Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 620 My heart aches when you cry

Chapter 620 My heart hurts when you cry

"Now, she is finally married to the person she loves. As a father, I don't know what to do to make up for her. I don't know what to bring to her. Taking this rare opportunity, I decided to hold a special event for them." A wedding, a prosperous world that belongs to them and belongs to us."

After Qiu Heng's words fell, Ling Yi was sitting in the high position, tears streaming down her face, her teary eyes were fixed on Chu Yang's figure, her heart was filled with indescribable happiness and satisfaction.

It seemed that after so many years of suffering, it was no longer so important at this moment. She finally found her daughter, and her daughter was so outstanding that she was so proud of her.

She sincerely hopes that her daughter can be happy, that she can hold on to the person she loves, and that she will not experience so many hardships and exhaust her whole life like she did back then.

What Qiu Heng said made the villagers in the audience extremely excited.

"Village Chief, without you, we would not be where we are today. You are our benefactor, the person we respect and protect the most in this life. Your daughter is also our princess, and we will love and protect her as much as you do. "

"Yes, congratulations to the village chief for finding his beloved daughter who has been lost for many years, and I hope that the village chief can live a long life and grow old with his wife."

Qiu Heng accepted the blessings from the villagers. He was very moved, his eyes were red, and he bowed deeply to the villagers.

No matter how the villagers could bear it, they all bowed in return.

In a wedding, Chu Yang received sincere blessings from all directions.

She squeezed Mo Han's hand nervously, and Mo Han looked at her with red eyes through the tulle, and couldn't help but squeeze her hand back tightly.

The two were very close, and he approached Chuyang slightly, and whispered, "Don't cry, my heart hurts when you cry."

Chu Yang pursed her lips and looked at Mo Han, her face flushed, and the sweetness in her heart seemed to be fermented, expanding and filling her entire heart.

Afterwards, when saluting tea, Chu Yang completed it in a half-drowsy and half-awake state.

When the wedding was coming to an end, a sudden breeze blew away the red tulle on Chu Yang's head, and her stunning face was completely exposed in front of everyone.

The noisy crowd just now disappeared in an instant.

Everyone looked at Chuyang with amazed eyes.

Chu Yang didn't panic, she smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, facing everyone's attention calmly and gracefully.

Curved willow-leaf eyebrows, thick butterfly eyelashes, tassels inlaid with rubies falling between the brows, a pair of twinkling eyes, brows full of affection, like fog or clouds.

The long hair was coiled up, and the curly hair was picked out on both sides of the temples, adding a touch of charm to the solemn appearance.

Under the light of the red candlelight, the delicate face is like a lotus emerging from water, amazingly glamorous and captivating.

The flaming red wedding dress sets off her beauty to a stately beauty.

If she had been born in ancient times, she would have been famous all over the world and amazed the number one beauty of all living beings.

Mo Han was also amazed, his eyes seemed to be dyed with flames, and the flames were so hot that they seemed to be able to completely swallow Chu Yang in the next second.

The hands holding Chuyang tightened even more.

The hot skin temperature was transmitted to Chu Yang, causing Chu Yang to look sideways at Mo Han.

With this glance, she saw that his eyes were burning with flames. The heat made her brain go blank for a moment, and the strength of her body seemed to be drained. The scorching heat slowly rose to her cheeks, and then spread down to her ears and neck.

(End of this chapter)

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