Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 632 He's Really Dying

Chapter 632 He's Really Dying

The night was dark, and the surrounding silence was terrifying.

In a dark and damp room, Xiao Wan crept out of Lu Cheng's embrace, hurriedly got out of bed, stumbled into the simple bathroom, put a towel into the sink, and then soaked the water, she lightly After twisting the wet towel lightly, Smear found it on the bed again.

She sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Lu Cheng with her wet eyes, and then put the wet towel on his hot forehead.

After doing this several times, the temperature on his forehead didn't subside, and it was still hot, which shocked her.

Xiaowan was in a daze for a moment, tears fell uncontrollably.

Looking at Lu Cheng who was unconscious and had a high fever, she felt uncomfortable, as if a big hand was grabbing her heart.

She crouched on his shoulder, whispering.

"Lu Cheng, Brother Mo will be fine. Don't worry anymore. The wound on your body is already infected. There are no doctors on this island, only some medical supplies. I beg you to get up and treat yourself?"

His breath was weak, his eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't respond in the slightest.

Xiaowan felt a little panic in her heart. She bit her lips, choked with sobs and continued to say: "Lu Cheng, are you blaming me? Blame me for trusting Feng Yi. It's all because of me. If it wasn't for me, how could you Tracked to Beicheng, and then was restrained by Feng Yi. If it wasn't for me, Big Brother Mo and Chuyang wouldn't have worried about our safety and rushed over from Liangcheng, thus falling into their tricks. If it wasn't for me, Big Brother Mo would ...he won't die either..."

"Dead?" Until he heard the word "death", Lu Cheng also had a reaction. He frowned slightly, shaking his head in denial with an extremely painful expression.

Xiaowan laughed through tears, touched Lu Cheng's face with her hands, and whispered his name: "Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng..."

But no matter how she called his name, he didn't respond.

Xiaowan was even more panicked immediately, she patted Lu Cheng's face with her small hand.

"Wake up quickly, wake up quickly. They all said that Brother Mo is dead, and you also believe that he is dead. That's why you are so disheartened. Even if you are injured, you don't want to heal yourself. ?"

"Wake up quickly, if you don't wake up again, I'm afraid I won't be able to support myself anymore..."

Lu Cheng still didn't respond, Xiao Wan's body trembled, as if falling into an ice cave.

Her face was extremely pale, and she lifted his clothes to check the wound.

I saw that the wound under the abdomen was still red, swollen and festered.

The shocking scene made Xiaowan unable to keep calm anymore.

She stumbled out of bed again and rushed out of the room.

There were two bodyguards in black standing outside the door. She threw herself in front of a man, grabbed the man's sleeve, and begged in a low voice: "I beg you, please go outside and call a doctor, I beg you Save Lu Cheng? As long as you can save him, I will do whatever you want me to do..."

The bodyguard in black glanced at her expressionlessly, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and shook Xiao Wan away forcefully.

"It's not something I can interfere with. We just obey the order and stay here to watch over you. As for the health of the person inside, it's beyond our control. No matter how much you beg me, it's useless. I advise you to save some effort." ..."

Xiaowan staggered back a few steps after being thrown by the man in black, she still did not give up, and threw herself on the man in black again to grab his arm.

"Then you go and inform the people who can make the decision and ask them to invite a doctor. Lu Cheng, he...he is really dying."

(End of this chapter)

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