Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 624 Chapter 630-632

Chapter 624 Chapter 630-632

She murmured in a low voice: "Mo Han..."

Mo Han: "Chuyang, I love you..."

At this moment, Chu Yang felt as if she had ascended to the sky, with white mist in front of her eyes, and tears falling down uncontrollably.

In an instant, tears filled her cheeks.

"Don't cry..." He murmured softly, coaxing her gently.

Chuyang's tears became more violent, and she nestled in his arms, choking with sobs in a low voice.

Tens of thousands of words are not enough to understand her complicated mood at this moment.

Regardless of past and present lives, he always loves her the same, no matter how deeply she hurts him, he still loves her as before.

Such unswerving love until death, how did she really understand it at this moment?Is she too stupid, or is God too cruel?
At this moment, she didn't want to take care of anyone anymore, and she didn't want to be separated from him anymore.

She choked with sobs in a low voice, and finally said in a low voice: "Mo Han, I will go abroad with you to heal your wounds, and we will never leave each other from now on, and I will go with you wherever you go, whether it is the emerald green spring, or heaven and earth. "

Mo Han's heart was filled with ecstasy, and he let her experience and know the love buried deep in his heart one by one.

Since then, no one has been able to separate them.

With a bang, the door was pushed open forcefully from the outside without warning.

Zizi rushed in with anger on her face, and she yelled as she rushed in: "Everyone stopped me from entering. I want to enter today, but I want to see what kind of woman she is. How dare she pretend to be my parents' daughter?" , and then married my little brother?"

Chu Yang exclaimed in shock, and quickly hid in Mo Han's arms.


Zizi's body trembled, and she immediately stood in the middle of the room, staring blankly at the blurred figure inside the gauze tent, not daring to move a half step, let alone rushing in.

While still hesitating, Qiu Heng rushed in from the door and yelled at Zizi: "You are so courageous, who let you break in, get out quickly..."

Seeing Qiu Heng's ferocious appearance, Zizi's eyes dimmed, and then she curled her lips and began to cry: "Daddy, are you attacking me again? Even though I'm not your own daughter, I was also brought up by you. How can you find your own daughter?" After having a daughter, do you dislike me more and more?"

Qiu Heng didn't answer, angrily dragged Zizi out, and then closed the door tightly.

Chu Yang huddled in Mo Han's arms, heaved a sigh of relief, and then hit Mo Han's chest hard.

"it was all your fault……"

Then he sat up annoyed.

Thinking of Zizi's words and deeds, his eyes turned slightly cold.

He gritted his teeth and propped himself up, and said to Chu Yang, "Clean up, we'll go abroad right away."

Although Chu Yang felt a little quick, he didn't nod in opposition.

After the two of them packed up, Chu Yang pushed Mo Han's wheelchair and walked out of the room.

In the hall, many people are already waiting.

Gu Yuan and Ling Yi sat on chairs respectively, drinking a cup of tea.

Seeing her and Mo Han coming in, Ling Yi deliberately teased them a few words, Mo Han didn't bother to talk to him, just held Chu Yang's hand in silence.

Ling Yi felt that the one-man show was boring, so he also shut up embarrassingly.

Gu Yuan nodded his greetings to Chu Yang, and then asked about the upcoming itinerary.

Mo Han told everyone about his plan to discuss with Chu Yang.

They didn't object to Chuyang accompanying Mo Han to go abroad to heal his wounds. After all, staying away from Liangcheng would be less dangerous.

Today's Liangcheng can be said to be a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, and it has to be guarded against.

Before Yun Lingguang noticed Mo Han's presence, the most important thing for them now was to use this time to let Mo Han heal his leg injury.

There is still a period of time before the start of "Blue Sakura", so Chu Yang has time to accompany Mo Han.

As for Qiu Heng and Ling Yumo, Mo Han asked them to stay here temporarily and show up in Liangcheng after he came back.

After breakfast, Mo Han finalized the arrangement for all the people. He, Chu Yang and An Ming went abroad to treat their leg injuries, while Gu Yuan and Ling Yi returned to Liangcheng.

Li Chong stayed here to help Qiu Heng, in case Yun Lingguang found out here.

After everything was arranged properly, Mo Han held Chu Yang's hand tightly, and the anxiety and worry in his heart slowly relaxed a bit.

In front of so many people, Mo Han still held Chu Yang's hand tightly, which made Chu Yang somewhat embarrassed.

So, she wanted to break free from his palm, but Mo Han held on tightly.

After coming and going, their interaction seemed to be showing affection.

Seeing that Ling Yi's face turned away, he snorted unhappily.

But Gu Yuan's eyes were dimmed, suppressing the pain in his heart, he pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

This scene, such a picture, really stimulated Zizi, who had just been reprimanded by his father and cowered in the corner, not daring to cause trouble anymore, but that pair stared at Chuyang with jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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