Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 649 What a fickle man

Chapter 649 What a fickle man

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Min is really a good trick.

What a pre-emptive strike, now the old man firmly insists that this child is his flesh and blood, and insists on letting Xiao Min's mother and son live in Gu's house.

The old man was still thinking about his grandson like crazy, Gu Yuan felt sorry for him, and walked out full of anger.

But he didn't want to, walked to the corner and accidentally bumped into a woman.

Gu Yuan had something hidden in his heart, and was angered by Xiao Min, so he had no time to look at who this woman was, apologized repeatedly, helped her up, turned around and left.

Lan Yingying rubbed her aching arm, staring at the man who was far away from her with tears in her eyes, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she smiled mockingly.

"Even if we met face to face, you don't remember me, do you? He is really a ruthless man..."

The man she has loved for so long has never had her in his heart. With such a desperate love, she has lost her dignity and heart. It is time for her to regain her pride and choose to gradually forget him.

She suppressed the soreness in her heart, straightened her back, turned around slowly, and walked in the opposite direction to Gu Yuan.


When Hua Jin woke up with pain all over his body, he saw Meng Xing's extremely haggard and lonely face.

At that moment, Hua Jin was in a daze, as if the person in front of him was really Mo Han.

But Mo Han, he never cared about her, let alone stare at her with such caring eyes.

Thinking of Meng Xing's terrifying and cold side before she fell into a coma, Hua Jin's body trembled uncontrollably, her originally pale cheeks became even paler, she dared not look at Meng Xing, and her hand hidden under the quilt gradually clenched into fists.

At this moment, Meng Xing was full of guilt towards Hua Jin, and thinking of what happened to her father, he couldn't help feeling even more guilty.

He already liked her, but he hit her hard before, now he can only try his best to make Hua Jin happy, so that she can forgive him and restore her previous state.

To be honest, the previous few days were also his happiest.

He has the wealth and the supreme right, and he has the ability to support her to enjoy the prosperity of the world.

This kind of vanity gave him satisfaction that he had never had before.

Everyone bows to him, everyone revolves around him, and he is the only one who obeys.

Even when she snuggled up beside him, she put away her spikes and got along with him obediently.

So, Meng Xing quickly regained his thoughts, leaned closer to Hua Jin, took a wet towel, and gently wiped her face.

"Hua Jin, it's all my fault. I was also short-tempered at the time, and my mind went blank. I didn't know what I did at that time. Don't be angry with me. As long as you are not angry, what do you want me to do? Everything is fine..."

Hua Jin dodged his touch in fear, and moved to the side, but he didn't want to feel pain everywhere in his body following this movement.

She gasped, and the painful tears fell down uncontrollably.

She had never been insulted like this since she was a child, how dare Meng Xing, how dare he treat her like this?
It's just a counterfeit product pretending to be Mo Han, is he worthy of everything he has today?

Even though she hated Meng Xing so much in her heart, Hua Jin would not be foolish to provoke Meng Xing again, and she would be quick to talk, but she was the one who was unlucky. Wasn't the lesson learned enough this time?
Hua Jin secretly gritted her teeth, she thought, she hated Meng Xing, she wished that this stinky man would die.

(End of this chapter)

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