Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 658 Are there any good seedlings

Chapter 658 Are there any good seedlings

"It's also because of this movie that our company jumped directly into the top ten entertainment brokerage companies in Liangcheng."

Chu Yang smiled wryly, thinking that there were some new faces in the company she just saw, and the men were handsome and the women were beautiful, so she also knew that these people should be newly signed artists.

"Kami, those new faces are newly signed artists, are there any good seedlings that the company intends to support with all their strength?"

Ke Mi looked at Chu Yang with some surprise, and asked in a low voice: "You have never only asked these newcomers, but now you have completely fooled me by asking."

Isn't that right? In the past, Chuyang didn't care who the company signed.

But now, she has a plan in her heart to take Fengying away, so she has to find one or two available people to pave the way for her future.

Since her current foundation is still too shallow, she must take on several hit dramas to consolidate her position in the entertainment industry and even in the company, but this does not prevent her from being able to buy people's hearts at the same time.

Chu Yang patted Ke Mi on the shoulder, and faced her confused eyes, she didn't explain much: "Now that I am a little famous, I want to support the newcomers, after all, I also came from the newcomers. It's not easy in the entertainment industry, so please help if you can. You are usually fine, help me observe more, and when the time is right in the future, I will tell you the reason."

Kemi has always believed in Chuyang, so she immediately nodded in response: "Okay, I will pay attention, who made you unique in my heart."

That night, Chu Yang went back to Ling's house.

The old lady hugged her and said nothing for a long time, but she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

When Ling Yi came back from Beicheng, he told the old lady the truth.

The old lady was so happy that she couldn't help but want to go to Beicheng several times to bring her daughter home in person.

But Ling Yi advised the old man that now is not the time, and if the time is not right, something bad might happen.

So the old lady endured the pain of missing her daughter, suffering and waiting.

For more than a month, every minute and every second has been like a year to her.

When the old lady saw Chu Yang, the pain in her heart finally had an outlet to vent.

The old man held Chuyang's hand, complaining with tears and snot.

"Gege, old lady, I have lived for such a long time, and I have no hope. All these years, I still refuse to close my eyes, in order to hope that one day, I can find you and your mother back How many years have I been looking forward to, how many dreams like this I have had, and now, I really didn't expect it, but I am looking forward to it."

Chu Yang watched her grandmother cry sadly, but she still knew that they were tears of joy.

Even if she was happy, she was afraid that the old man would cry and hurt her body, so she hugged the old man's arm and comforted him softly: "Grandma, don't be sad, my mother is doing well, and she hasn't changed at all. If you It will be a pleasure to see her."

"Don't worry, it won't be long before I will bring her back in good condition, and I will never let her suffer again, and I will never let your old man endure the pain of being separated."

Tears of excitement shone from the bottom of the old man's eyes, and he hugged Chuyang.

Chu Yang comforted the old man softly for a long time, and finally coaxed the old man well.

Then, he distributed the gifts brought back from abroad to everyone in the Ling family one by one.

The whole family went to the dining table happily, and the atmosphere was indescribably warm and happy.

Tonight, no one said a word about the scandal between Mo Han and Hua Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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