Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1139 Li Chuan, wake up, don't scare me

Chapter 1139 Li Chuan, wake up, don't scare me

Feng Rou was not afraid, her eyes gleamed with the tenacity of seeing death as home. At that time, I stepped forward and rescued Feng Rou without thinking.After that day, we got acquainted, and after a long time, I found that she was not bad.And she was kind to me, so she gradually developed into boyfriend and girlfriend. "

During that time, he never forgot, not because he didn't forget her, but because he missed Feng Rou at that time.

Unfortunately, that Feng Rou was buried in the years by her own hands.

Ke Mi pinched Nan Lichuan's arm with some taste, just now she wanted to hear what Feng Rou he used to like looked like.

Now, when I really hear it, I feel quite uncomfortable.

Are all women so hypocritical? Is she shooting herself in the foot?

Ke Mi's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at him: "Now, do you still remember her in your heart? Look, you look so nostalgic..."

Nan Lichuan pursed his lips and smiled, staring quietly at Kemi without speaking.

Kemi was annoyed, let go of him, glared at him, distanced himself from him, and turned away from looking at him again.

Nan Lichuan reached out and pulled her fingers.

"What? Jealous?"

"I didn't..."

"Well, Kami, I'm glad..."

Ke Mi turned her head and frowned at him: "Why are you happy? Could it be because you suddenly remembered Feng Rou's goodness and planned to abandon me and marry her?"

Nan Lichuan still pursed his lips and smiled without saying a word.

Ke Mi frowned even tighter, and stared at him displeasedly: "What are you laughing at?"

Nan Lichuan stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms: "I'm laughing. Fortunately, the former Feng Rou disappeared, otherwise I would never have the chance to meet you. If I could go back in time, I would go to Liangcheng to go to college, and I would go to find you. You, and I met you early. We fell in love in college, studied together, and then stepped into the society together and moved forward side by side."

If what he imagined was beautiful, Kami's lips could not help but hook slightly.

The displeasure in her heart disappeared quickly, and she quietly stayed in Nan Lichuan's arms, enjoying his warm care.

"Ke Mi, after getting married, you quit your job and come to Nan's Group to be my personal secretary, right? I think, I see you all the time, and I want to be with you every day." Nan Lichuan held her arms waist, said with a bottom smile.

At this moment, Ke Mi is happy.

The corners of her lips curled up unconsciously, thinking of the good things she said, her heart was full of anticipation.

"Okay, I will answer..."

However, just after she said two words in her answer, she was interrupted by a harsh brake sound.

"Ke Mi be careful..." Nan Lichuan roared in shock, and quickly leaned over to hug Ke Mi, protecting her tightly in his arms.

There was darkness in front of Kemi's eyes, she was protected by him in his arms, she couldn't see what happened at all.

In her ears, only the sound of brakes and the collision of cars could be heard.

Suddenly, her arm hurt, as if some debris had pierced her flesh, she took a cold breath.

The car body swayed, and she felt her body being thrown up and then fell down hard.

After the last impact, her ears finally returned to silence.

He held her arm tightly all the time, and slowly let go of it.

The next moment, warm liquid flowed from her forehead, and then slowly flowed down her cheeks.

She pushed him away and touched the warm liquid on her face. When her eyes touched the blood red, her face turned pale instantly.

Turning his head suddenly to look at Nan Lichuan, Nan Lichuan's head was covered with blood, he had passed out.

Kemi's head was blank, she shook Nan Lichuan with trembling arms: "Li Chuan, wake up, don't scare me..."

Nan Lichuan didn't respond, let alone answer her.

Ke Mi was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she choked up and cried while covering her lips.

She hurriedly asked the driver in the driver's seat for help, but found that the driver's head was tilted to one side, dripping with blood, and a steel pipe was inserted into his chest.

The driver is dead.

Ke Mi turned his head in a daze and looked at the windshield. The front of the car was being held down by steel pipes. Not far away, a large truck full of steel pipes was lying on its side in front of the car.

Outside the car, there was a lot of voices. The place where the accident happened was instantly plunged into Shura Hell. The scene was horrible.

Ke Mi's eyes turned black for a while, and her palm was still holding Nan Lichuan's hand tightly.

She could feel that those big hands were gradually losing their warmth.

She was terrified to the extreme, tightly clutching Nan Lichuan's hand, crying hysterically: "Li Chuan, wake up, you want to marry me, we want to be together forever, you can't leave me alone like this. We have only known each other for a month, a month is too short, our days are still long, you hold on, we will always be together."

However, no matter how she shouted, he didn't respond.

It seemed that he would fall into a deep sleep forever and never wake up again.

He tried his best to protect her. She was in his arms without any harm, but because of protecting her, he was hit on the forehead by a steel pipe.

There was a big hole in his forehead, and the hole was bleeding continuously.

Ke Mi was desperate, she tried to open the car door while wiping the blood on Nan Lichuan's forehead.

Unfortunately, the car door was sealed and she couldn't shake it.

She buried her face in bloody palms: "What should I do? What should I do? You can't die, I can't just watch you. Yes, call, I'll call Chu Yang, Mo Han is the most helpful With patience, he will definitely be able to save you..."

But Ke Mi forgot that no matter how capable a person is, he cannot fight against death.

What's more, Chu Yang and Mo Han are not in Liangcheng at all now, and they can't quench their thirst far away.

With trembling palms, she dialed the phone, and when the call was connected, Kemi broke down and cried: "Chuyang, hurry up and save Li Chuan, he is going to die, he is going to die to protect me. I don't want him to die, I and him It's just the beginning, he can't die..."

"He can't die, absolutely can't die, you must save him, and do everything possible to save him."

"Chuyang, I beg you, please beg Mo Han, let him help Li Chuan..."

"He can't die, he can't die..."

Ke Mi has become incoherent, only these few words are repeated in her mouth, she can't hear what Chu Yang said on the other end of the phone at all.

She just felt that there was a boom in her ears, and she couldn't control herself, crying and muttering to herself.

Black circles began to appear in front of her eyes, which confused her vision and plunged her into complete darkness.


When she woke up again, she opened her eyes and saw a snow-white wall.

In the air, there is the smell of medicine.

Then, she saw Chu Yang.

She froze for a moment, looking at her in disbelief.

Chu Yang hurried forward and helped her sit up, with worry in his eyes, watching her hesitate to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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