Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 701 Yi Ren, I'm Pregnant

Chapter 701 Yi Ren, I'm Pregnant
It is said that there are even some carnivorous wild animals in some places on Cangshan Mountain. Meng Xing was thrown there, and he would have been devoured by those carnivorous actions.

Even if he didn't die, escaped by chance and saved his life, but he was completely disabled.

How could Hua Jin be with such a disabled person to raise a child together?

Hua Jin choked up and cried in a low voice, with a trace of desolation in her eyes, she raised her head and laughed loudly, while laughing, she began to tear up the B-ultrasound sheet in her hand.

"Haha... It's over, it's all over together. My father won't come back, and I'm on a path of no return."

She laughed miserably until crystal tears overflowed from her eyes, and those tears were like blood dripping from her heart.

She threw those torn pieces of paper vigorously into the air, and she looked up at the falling white pieces, hysterical in despair.

"God, why did you treat me so cruelly? What did I do wrong that you treated me like this? It's not fair, you're not fair..."

Hua Jin fell to the ground, holding his knees and crying into a ball.

She sat on the cold floor and cried for a long, long time.

It's been a long time, and she doesn't know what year, month and day it is now.

When she stood up with a pair of sore legs, her eyes flickered with the tenacity of no hesitation and determination to the end.

She can't have this child, it's not what she wants at all, and Meng Xing is not the one she loves, so why should she give birth to a trash?

But the child, she couldn't just let it go, she had to think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

The outside world knew that she was dating Mo Han during this time, so once she announced her pregnancy, everyone would think that the child belonged to Mo Han.

No one knew about Meng Xing's existence, so Mo Han could only take the blame for this.

"Brother Mo, since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ruthless." She narrowed her bloodshot eyes and gritted her teeth.

Then she smiled miserably again, and a fierce light shot out from the bottom of her eyes.

Even if her biggest reliance on Chinese businessmen is gone, even if she is now reduced to a lowly person like mud, she is still Huajin, and she still has to watch her efforts to step on the road to stardom step by step.

She will not admit defeat, let alone succumb to fate, she will be desperate, give everything, and climb to the summit of light step by step.

Hua Jin fiercely wiped away the tears on his cheeks, staggered, took out the cell phone in his pocket, and dialed Qiu Yiren's phone number.

"Yi Ren, I'm pregnant."


Mo Youyou ran back to Mo's house crying, she scolded Chu Yang angrily while crying.

Calling Chuyang a vixen, he seduced her third brother, and became so fascinated that her third brother didn't even recognize her as a younger sister.

Back in the room, she was still choking.

The red eyes and face with makeup made Jiang Yu, who was arranging flowers and plants at home, a little taken aback.

Although she usually disciplines Mo Youyou harshly, she still loves her daughter.

Immediately, she dropped the scissors in her hand, came to Mo Youyou's room, and gently knocked on the door.

"Yuyou, what's wrong with you?"

Mo Youyou was in the room, heard Jiang Yu's voice, opened the door suddenly, threw herself on Jiang Yu's body and cried out.

"Mom, my brother...he is biased. I was bullied to death by Ye Chuyang, but he didn't seek justice for me. He even yelled at me and told me to get lost..." Mo Youyou sobbed and complained Mo Han's various unfair behaviors.

(End of this chapter)

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