Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 663 You Don't Come To Me To Show Off

Chapter 663 You Don't Come To Me To Show Off
Chu Yang pursed her lips and said with a slight smile, "Go, you don't have to worry about me, I will take care of myself."

Mo Han pinched her cheek reluctantly, then leaned over and kissed her lips.

The two of them stayed together for a long time before they parted reluctantly.

Mo Han looked at Chu Yang whose cheeks were flushed, and the tenderness in his heart flooded like a puddle of water.

"Be good, I'm leaving." Then he hugged her tightly again, turned and left without any hesitation.

Chuyang watched Mo Han go out, his figure gradually disappeared from her sight.

Her hands, hanging under the hem of her clothes, were tightly clenched into fists.

Afterwards, she closed her eyes and fell silent for a while, pulled the quilt and turned on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, it was dusk.

She had just finished washing when grandma asked a servant to bring her dinner.

Just after dinner, at this moment, the phone rang.

She turned on the phone, and when she saw the name Hua Jin, her eyes flashed, she was a little surprised, this woman will come to her?
Could it be that now that she and Meng Xing have made their relationship public, so she came here to look for existence and play prestige?

Chu Yang answered the phone decisively without any hesitation.

She remained silent for a few seconds.

Hua Jin was always the most restless one, mocking Chu Yang on the other end of the phone: "Why did you go back to China yesterday, and you didn't come to such a big celebration dinner in "Splendid Years" today?" Stand up? Are you afraid and want to avoid me? Although you became the number one female lead in this movie, I was still the biggest winner in the end because I won Mo Han, and you, besides gaining popularity, won Nominated for a Golden Film Award, but you can't even keep your own man."

Chu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, yo, you guessed right, this woman is really here to show off her might.

He knew clearly that Mo Han Hua Jin was talking about was Meng Xing pretending to be, but Chu Yang couldn't see through it yet, so he had to pretend to be angry and choke with Hua Jin.

Only in this way can the doubts of their group be dispelled.

"I signed the divorce agreement a long time ago, and I have nothing to do with him. Now, Mo Hanai is with whoever he is with, and I don't care. You don't come to me to show off, I, Ye Chu Yang feels sick..." Chu Yang deliberately lowered his voice, and said with a trace of anger.

Hua Jin giggled when he heard Chu Yang's angry voice.

"Hehe... Disgusting? Ye Chuyang, do you know how long I have been looking forward to this day? I have loved Mo Han for so many years, and he is finally willing to love me back. Aren't you sad, sad, jealous and angry? ?”

Hua Jin's voice was indescribably proud, but in Chuyang's eyes, Hua Jin was just a fool, an idiot.

Her own father was arrested, she didn't care about her own rescue, and now she has the time to call her to provoke trouble?

Chu Yang's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that this matter was not easy.

Hua Jin would not call at this time for no reason to deliberately mock her, or even provoke her.

This time period, nothing is right.

Chuyang was silent and didn't say anything.

Hua Jin thought that Chuyang was angry, so her arrogance became even more arrogant.

"Ye Chuyang, tonight's celebration banquet is really boring without you. If you are not a coward, you must come back to the banquet, right? I am waiting for you here, see you there... "

(End of this chapter)

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