Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1105 Don't always stay in place

Chapter 1105 Don't always stay in place
Yan Tong didn't go over to their side, and politely refused others to come forward to greet him, and found a corner by himself, took a glass of not-low-purity liquor and drank it in one gulp.

He sat in the corner, his eyes glanced at the pair of men and women from time to time.

Before he knew it, he drank all the baijiu in his glass, and he beckoned to the waiter for another glass.

Dance music suddenly sounded at the banquet, and then men and women in twos and threes walked towards the dance floor hand in hand.

Many single and beautiful women walked towards Yan Tong with smiles on their faces and offered to invite him to dance with him.

Yan Tong was not in a good mood, so she politely refused.

His eyes glanced towards Komi unconsciously, and then he saw Nan Lichuan bent over and invited Komi to dance with him.

At first, Ke Mi was a little hesitant, but he couldn't stand the gentleman Nan Lichuan so much that it was impossible to refuse.

So, she put her palm on Nan Lichuan's big palm lightly.

With a smile on his lips, Nan Lichuan held her soft little hand tightly, and led her into the dance floor step by step.

The lights dimmed and the music blared.

He wrapped his arms around her slender waist and danced with her.

Under the dim light, Nan Lichuan stared at the quiet and well-behaved woman in his arms, and suddenly he smiled softly: "Miss Kemi, you seem to be dissatisfied with me?"

Ke Mi was taken aback, and looked up at him: "I don't quite understand what Mr. Nan said."

"Mrs. Mo specially introduced you to me, isn't it just for us to get in touch with each other, let's put it this way, it should be that the two of us were passively arranged to have a blind date. Don't you know about this?" Nan Lichuan said in a low voice. With a hoarse voice, he said casually.

Ke Mi froze, she really didn't expect this, just now she was even worried that Chuyang Hongxing would have an affair, in order to prevent Chuyang from abandoning her husband and son, she had to obey Chuyang's arrangement and accompany her This Mr. Nan.

She really didn't expect that Chuyang would arrange this blind date for them after they had been making a fuss for a long time and made a big circle?

Ke Mi's entire face turned dark, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"I really didn't expect, Mr. Nan, I'm sorry, if Chu Yang's behavior makes you uncomfortable, I will apologize to you on her behalf." Ke Mi immediately apologized earnestly.

Nan Lichuan stared at her extremely serious face, and pursed his lips into a smile: "No, on the contrary, I have to thank Mrs. Mo for letting me know such an outstanding lady."

Facing Nan Lichuan's compliment, Ke Mi felt a little uncomfortable, and then smiled softly.

After the song was over, she and Nan Lichuan got off the dance floor, and when she looked up, she saw Yan Tong.

The palms of her hands hanging under the skirt slowly clenched into fists, and she pursed her lips slightly. She remained silent and did not speak, then lowered her head, pretending not to see Yan Tong, and returned to the seats with Nan Lichuan. I took a glass of water and took a few sips.

Nan Lichuan glanced not far away, standing in the corner, holding a wine glass and pecking at Yan Tong, he had already noticed the man's gaze, and glanced this way from time to time.

He and Yan Tong are actually from the old days and have known each other since childhood.

It's just that Yan Tong came to Liangcheng to develop a few years ago, and the relationship between them has gradually become estranged.

Immediately, he picked up a glass of wine, stood up slowly, and said to Ke Mi: "I saw an old friend here, Miss Ke Mi, let me say hello."

Ke Mi raised her head and glanced at Nan Lichuan, seeing his gaze, looking at Yan Tong, she knew that the old friend Nan Lichuan was talking about should be Yan Tong.

They were all in Beicheng, so it would be no surprise if they knew each other.

Immediately, she nodded slightly.

Nan Lichuan nodded slightly, holding his wine glass, he walked towards Yan Tong.

After approaching, he touched the wine glass in Yan Tong's palm with the wine glass.

"Long time no see, Mr. Yan, are you all right?"

Yan Tong frowned slightly, with a calm expression.

"Since when did Mr. Nan and Mr. Mo get so acquainted? Why, isn't Beicheng's business not enough for you, so you set your sights on Liangcheng?"

Nan Lichuan shook the red wine in his glass, and smiled noncommittally: "It really makes Mr. Yan guess right. I have done enough business in Beicheng. On the contrary, Liangcheng has aroused my strong interest. I will look forward to it in the future." For the sake of our past friendship, Yan Zong can give me a convenient way."

Yan Tong: "I just opened an entertainment company in Liangcheng. I'm afraid it won't match the business you want to do. So, I'm afraid I'm going to discredit Mr. Nan."

Nan Lichuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said indifferently: "Since that's the case, I don't want to disturb Mr. Yan's cleanliness anymore. Let's get together again when we have time some other day."

Nan Lichuan didn't entangle him too much. A character like him is on the same level as Yan Tong, and he doesn't even bother to put a hot face on a cold ass.

He could feel that this former friend was guarding against him now.

As for what to be prepared for, I'm afraid only he, Yan Tong, knows.

Yan Tong narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Nan Lichuan's leaving back, and then glanced at Kemi.

In fact, he and Nan Lichuan have known each other since childhood, and he knows Nan Lichuan's character best. If Kemi and Nan Lichuan associate, then it may be a good thing for her.

Although Nan Lichuan is wise and cunning in business, he is also upright and honest. All in all, Nan Lichuan is an out-and-out good man.

As long as Nan Lichuan really likes a woman, then he will treat each other sincerely and never play with a woman's feelings.

Therefore, although Yan Tong felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he was still happy to watch Ke Mi and Nan Lichuan continue to develop.

After all, Kami is his employee, and Kami is also a nice girl, so he really hopes that Kami can be happy.

Immediately, he called out to Nan Lichuan in a low voice: "Li Chuan, Kemi is an employee of our company. If you are interested in her, you can try to get in touch with her. She is a good girl and is worth getting to know. If you If you don't have feelings for her, it's best to stop early, so as not to hurt her feelings."

Nan Lichuan paused, turned around slightly, glanced at Yan Tong, and then he pursed his lips and smiled.

"Don't worry, I, Nan Lichuan, won't be so bad as to play tricks on a woman. I know what's important, and I always know what I want. I'm an old man, and it's time to find a suitable girl to marry and have children with." .”

"As for you, you have to plan for the future. Don't always linger in the same place, clinging to things that can never belong to you, and miss the people you should cherish."

Yan Tong smiled, raised his eyebrows lightly, and nodded towards Nan Lichuan.

Nan Lichuan also smiled in relief, turned around and walked towards Kemi.

From a distance, he saw Nan Lichuan approaching Kemi gently with his eyes, bowing his head to talk to her.

At first, Ke Mi was a little nervous and overwhelmed, but after a while, Nan Lichuan's humorous words made her purse her lips and smile frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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