Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 685 Mr. Yun Please Calm Your Anger

Chapter 685 Mr. Yun Please Calm Your Anger

The blood surged down, covering Meng Xing's face, and his eyesight was blocked by the blood. He was terrified, like a cornered beast, roaring in panic, and then retreated desperately.

He has long understood Yun Lingguang's method, and now he has lost the value of using it, and the road ahead of him is a dead end.

No, he can't die yet, can't die.

When you die, there is nothing left.

Meng Xing suddenly knelt on the ground, knocking his head hard on the ground.

"Mr. Yun, please calm down. Don't kill me. As long as you spare my life, I will never hesitate to do whatever you ask me to do."

Yun Lingguang narrowed his eyes slightly, looking coldly at Meng Xing who had already been stained red with blood, the blood on his forehead was still dripping down, the blood stained the white floor, and the smell of blood swarmed around his nostrils.

Look at this man who obviously looks the same as Mo Han, but he is not one ten thousandth of Mo Han's.

How can there be such a big gap between people?

"Idiot, you can't deal with mere Ye Chuyang?" Yun Lingguang was extremely annoyed, as if he didn't care about Meng Xing's injury, he raised his foot and kicked Meng Xing fiercely.

Meng Xing's body was kicked to the ground, and he didn't dare to yell out the pain. He just felt that blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, and his vision gradually became blurred.

However, the surviving rationality made him recover a bit of sobriety, and Yun Lingguang's questioning made him feel that he had grasped a glimmer of life.

Regardless of the blood all over his body and the blood that was flowing continuously on his arms, he crawled up to Yun Lingguang on his knees, and tightly grasped his trousers with his palms.

"'s Mo's him, he's not dead, he's not dead..." Meng Xing's teeth were chattering wildly, obviously frightened, but he still bit his tongue and said these words .

Yun Lingguang's expression froze, he squatted down suddenly, pinched Meng Xing's jaw with his icy palm, and asked word by word: "What did you say? Say it again..."

Meng Xing trembled and repeated intermittently: "Mo Han, he's not dead, he's still alive. I saw him with my own eyes, I saw him."

Yun Lingguang's face changed, and he suddenly let go of Meng Xing, then stood up, and rushed out the door.

As he stepped out of the room, he ordered the man in black.

"Go and check for me, find out where Mo Han is?"

The man in black responded immediately, and immediately ordered other people to scour for news.

Yun Lingguang walked a few steps, then stopped suddenly, then turned around slowly, looking at the room where Meng Xing was.

Then some subordinates ran in from the outside, and reported in detail about the man in black who was captured by the police.

After Yun Lingguang heard the report, his whole body was like Shura hiding in the darkness, with a chilling and cold aura exuding from his whole body.

The bottom of his eyes burst out with a bloody light, he narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled coldly: "It's really stupid, they were almost caught by them, this Meng Xing is really more than successful than failure."

A murderous look flashed across his face, and he stared at the direction of Meng Xing's room. People who are not worth using can only die.

He ordered again in a low voice: "Cut off Meng Xing's tongue, poke his eyes blind, and throw him to Cangshan Mountain."

Yun Lingguang's voice was not low, these words just fell into Meng Xing's ears.

Meng Xing's pupils shrank slightly, his face terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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