Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 639 I Have Good Vision

Chapter 639 I Have Good Vision

The boss is also generous, and he can still sit still. The old god is sitting in the car, watching his wife wandering around among those wild bees and butterflies.

"Naturally, not everyone can be as attractive as Chuyang. Doesn't this just mean that I have a good eye and I have picked up a treasure?" Mo Han's eyes, as deep as a cold pool, flickered slightly, and the brows and eyes gradually dyed Kind of smug.

An Ming only felt that his face hurt so much, he stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand, raised his hand and rubbed his painful face, really wanted to slap himself a few more times.

He really owes it, he deserves to be abused, he deserves to be abused into scum.

Anming's side was deeply introspected for about 10 minutes, plus the previous 10 minutes, after a total of 10 minutes, there was a new situation on Chuyang's side.

A black commercial vehicle parked in front of Chu Yang calmly.

The car door opened, but a few men in black got out of the car first.

They quickly surrounded Chuyang, and one of them made a gesture of invitation and asked her to get in the car.

Mo Han's eyes darkened, and he immediately ordered: "Notify the people in the dark, as long as the Chinese businessman gets off the car, act immediately..."

An Ming put away his previous teasing intentions, immediately straightened his expression, and nodded hastily.


Here, Chu Yang's eyes lightly watched several men in black surround her and kept asking her to get in the car. Looking at these tall men in black in suits and leather shoes, she did not feel timid at all. , but stood in place without paying much attention.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, trying to see the outline of the man inside the car through the car window.

"I don't know what this gentleman means?" She pursed her lips and asked in a low voice.

As soon as they came up, this group of people had a tough attitude. Looking at this posture, it seemed that she couldn't do without getting in the car.

This is in broad daylight, in front of so many pedestrians, forcibly kidnapping her?

She asked a question, but the looming figure inside the car did not answer.

The man in black who asked Chu Yang to get in the car just now had a more respectful attitude, but his voice was extremely cold: "Miss Ye, please get in the car..."

Chu Yang sneered, and looked at the man in black: "It seems like an old acquaintance? I don't know which friend it is? If I don't explain my identity, I won't be able to obediently get in the car."

"Besides, this is a very civilized city. You can't use your shady methods easily. If you deny it, don't accidentally step on a hole dug by someone else and jump down..." She raised her eyebrows, her tone Full of sarcasm.

Sitting in the car, the Chinese businessman had already been irritated by Chu Yang's yin and yang tone.

He just kept in mind Yun Ya's entrustment before leaving, and he should not act too hastily, let alone act recklessly.

So he sat there and endured it, even if he didn't come out and didn't speak.

Chu Yang sneered inwardly, Hua Shangguan would put on a show, did he think she would be so stupid as to get in a stranger's car?
"Since you don't make a sound and don't let me know who it is, then you can't blame me for being rude." She smiled softly, turned her body half a circle, and kicked the man in black standing on her left.

The man in black was startled, he never expected that she would attack suddenly.

In a daze, Chu Yang's kick had already kicked him in the chest properly, causing him to stagger back a few steps.

Chu Yang looked at the gap, pursed his lips and smiled, and quickly broke out.

It's just that before he took the third step, the door of the business car behind him opened, and the Chinese businessman got out of the car with a gloomy face.

"Ye Chuyang, I've been following you for so long, do you think I'll return empty-handed? You can't escape..."

(End of this chapter)

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