Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1124 Your child is my child

Chapter 1124 Your child is my child

Nan Lichuan pursed his thin lips, hugging Mrs. Nan who was trembling and emotional.

At this moment, he forced back the tears in his eyes. He clearly understood that when his father left, he was the pillar of the Nan family. To comfort her?

Parents have been through ups and downs for decades, and they have a very good relationship and love.

My father would leave like this suddenly, my mother would definitely not be able to bear it, and would definitely collapse.

Therefore, Nan Lichuan suppressed the grief in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Mom, my father left suddenly. He didn't intend to leave you alone, and he couldn't help himself. We can't blame him, otherwise he will leave uneasy."

He let go of Mrs. Nan, took a tissue and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, then he took Kemi's hand and placed it on Mrs. Nan's palm.

"Mom, didn't you and dad always want me to find a girlfriend? Now, I brought her here. Although dad can't see me, there is still you in this family. My dad is gone, and I can't lose you anymore, otherwise My child is born, he is not hurt by grandpa, let alone grandma, he should be pitiful."

Mrs. Nan's crying sound suddenly stopped, she opened her red and swollen eyes, and slowly looked at Ke Mi.

Her eyes were a little dazed, she squeezed Ke Mi's hand, and looked at Nan Lichuan again: "Is this really your girlfriend? Didn't you use it to comfort mom, didn't you just find someone to coax me?"

Nan Lichuan shook his head a little uncomfortable. He knew that these years, because of his relationship problems, his parents had worried a lot for him.

They even thought at one point that he didn't like women, but men.

Therefore, they were often worried, they obviously wanted him to get married, but they didn't dare to push him too hard, because they were afraid that if they were pushed too hard, he would bring back a man.

Now, at this moment, he actually brought back a girlfriend. How could this not surprise and shock Mrs. Nan.

She had never heard of any girl he was interested in, and she couldn't believe that her son could find the right person in such a short period of time.

"Son, don't just find someone to make your mother happy just because your father is gone. It's not fair to you, and it's even more secret to this girl. Don't ruin her life for the rest of her life." Mrs. Nan said a little Looking at Nan Lichuan worriedly, he said in a hoarse voice.

"I know very well what I want, and I will never marry her in this life..." Nan Lichuan's tone was firm and resounding.

Ke Mi was startled, and stared at Nan Lichuan with wide eyes.

Nan Lichuan suppressed the grief in his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up. Then, in front of all the relatives of the Nan family, he put his arms around Kemi's shoulders, bowed his head and kissed Kemi's lips.

Ke Mi was a little confused, and kissed again well, and at this special period, Nan's father had just died, and the surrounding atmosphere was full of grief and depression. Suddenly she kissed Nan Lichuan, would this be rude?
They shouldn't have any, she is a casual woman, she doesn't even respect the Nan family at all, right?

One minute later, when the kiss finally ended, Ke Mi gradually realized that her worries were unnecessary.

With a blushing face, she pushed Nan Lichuan away, covered her lips, and glanced at Madam Nan. The noble lady who was in grief and dying just now, her eyes were shining, and she looked at her like See a rare gem.

Then, Ke Mi looked at the other people, and it turned out that the eyes of those people were all shining. The light seemed to be surprised and excited.

Now, Kami was even more confused.

The next moment, Mrs. Nan suddenly cried again, and she burst into tears, crying bitterly, and she laughed again.

She quickly grabbed Kemi's hand, and said excitedly: "For many years, I thought our Nan family was going to die. It was my fate to have such a worrying son in my life. Now his father I should have gone with him. But girl, your appearance really saved me. "

"I'm not going to die, and I'm not sad. His father is leaving, he wants to leave me, let him go. I, I will guard you and Li Chuan, waiting to hold a grandson. I will take the blessing that his father did not wait for. Share it all, and then I will go to him again and show him off what the consequences will be if he abandons me."

Ke Mi was stupid, she couldn't keep up with Mrs. Nan's brain circuit at all.

She turned her head to look at Nan Lichuan in a daze, there was a trace of pain in Nan Lichuan's eyes, for so many years, he had not met a woman who made his heart flutter, so he would rather lack than abuse.

But he didn't expect that the two old men were also worried about him.

As a son, he was very unfilial, but he didn't regret it.

If he didn't persevere, how could he meet Kemi? Nan Lichuan calmed down and looked at Kemi.

Ke Mi naturally saw the sadness and pain in his eyes, her heart ached slightly, and she grabbed Nan Lichuan's hand without thinking.

The guilt in Nan Lichuan's heart suddenly faded a bit.

He held Ke Mi's hand instead, and looked at Mrs. Nan: "Mom, for so many years, it's my son's unfilial piety that made you and dad worry. Don't worry, if you want to have a grandson, you will have a grandson soon. Although dad I'm gone, but our family has added two new members, you will definitely like it, and you will be able to survive this period of time."

Mrs. Nan's eyes lit up when she heard this, she covered her lips in disbelief, and asked uncertainly, "Son, what do you mean by that? Tell mom quickly..."

"Mom, Kemi is pregnant for more than two months. In another eight months, you will be able to hold a grandson." Nan Lichuan replied with a low smile.

Mrs. Nan was so pleasantly surprised that tears kept streaming out.

She kept saying "good, good, good,"

Then she took Nan's father's photo, smiled and said with tears: "I can't accompany you anymore, I have to help my son with my grandson, you are doing well there, I will treat you as a person to travel. "

Ke Mi's hands trembled slightly, she pursed her lips, and looked at Nan Lichuan nervously.

She did not expect that Nan Lichuan would suddenly tell Mrs. Nan these things.

She was afraid that if the truth was revealed, would Mrs. Nan hate her from now on, and would the rest of the Nan family not tolerate her?
Nan Lichuan stretched out his hand and embraced Kemi's shoulders. He slowly approached her, with his thin lips close to her ear, and whispered, "Your child is my child, our child. From the time you step into Nan Lichuan From the gate of the family, he is a child of the Nan family. Don't worry, I have everything..."

His words completely calmed Kemi's panicked heart, and gradually calmed down.

She turned her head and looked at Nan Lichuan's eyebrows. At this moment, she felt that she was happy. She found that good man who was willing to let her rely on and tolerate all her shortcomings.

If she doesn't love such a man, then she is really a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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