Chapter 678
But Meng Xing would not have imagined that the serial consequences of this man in black would be beyond his imagination.

Immediately, he asked the policeman to take the man in black away, not to let them block his way.

Seeing that Meng Xing was relieved, the policemen still had some doubts about Chuyang's strange behavior, but they didn't dare to offend the Buddha again, so the policemen took the man in black away and retreated.

But before he left, he took advantage of Meng Xing's inattention and secretly slipped a ball of paper to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang hurriedly hid the ball of paper, until those people disappeared, she relaxed her nervousness, and looked sideways at Meng Xing.

I saw Meng Xing staring in the direction of those police cars with a disturbed expression on his face.

Chu Yang calmed down a little, tried his best to calm himself, and secretly unfolded the ball of paper under Meng Xing's nose.

A line of small words jumped into her eyes: both the driver in the car and the man in black are available.

In Chuyang's heart, there was a huge wave, and he looked carefully at the last signature on the note, a single ink word, which answered all her doubts.

Is this what the policeman Mo Hantuo secretly stuffed into her just now?
In fact, long before she entered the hotel, she received information about the man in black in the message Mo Han sent her.

Mo Han paid attention to everything, and sent Chu Yang his plan to know.

Mo Han's original plan was to let Chu Yang intentionally provoke Hua Jin and Meng Xing, causing them to be in a mess, and then take advantage of their uneasiness, and then let the police station come to the dinner party to arrest the man in black.

In order not to affect the original plan, Meng Xing will definitely not obstruct more and let the police take away the man in black.

As long as the man in black is arrested and brought to justice, Yun Lingguang's shady activities will be torn open.

Once they continue to dig deeper, they will definitely find out more horrifying truths.

However, during this process, Chu Yang deliberately went to the side hall to give Meng Xing and others an opportunity, so she followed her plan and was successfully captured by Meng Xing.

Chu Yang did this to prevent the police from arresting people around Mo Han in front of the media reporters.

She was worried that this would affect Mo Han. Once the police found out something, they would only think of Mo Han, and then blame Mo Han for all their faults.

This is not what Chu Yang wants to see, so she let Meng Xing succeed in advance, let them leave the banquet earlier, so as to avoid the public's sight, on this sparsely populated road, the police took away the people around Mo Han, so that The news will not be spread, let alone affect Mo Han's reputation.

In order to preserve Mo Han's reputation and reduce the impact of this matter on the Mo Group, she made her own proposal without discussing it with Mo Han.

Of course, the most important thing is that she wants to risk herself and touch their conspiracy directly, so as to bring down Yun Ya and the others in one blow and uproot them.

But she didn't expect that Mo Han knew her thoughts so quickly, and paved a way for her in advance without danger.

But Chu Yang also understood that this trip to the hospital was a complete waste.

It was impossible for Mo Han to let her take risks and fall into Yun Ya's hands.


Meng Xing watched several police cars drive away, and then their car restarted.

Meng Xing wasn't worried about the man in black who was taken away.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly, then glanced at Chu Yang.

"Be honest, otherwise I really want to end your life with one shot."

(End of this chapter)

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