Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 697 Loosen My Clothes

Chapter 697 Loosen My Clothes
Chu Yang pressed his hand on the back of Mo Youyou's hand, and looked at Mo Youyou with cold eyes: "Let go..."

Mo Youyou resented Ye Chuyang's shamelessness, thinking that her brother who had always kept himself clean had actually slept with Ye Chuyang, her anger could not be suppressed completely.

She didn't like Ye Chuyang's sister-in-law at all, so she couldn't stand the marks left by her brother on Ye Chuyang.

In her subconscious mind, she thought that all of this was done by Ye Chuyang to deliberately seduce her brother, and it was Ye Chuyang who shamelessly pestered her brother, thus turning her brother into a lustful man like an ordinary man.

"Ye Chuyang, why are you so cheap? There are too many men in the world, why do you insist on pestering my brother? Why do you become his wife? You are not worthy of him at all."

Chu Yang originally didn't plan to argue with Mo Youyou, she thought, this girl is Mo Han's younger sister after all, and because she loves Wu and Wu, she doesn't plan to have any trouble with her again.

However, she planned to let Mo Youyou go, but Mo Youyou didn't plan to let her go. Those nasty words came out of his mouth without any hesitation.

This is how much disgust she has to say such ugly words.

Chu Yang snorted coldly, grabbed Mo Youyou's palm, and said in a cold voice: "Whether you are worthy of Mo Han or not is not up to you. I didn't plan to argue with you just now. It's not that I'm afraid of you, but that I'm more or less For Mo Han's sake, you are his sister after all. However, if you don't know what is good and what is bad, and continue to push forward. Then, don't blame me for being rude..."

Mo Youyou touched Chuyang's cold eyes, his body trembled slightly, and he swallowed unconsciously.

Immediately, she straightened her back, plucked up her courage, and looked at Chuyang: "Who wants you to let me go? I don't want you to be my third sister-in-law at all. Obviously, sister Yiren and my third brother are a couple, because The appearance of you, the mistress, changed my brother's heart. You are a bad woman with a deep scheming mind. Do you know that Yi Ren came to see my brother yesterday, and what my brother said broke the heart of Yi Ren's sister. She Still unconscious."

When it came to Yiren, Chuyang finally realized that this little girl was beaten into a gun and came to vent her anger on Qiuyiren's behalf. In terms of scheming, means, and winning people's hearts, she is really no match for Qiuyiren. .

Chu Yang couldn't help but sneered, and opened Mo Youyou's fingers one by one: "So you're venting your anger on behalf of Qiuyi?"

"Sister Yiren is a thousand times better than you. My third brother and sister Yiren are a match made in heaven. What are you who deserves to be with my brother?" Mo Youyou used both hands together, tightly gripping Chu Yang's body clothes.

Chuyang's clothes were pulled up and down by her, and they were all gone.

Fortunately, there are no outsiders here, otherwise she would really be ashamed to see others in such a mess.

Chu Yang was annoyed when she heard that, this girl must be pretending to be shit, she was used by others without knowing it, and helped outsiders to bully her, the genuine third sister-in-law, well, it's really good.

A trace of hostility flashed across Chu Yang's eyes. If Mo Youyou was not taught a painful lesson, she was really afraid that this girl would commit a heinous crime in the future.

It is really unfortunate for Mo Han to have such a younger sister.

"Mo Youyou, I'll say it again, loosen my clothes..." Chu Yang completely lost his patience, gritted his teeth and scolded Mo Youyou, and directly pinched Mo Youyou's wrist.

Because of the pain, Mo Youyou unconsciously loosened Chu Yang's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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