Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1103 I'm Afraid You'll Throw My Son Out Again

Chapter 1103 I'm Afraid You'll Throw My Son Out Again
"It's horrible, this woman is so ugly, how dare she miss Nan Lichuan? Is this a flower stuck in cow dung? Come on, let's go down." Chu Yang frowned, stretched out his hand and pushed away He opened the car door and pulled Komi out of the car.

At that time, Mo Han was hugging the little guy and greeting other guests.

And Nan Lichuan was being entangled by a woman, and wanted to find an excuse to leave here, but that woman refused to let go easily, blocked his way, and flirted with him enthusiastically.

"Mr. Nan, I have always admired your name, but I have never had the chance to see your true face. I am really lucky to meet you here today. I did not expect that Mr. Nan himself is so handsome..."

Nan Lichuan frowned slightly, and replied lightly: "Ma'am, I'm sorry, if there is nothing else, then I'll excuse you first."

He turned around and was about to leave, but he didn't know that the woman staggered, let out a low cry, her body was crooked, and she was about to pounce on Nan Lichuan.

Although Nan Lichuan didn't like this woman's intentional flirting, he was also a very well-bred man with a gentlemanly demeanor.

So, he quickly put a hand on the woman's shoulder.

The woman's eyes were shining with clear water and autumn waves, and her eyes were slightly red with fright. She stroked her plump chest, panting, and thanked her with lingering fear.

"Thank you, Mr. Nan, for helping me, otherwise I would really make a fool of myself tonight. I don't know what happened, maybe I was too nervous to see Mr. Nan, so I was unsteady on my feet just now, and I almost bumped into Mr. Nan. Please also Mr. Nan, please forgive me..."

While talking, the woman slowly approached Nan Lichuan. In front of the crowd, she pursed her lips, showing a shy and reserved look.

She deliberately squeezed her dimples to be more seductive, and then stretched out her hand to wrap Nan Lichuan's arm, with a look of pity for me.

Chu Yang is too angry, and this woman is too shameless. Seducing men so blatantly is really embarrassing to their women.

She let go of Ke Mi, and walked slowly to Nan Lichuan and the woman.

She reached out and patted the woman's shoulder: "I'm sorry, Miss, Mr. Nan is the most honored guest we have invited, and I'm afraid he can't patronize your business."

The woman's complexion changed, and a trace of anger flashed across her eyes. She didn't even look at Chuyang, and said angrily, "What do you mean? Miss, what business? Are you insulting me on purpose?"

Chu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled, he really made her guess right.

It's a pity that she is the master today, and some things cannot be said too much, so she had to smile and reply in a tactful voice.

"Miss misunderstood, I just saw your behavior, a bit like some ladies I have seen soliciting customers on the street, anyway, I think that the behavior just now doesn't look like a lady from a big family, you should Some qualities."

The woman's face turned pale, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak for a long time. When she was about to yell, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Mo Han walking over calmly. Then, she glanced at her, his eyes full of warning.

The woman's body trembled slightly, and only then did she see Chu Yang's facial features clearly.

In an instant, her cheeks became even paler, her body was trembling and she didn't dare to speak.

The woman was ashamed, she continued to rely on Nan Lichuan, and took two steps back.

Therefore, even though she was very angry in her heart, she couldn't break the skin with Ye Chuyang. If she was hostile to Ye Chuyang, she was against Mo Han.

She didn't have the ability to contend with Mo Han, she glared at Chuyang a few times indignantly, then stomped her feet and ran away under all the attention.

Chu Yang sneered, then looked at Nan Lichuan, and smiled embarrassedly: "Mr. Nan, don't mind, it's because you are so eye-catching that even these famous ladies can't help but jump on you."

Nan Lichuan knew Chuyang, although it was the first time he met him, but because of Mo Han, he was willing to give Chuyang a little favor.

Therefore, he bent his lips and said with a smile: "Is Mrs. Mo praising me, or making fun of me?"

"Naturally, it's a compliment. Praise Mr. Nan for being so charming, even I appreciate you." Chu Yang smiled very freely.

Nan Lichuan raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Mo Han who was standing behind Chuyang, and a provocative light flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Mo, don't be jealous because of what Mrs. Mo said..."

When Chu Yang turned her head, she saw Mo Han's gloomy face, her heart trembled, and then she squinted her eyes and smiled brightly at Mo Han, who ignored her.

"Mr. Nan, let's go in first, there are delicious food and wine waiting inside." Mo Han politely invited Nan Lichuan in.

At this moment, Chu Yang didn't care whether Mo Han was angry, she quickly pushed Ke Mi out.

"Mr. Nan, Mo Han and I are busy greeting other guests. We really don't have time to spend with you. This is my good friend. Her name is Ke Mi. If you don't understand anything, you can ask her. Today, I specially invite you You don't have to feel trouble if she comes to help you."

Ke Mi was pushed to Nan Lichuan by Chu Yang. Today, Ke Mi wore a dress and stepped on a high-heeled shoe with a high heel. She didn't usually wear high heels, so she was not used to it, but Chu Yang pushed her hard. push.

Her feet tilted, and she fell towards Nan Lichuan.

Nan Lichuan had sharp eyes and quick hands, stretched out his arms and hugged him.

The slippery palms and tentacles made Nan Lichuan's heart flutter slightly, then he lowered his head and looked at the beautiful woman in his arms who was so panic-stricken that her face turned pale.

This woman has exquisite facial features, her long hair is tucked behind her ears, and a white slim fishtail dress highlights her curvy figure to the fullest.

However, there was a fork in the back of the dress at the waist, and his palm happened to land on the exposed skin, which was as white and smooth as jade.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the people around were dumbfounded and surprised at the dramatic scene in front of them.

Chu Yang rubbed his nose guilty, and silently stepped back a few steps. Mo Han approached Chu Yang, stretched out his hand and squeezed her wrist fiercely.

"Have you messed around enough?"

Chu Yang grinned fawningly, and she reached out to hug the little guy.

Mo Leng sneered, "Calm down for a while, I'm afraid you'll throw my son out again."

Chu Yang's face darkened, and he glared at Mo Han, pouted and stopped talking.

Nan Lichuan hugged Kemi and was stunned for a few seconds, but he didn't intend to let go.

Ke Mi was so ashamed that she hurriedly stood up, withdrew from his embrace, and said sorry to him repeatedly.

Nan Lichuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he glanced at Ke Mi several times.

Ke Mi had a lot of suffering, so he had to make amends and make amends.

"Mr. Nan, I'm really sorry. I'm not used to wearing these high heels. I made you laugh."

(End of this chapter)

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