Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 695 Chapter 705-706 Who is My Brother Hiding

Chapter 695 Chapter 705-706 Who is My Brother Hiding
He took out a cigarette, took the lighter and lit it.

For Yun Ya, Qiu Heng is a demon in her heart that she cannot avoid or escape from. As long as Qiu Heng appears in front of her, Mo Han believes that he can easily and effortlessly strengthen the hard shell that Yun Ya has built up for him. The break destroys.

In the previous life, they were able to plot a plot against Chu Yang, so in this life, he will let these people watch and see how he pushes them into hell one by one.

After one cigarette was burned out, he stubbed out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, then slowly turned and walked into the bedroom, looked up at Chu Yang who was still sleeping, his cold eyebrows softened a little.

Forcing himself to look away, he walked into the bathroom to freshen up.

Ten minutes later, when he finished washing and changed his clothes, she was still asleep.

After quietly staring at her for a while, the phone in his pocket vibrated again.

If Meng Xing hadn't impersonated him and left him an inexplicable mess, he really didn't want to leave Chuyang.

He hasn't left yet, and he's starting to miss her.

Ignoring the vibration of the phone, he still couldn't help but lean over.

With a low laugh, he stretched out his hand to pinch her nose, and said with a sneer, "I really want to put you in my pocket and take you away..."

Chu Yang stretched out his hand and unconsciously pushed Mo Han, and murmured in a low voice, "Hurry up, I don't want to talk to you..."

Mo Han's eyebrows lit up, she is awake, right?

"There are still a few days before the start of "Blue Sakura". You should rest at home these few days. I will go to the company to deal with some things first. I will cook for you when I come back at noon..."

Chu Yang lay in his arms all sore and limp, closing his eyes and angrily ignoring him.

Mo Han pinched her nose and laughed: "Okay, I was wrong, next time I must be gentle..."

Chu Yang felt that his head was going to explode, so he clenched his fists and hit him several times.

He smirked, grabbing her hand.

Then, he let go of Chuyang and slowly got up.

He changed into a suit again, and then put on his shoes. Chu Yang squinted at him, but after a while, he returned to his well-dressed manner.

Chuyang was so angry that his teeth itched, and it was too much to continue ignoring him.

Mo Han sensed her cold gaze, and gave a few helpless apology, gave Chu Yang a last look, and whispered: "Be good and wait for me at home, don't run around."

Chu Yang nestled under the quilt and didn't bother to talk to him, she was angry now.

Mo Han didn't hear the response, he touched his nose guilty, laughed a few times in embarrassment, and coughed a few times in embarrassment, seeing that Chu Yang still ignored him, he left with a worried heart.

As he walked out, he thought to himself, what can I do to calm her anger?


After Mo Han left, Chu Yang was so angry that he didn't want to move, closed his eyes, and fell asleep again unconsciously.

Opening his eyes again, he was awakened by the noise downstairs.

She slowly opened her eyes, lifted the quilt and sat up.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he wore a loose and casual long T-shirt, and pulled his long hair into a small ball behind his head.

Yawning, she opened the door and went downstairs.

Before she could go down the stairs, she was the first to hear a woman's soaring voice in the living room.

"Why can't I go upstairs? My third brother's house, why can't I go in? Get the hell out..."

"Miss Mo, sir has ordered no one to go upstairs, so don't make things difficult for us." The servant bit the bullet and stopped the woman in front, preventing the woman from going upstairs.

"What are you, you dare to stop me?" Mo Youyou pushed the servant directly to the ground with a push.

The other servants hurried forward to support the servant who was pushed down. They formed a group and looked at Mo Youyou timidly. No one dared to step forward to stop her.

"I want to go upstairs to see who my brother is hiding, trying so hard to keep me from seeing..." Mo You shook his head, looked at them contemptuously, and sneered as he stepped up the stairs .

Standing at the stairs, Chu Yang gently looked at Mo Youyou.

A few days later, seeing Mo Youyou again today, she found that the little girl's arrogance was still so full of arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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