Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 622 Going Abroad to Treat a Leg Injury

Chapter 622 Going Abroad to Treat a Leg Injury
"..." Mo Han was silent, and looked down at his legs with a gloomy look.

Chu Yang's fingers gently drew circles on his chest, and the circles of gentle strokes aroused ripples and heat in his heart.

It was hustle and bustle outside, but it was quiet and beautiful here. This moment of solitude made her body and mind feel unprecedentedly satisfied.

"Is my cousin mad at you again? He doesn't know what's going on, he's always been kind to others, why is he always sarcastic to you? Don't be as knowledgeable as him, next time you see grandma , I will let grandma treat him to vent your anger."

"Tch..." Hearing Chu Yangming's tone of voice towards him secretly, Mo Han couldn't help laughing, no matter how angry he was in his heart, it miraculously dissipated when facing her at this moment.

In fact, he was not angry with Ling Yi, he was just angry with himself, even worried about his legs.

If he can't stand up all his life, what right does he have to have such a beautiful Chuyang?

Even now, he obviously misses her like crazy, wishing to rub her whole body into his body, but he is powerless.

Suddenly, there was a slight stabbing pain in his heart, and after a smile, he felt even more lonely.

He clearly knew that the current self felt inexplicably humbled.

It seemed that the self-confidence in the past completely disappeared with this leg injury.

He held Chuyang's small face in both hands, rubbing his thumbs gently on her lips, his voice was low and hoarse: "I've thought a lot tonight, I'm going to go abroad to treat my leg injury, you go with me , I can treat you with peace of mind only if you are by my side. Otherwise, if you go back to Liangcheng alone, I will be restless day and night..."

Chu Yang leaned against his broad chest, felt his warm body temperature, and felt the beating of his heart.

She also really wanted that although Mo Han went abroad to accompany him to heal his wounds, there was someone she cared about in Liangcheng.

Slightly hesitant, she said in a low voice: "I'm worried that I will scare the snake, Yun Lingguang and the others have done everything, they planned step by step, imprisoned Lu Cheng, and then set up a trick to drive you to a dead end. They did this No more, it's nothing more than wanting me to be isolated and helpless, when the Qiuyi people get sick, they will definitely use that fake Mo Han to make me let down my guard, and then they will lure me to the operating table little by little."

"If I suddenly disappear in Liangcheng at this time, I'm afraid they will become suspicious and find out that you are still alive. Then you won't be able to heal your injuries with peace of mind. I'm even more afraid that the fake Mo Han will take advantage of Mo's The right to kill you."

"Mo Han, just in case, we split into two groups. You secretly go abroad to heal your injuries. After your leg injury is healed, you will appear in Mo's family with a healthy body, and then remove the fake Mo Han's mask with your own hands. Me, I I will pick up my mother back to Liangcheng tomorrow, and send her secretly to the Ling family first. With the power of the Ling family protecting her, I am not worried about her safety."

"Then, I'll play by ear, start with Hua Jin, and secretly deal with them."

Chu Yang analyzed the pros and cons, and explained everything to Mo Han in detail.

Mo Han felt uncomfortable in his heart, he lowered his eyes, touched Chu Yang's slender and fair fingers, and was in a daze.

In his previous life, he had gone through a lot of hardships and came back from a narrow escape. What he saw was that she was lying on the operating table and shed all the blood on her body, and died a miserable death.

He didn't want to experience such a tragedy and pain again.

(End of this chapter)

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