Chapter 321

There has never been a moment when I was so helpless and frightened as I am now.

In the past, no matter how many tricks she secretly played and how many bad things she did, none of them made her feel panicked this time.

Because of the wrong thing she did this time, he happened to bump into her, and all her ugliness and embarrassment appeared in front of him.

From his words and cold eyes, Hua Jin felt like he was in a world of ice and snow.

A wave of coldness flowed through her limbs, and her head went blank.

The surrounding air condensed, and after a while, Hua Jin gradually regained consciousness.

The current situation is not too bad, she can justify, yes, she can justify, she believes that Mo Han will believe her.

The next moment, she bit her lips tightly with her snow-white teeth, and she suddenly pounced on Mo Han, grabbing his sleeve.

"Brother Mo, listen to me, I... I didn't arrange this, I didn't think of harming Xiaowan in the past, it has nothing to do with me. I just heard something and wanted to find out why, but I didn't want that How could I arrange all this to target Xiaowan? We are friends who grew up together, how could I treat her like this?"

Mo Han frowned, with a gloomy face, and broke away Hua Jin's fingers that were clutching the corner of his clothes.

Hua Jin's face was pale, his palm fell into the air, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and the tears in the corners of his eyes, which could no longer be held back, slipped down.

"Brother Mo, that person just now is really hateful. He was trying to drive a wedge between me and Xiao Wan. I just ordered the bodyguards to catch him. I just wanted to ask clearly who was behind the scenes manipulating all this. A Bureau, trying to frame me."

"Heh..." Mo Han laughed, his brows and eyes still fixed on Hua Jin calmly.

He clearly had a smile on his lips, but the coldness of that smile made Hua Jin's breathing stagnate, and he didn't even dare to choke up when he was crying.

"Brother Mo..." Hua Jin suppressed his crying with some anxiety, opened his big wet eyes, looked at Mo Han and shouted.

"First, Cheng Shao confessed last night that you ordered him to embarrass Xiaowan and humiliate her in public. Second, he also confessed that you took a pack of medicine from him a few months ago and asked him to Buy the waiter of the hotel and drug Chuyang. Three, you once asked him to contact Han Yue and secretly collude with Xiao Min to kidnap Chuyang, plot against her, try to manipulate her life, and completely destroy her. Hua Jin, All these incidents have conclusive evidence and evidence, so why do you still have to argue?" Mo Han pursed his thin lips, and said every word Hua Jin had done, one by one. listed.

The condensation in the air became even colder, the coldness was like a knife, like a sharp blade, piercing Hua Jin fiercely.

There was a bang in Hua Jin's head, his body went limp in an instant, he staggered a few times, and fell hard to the ground.

The sunglasses hanging on the bridge of her nose fell heavily to the ground as she fell, and the shattered sunglasses pierced Hua Jin's white and delicate palm on the ground without any effort.

Hua Jin let out a low cry, a tingling pain came from her palm, she lowered her eyes to see that bright red was flowing down from her fingers.

One wrong step, and she lost everything?
All the evil deeds she had done before were exposed in front of him. Such embarrassment and panic made Hua Jin shake her head non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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