Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1120 If you don't give it to me, then I will steal it

Chapter 1120 If you don't give it to me, then I will steal it
In fact, she lied, and she planned to use this lie to lure Liang Youzhi back to Jishan, so that he would not have the opportunity to be contaminated with Nan Lichuan.

The train has been traveling for almost three hours, and the longer it takes, the more Ke Mi feels that her morning sickness reaction is getting worse.

In the hospital before, because of Nan Lichuan's care, she ate meals on time, and even those nutritious meals were formulated according to the taste of pregnant women, so her morning sickness reaction gradually eased.

Now, because Liang Youzhi's sudden appearance disrupted her rhythm, she didn't eat lunch, and wandered around in this closed space on the train for more than three hours. Kemi's various discomforts gradually faded. It's coming.

If Liang Youzhi didn't notice it, he was still mumbling there, fearing that Kemi would lie to him and shatter his dream of getting rich.

"Xiaomi, you don't know, Dad, I have suffered so much these years, and I don't even know how I survived. I also realized that I did something wrong in the past. If you can really give me 500 million, Don't worry, Dad will not spend it recklessly, I will use the money to start a small business and live a good life."

Ke Mi sneered in his heart, live a good life?Does he really think she is a three-year-old child, so easy to deceive?

Her mother has been cheated by him for so many years, and in the end she was cheated of her life. Now he is here to cheat her again. Is it interesting?

Ke Mi doesn't want to quarrel with him, and doesn't want to argue with him anymore.

She understood that her father was a money slave who was blind to money.

No one can compare the importance of money in his heart.

Ke Mi tilted her body and slowly closed her eyes.

She was obviously very tired, but she didn't dare to fall asleep. She was afraid that if she fell asleep, Liang Youzhi might search through her bag and steal her things while she was unaware.

Ke Mi thought to himself, about half an hour later, the flight attendant on the train also informed that the train would arrive at Jishan in half an hour.

Suddenly, the shoulder bag she put on her hand moved, and Ke Mi was a little sleepy. When she noticed the movement, she opened her eyes from the sleepiness.

But she didn't want to, the next moment that came into her eyes was Liang Youzhi squatting beside her, holding her bag with his palm, and carefully pulling the zipper.

Ke Mi's heart sank, she sat up suddenly, grabbed the bag, and hid it behind her.

She looked at Liang Youzhi warily, and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

Liang Youzhi didn't expect that she would wake up, his movements were obviously very light, but he didn't want to be discovered by her.

He didn't feel ashamed at all. He rubbed his hands and grinned: "Xiaomi, I'm going to Jishan soon, you have to give me at least one million and 80. I look like a beggar in my clothes. Those people look at me They all bring some contempt, can you give me some money and let me clean up some?"

"In this way, when I meet your mother later, I'll be decent, right?"

Kemi's heart skipped a beat, 80?To be honest, her savings are only so much.

She couldn't give it all to him, otherwise how would she and the baby in her womb continue to live?

With this child, she will leave Liangcheng for a while, and will not be able to work for at least a year and a half. At that time, she will have no money to prepare, and she and the child will probably have to sleep on the streets.

So, she can't give.

Ke Mi would not be so stupid as not to give it. She took out a few banknotes from her bag and threw them to Liang Youzhi.

"You take the few hundred dollars to buy a set of clothes first, and then buy some food. I don't have much cash with me, so I can only give you so much."

Liang Youzhi didn't even look at the banknotes, a greedy light flashed in his eyes, he stared closely at Ke Mi's bag, grinning.

"Daughter, show me how much cash you have in your bag, and even how much money is in your bank card. I see your timid attitude now, it's not that you said give it to me first 200 million, you lied to me, right? You tricked me into coming back to Mount Ji, so that I wouldn’t ruin your reputation in Liangcheng, right?”

Ke Mi quickly denied it: "I didn't, I didn't lie to you, don't think too much, I will give you money if I say I want to give you."

Liang Youzhi shook his head, he stood up slowly, and moved a little closer to Kemi: "I don't think your words are very credible, how about this, you wrap you up for me, I'll see how many cards are inside, How much cash, so I will have some count in my heart."

Seeing that he was about to reach Mount Ji, Ke Mi would not be so stupid as to give the bag to Liang Youzhi.

However, seeing Liang Youzhi's imperative posture, a touch of panic came to his heart.

She moved her body a little bit, pursed her lips and said, "No, I will never give you those cards until Jishan. Who knows, will you take the money and run away, and then wait for the money to run out? They will come to Liangcheng to threaten me and ask me for money. I am not a cash machine, and I cannot stand you burning money like this."

Liang Youzhi's eyelids trembled, his face darkened a bit, he suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Ke Mi coldly.

"If you don't give it to me, then I will steal it."

Ke Mi was startled, she grabbed the bag tightly, and looked at Liang Youzhi angrily.

"Liang Youzhi, let me tell you, don't act recklessly, I'll give you what's due, and I'll give you a penny, so don't act recklessly."

"Really? Why don't I believe what you said? From Liangcheng to now, I haven't seen a penny. If you want me to believe you, please show me your deposit details, otherwise don't blame me You're welcome." Liang Youzhi said, leaning towards Ke Mi.

Ke Mi hurriedly got off the hard sleeper, without shoes, and wanted to run out with her bag.

Liang Youzhi was quick-eyed, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab her wrist.

"Xiaomi, are you guilty? Tell me, what are you running for?"

Ke Mi was extremely flustered, but she still pretended to be calm on the surface. She always knew that her father was like a beast, and he would not care that she was his daughter.

"I want to go to the bathroom, so wait until I get back."

"Then you leave the bag, I'll look after it for you..." Liang Youzhi said in a firm tone without taking a step back.

Ke Mi's heart flustered to the extreme, she glanced around, but found a flight attendant walking towards this side.

Her eyes lit up, and she was about to open her mouth to call that person, but Liang Youzhi took the first step, raised his hand to cover her mouth, and dragged her back to the hard sleeper.

He pressed Kemi on the hard sleeper and covered her with a quilt.

Ke Mi whimpered and kicked Liang Youzhi. Liang Youzhi covered her mouth with one hand, and took the bag in Ke Mi's hand with the other, and pulled it hard.

Liang Youzhi's eyes lit up, he let go of Komi, got up and left with his bag in his arms.

Ke Mi was shocked, she stood up quickly, and wanted to go after Liang Youzhi, when suddenly she felt pain in her stomach.

Immediately, she bent down in pain, clutching her stomach, and cold sweat kept breaking out on her forehead.

At this time, the flight attendant arrived and hurried to Ke Mi, and asked with concern: "Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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