.

Chu Yang was so anxious that he gritted his teeth and sneered: "These women are too unreserved. Have you ever seen a man? They look like they have never seen the world, and they are worthy of coveting?"

Ke Mi admitted that the man was indeed outstanding, but Chu Yang's reaction was a little weird.

"Chuyang, you are a man with a husband, are you sure you are suitable for such a mood? I don't know, I thought you liked that man and were jealous of the way those women looked at him."

"Your husband, Mo Han, is no worse than that man. You should abide by some women's morals more or less, and be more reserved. You have been in the entertainment industry for so long, and you have never seen any man, and it is worth your excitement? Be careful later, Mo Han will be angry when he sees you like this." Ke Mi couldn't stand it anymore, so he reminded Chu Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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